For Anyone Who Cares...

Maybe people who have a lot of snes roms could post some speed results?

Donkey Kong Country doesn't work, the Rare sign comes on and then it freezes.

Boogerman runs at 60pfs, but boogerman himself looks like he's made of LEGO.

Mortal Kombat 1 runs at about 57fps.


Just tried Superbomberman 2, a few graphical problems, and it runs about 3/4 speed.
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Donkey Kong Country doesn't work, the Rare sign comes on and then it freezes.

I'd check your DKC rom, as I get the full intro here - no freezing. Not tried to start a game though.

I think the problem is with the version 1.1 ROM... I had the same problem with that rom, I have not tried the 1.0 rom but it stands to reason that the different versions will be why people have varied results.

Great work by the way squidge, can't wait for the next version :D

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The one I tested was 1.0... although this was with 0.01 as opposed to 0.02; 1.0 DKC worked, though - very slowly. I imagine it's better in 0.02
hhmmm, maybe release the source code? I could through in a few little extras myself. this whole "no command line parameters" thing is killing me.
I tried to run this emu but I get a black screen that flashes writing and an icon of some sort at the bottom, then returns to the main menu. It flashes so quickly I cant read it. Anyone know the prob?
Series-8: this is bits of various emus (sometimes hacked up) as well as some of my own code.

stonerdrifter: Nope, not yet. Well, actually, I think I do save the sram, but don't read it back in yet.

geniv: yup, I intend to do scaling via hardware. It will be optional for the purists out there ;)

Do you think your emu will use the second CPU for anything to speed up emulation or do sound or transparencies and such?

Do you think the possibility is there to eventually have full speed SNES (either yours or someone elses emu) with sound AND transparencies at FS 0-1 on the GP2X? Or am i just dreaming with this hardware? I figured since you have been hacking around on the GP2X for some time now you would be able to guage its ability to emulate a SNES fully.
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I tested some games but this happens. Anybody else that have the same problem?
Hasn't had any scaling done yet, hence the screen being the way it is. It's on it's way, though.
