Finding a proper name and logo :)



Flip the angle and the plane to the right and it reads pyra. Novel idea, didnt work visually.


Interesting shape. Gets better as you look at it, still needs work though


Fail britannia
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If we're trying to make a logo that spells out the name, it has to be readable.

The above ones just look like Pd - and you need to know that is says Pyra, and then look very carefully before you can see the y and r.

If we want an abstract logo (like those gamecubish ones), then there's no need to restrict ourselves to letter-like forms.
Personally I still think a pictographic logo would work best...  

While I appreciate that Ambigrams look really cool and clever,  I don't actually think they  are a good fit for what we are looking for, especially if whatever  "Pyra" logo is chosen is going to be combined with a DragonBox logo.  

I don't think abstract is a good way to go either.  

We have a name which lends itself to a graphic representation. Given that,  it seems ludicrous not to represent it graphically in the logo. 

- Neelix
I rather liked where we were before, with the cursive ambigram. Or, maybe the one with the colored circles that FZERO made. How about something like the design that WB has in his signature?

I agree, with reference to

kill it with

Edit: FaeMinx answer, the junk logo above that didnt go anywhere. Its a figure of speech.
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Awesome!!!! I'm so impressed.

That model is very good: It look like an object because of the symmetry, but that's romanian letters. And symmetry is natural because of letters. It also look like runes and we know that Pyra is named after an ancient character.

That shape is perfect, it should be improved of course, but that's really awesome. :D

The _wb_'s one is my favorite but it should be less rough, more smooth, it has to take something of Binky's one.
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Looking at it again i wonder why i didnt do this the first time.


Think its done now
It kind of looks like a broken Windows logo. While I like that symbolism, your logo is not recognizable at all as having something to do with Pyra. You can only just barely recognize letters in it. If you can only read it if you already know what it's supposed to say, it doesn't work.

Elegant, yet readable?
Sure, but the aim of the above logos was to find something that you can flip upside down and still work. Because we want to put it on the back of lid, and it would be cool if the logo there makes sense when the lid is opened and when it's closed.
Sure, but the aim of the above logos was to find something that you can flip upside down and still work. Because we want to put it on the back of lid, and it would be cool if the logo there makes sense when the lid is opened and when it's closed.
While that's a great idea, I can't imagine why that would be a positive in real world terms. simple 'normal' logo: readable half the time. Some obscure logo that works both ways: unreadable all the time  :p

Edit: On second thoughts, minus Binkys efforts from that. That one looks great.  :)
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I think its very hard to have it read like normal text, both ways, and still be aesthetically pleasing. I favour unrestricted in terms of visual nature, its very easy for the end result to look forced if one forgoes the visuals for readability.

How about something like the sun logo?


This is the logo for the Roccat Pyra (A gaming mouse)

Interesting ti note that they follow the common way of putting the Company name with its Logo, then the Pyra name which is it's Logo.

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No.   A logo must identify the product or brand it represents.  Making it look like someone else's logo defeats the purpose of the logo.

That said,  there is one aspect of that logo that I do think we should be emulating.   It consists of a logo for the brand, and stylised version of the name.     I still think we should be focusing on the DragonBox brand for the logo,  and then design the Pyra specific part to go with it.  

@EvilDragon:  We've seen a lot of concepts now,  but we still have no indication what you are looking for in a logo.   Given that the logo chosen is going to represent your business for a long time to come, I think we've reached the point where your guidance is needed.

- Neelix
What about something like this:

Hmm, ok, how do you load up an image from your PC?

Ended up loading it on flickr and linking it from there.

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The blue and red colors in the dragonbox logo look like a good colour scheme for the word 'pyra'.

Then some clean angular lines about it.