"Exciting news"

humans cant predict a date. you should know that.
When you order a team to build a house, and they say its finished in January, then go prepare to move to the new build house in april or may.

Humans just cant make a date thats 100% sure. its becouse there are always things you are not thinking of.
Desame is happening at the pandora team, if everything would go perfect(perfect does not exists in this world) Then yes, we would have the pandora in december.
second.exodous said:
lingenfr said:
Get tired of sig images slowing your browsing and crapping up the screen? If you use Firefox, try Adblock Plus.

Adblock Plus is also handy for blocking offensive avatars, which is what I'm going to do to yours. Your avatar will not help the Pandora to be released any faster.

But honestly, if you want weekly updates don't ask the board for them ask the Pandora team through an e-mail. Asking here is a crappy thing to do, it's like pointing out someones faults in a group of people instead of talking to them alone.
You really need to lighten up. My avatar was not a dig at the devs or the Pandora. It was an allusion to A2's observation that folks expect the devs to pull a P out of their arse. Chip, at least, read my suggestion on the other board and apparently didn't agree that it was necessary. I don't see the need to email them directly. But, thank goodness we have you to be the arbiter of reasonable behavior. Just so it doesn't cause you any further anguish, I dropped my avatar and updated my sig. If the new one offends you, let me know and I will contact the Dali Lama and see if I can find something less offensive. Have a *great* weekend.
Actually the last few updates on the blog have been almost weekly, and for the most part telling us exactly what's been done and currently has to be done. In almost every case the things that are still undone require waiting for other companies to complete the tasks given to them. Molds for parts, shipping other parts, mechanical testing.... manufacturing is pretty much the only physical thing left to be done by the team once the other companies deliver.

Well there is the actual programing of the OS, but the thing is these are all the things you;re asking them to tell you and they already have told us.
ED's Easter update was good. Don't know why something shorter but similar can't be done weekly. A short paragraph posted on the official blog, not buried within the forums or having to be pieced together. As the other poster said, this won't be fixed, so please let it go.
If something important were done in the past week we'd have heard about it I think. I mean what else is it that people want to hear?

"April 20... had a burger, it had cheese on it, checked the mail, no new parts arrived..."

"April 27... I used the calculator today, it works, still waiting for shoulder buttons..."

You know how mad that would drive people?
lingenfr said:
second.exodous said:
lingenfr said:
Get tired of sig images slowing your browsing and crapping up the screen? If you use Firefox, try Adblock Plus.

Adblock Plus is also handy for blocking offensive avatars, which is what I'm going to do to yours. Your avatar will not help the Pandora to be released any faster.

But honestly, if you want weekly updates don't ask the board for them ask the Pandora team through an e-mail. Asking here is a crappy thing to do, it's like pointing out someones faults in a group of people instead of talking to them alone.
You really need to lighten up. My avatar was not a dig at the devs or the Pandora. It was an allusion to A2's observation that folks expect the devs to pull a P out of their arse. Chip, at least, read my suggestion on the other board and apparently didn't agree that it was necessary. I don't see the need to email them directly. But, thank goodness we have you to be the arbiter of reasonable behavior. Just so it doesn't cause you any further anguish, I dropped my avatar and updated my sig. If the new one offends you, let me know and I will contact the Dali Lama and see if I can find something less offensive. Have a *great* weekend.

I'm really sorry lingenfr, lately I've been offending people it seems. Now that I read what I wrote quoted it somehow seems more harsh. I did this on Retro Junk recently also and needed to apologize. You can write whatever you want, I wasn't trying to censor you, just stating what I would have thought if you were talking about me.

And about the Avatar, I pretty much consider myself a prude when it comes to Avatars, not just offensive ones but one's that are annoying in animation or highly distracting, it's basically where I use Adblock the most besides what the list that I use blocks already. I actually liked your signature when it was about Firefox and Adblock.

Sorry again.

Totally off topic but are you ever going to change those VGchartz sig images? as I understand it those numbers are like a year out of date. I mean we all know the 360 has done poorly in japan but it has actually (suprisingly) managed over a million units at this point.
Alpha2 said:
If something important were done in the past week we'd have heard about it I think. I mean what else is it that people want to hear?

"April 20... had a burger, it had cheese on it, checked the mail, no new parts arrived..."

"April 27... I used the calculator today, it works, still waiting for shoulder buttons..."

You know how mad that would drive people?
Got it. Dropping the issue. Let's move on.
I think the delays are stupid, but what are you going to do? the billiards balls are already set in motion, just should have made a better opening shot...

kuru said:
Another one of those posts.

Well, if you don't like it, get your refund. There's no point in your post. If your friends
are so geeky and smart, do what they say and stop being an individual thinking for yourself.

Stop moaning and stop making it harder for the strong-willed people who really want this
dream, this global meme, this awesome piece of tech to come alive.

*maniacal laughter, lightning*
You're so hardcore, if only I was like you (goddamn, no :rolleyes: smiley? go back online already, gp32x!)

verm71 said:
Xian Long said:
the project requires a lot faith.
This may help: http://www.bibletime.info/software_installation.html
open source hatred. they must be working in conjunction with FSF.

Large hadron collider ...... designed and built by the smartest men on the planet for a mere 4.4billion

running late and broke down (explosion actualy) first time they ran it.....

if 4.4billion can`t get a project done on time with no problems, then why do you think a group of hobbiests building something Apple or Nokia never managed to tackle, on a shoestring, with part time help from all over the planet, should do better?

(remembering the LHC is actualy just a bigger version of existing accelerators and built with known technology)
Wasnt the whole point of the LHC to actually explode things? If it happened on the firrst day then technically wouldnt it be working as expected?
hobbyman III said:

Large hadron collider ...... designed and built by the smartest men on the planet for a mere 4.4billion

running late and broke down (explosion actualy) first time they ran it.....

if 4.4billion can`t get a project done on time with no problems, then why do you think a group of hobbiests building something Apple or Nokia never managed to tackle, on a shoestring, with part time help from all over the planet, should do better?

(remembering the LHC is actualy just a bigger version of existing accelerators and built with known technology)

I agree with PoisonedV here. Awful analogy. You obviously don't know much about particle colliders. Even though the technology exists and they're only making it larger, with a particle collider, that's not such an easy task. These things involve accellerating atomic and subatomic particles to incredible speeds, then having them smash together inside of a lot of complex machinery that records the emissions of the resulting "explosion". There are TONS of complex parts in a collider, and making one larger just increases the chance of failure somewhere along the line. Remember that they're spending more money, but each part costs more, and there are many more parts than in the Pandora. You might want to think more about these things before making a dumb analogy that doesn't even work.
I think what he is trying to get at is that they have had a lot of money thrown at it(though ours is as minimal as it can be), and it still cannot get it done on time
so in a layout sense
lots of money -> didn't get it done on time
not so much money -> didn't get it done on time
Though money does help, obviously for such a large project(the LHC), it doesn't make a firm foundation of which it can be accomplished in time.

Bad though, and not deep/revealing enough.
The money is irrelevant though. Building a particle collider (especially one the size of the LHC) costs billions. It's not like they've got extra money to just speed up the development. OP is spending the money they need to for development to continue and the device to be shipped - the people behind the LHC are spending the money they need to buy the parts, construct the collider, pay the engineers, etc. The fact that they've got so much more money just comes from the exponentially higher cost.
I think the point is if even the biggest project in the world can't hit it's shedual targets then it's not likely a smaller one will have much luck even under the best of circumstances regardless of money.

whatever, none of this matters. the thing isnt done yet and it' not really their fault at this point, right now it's simply a waiting game for all the parts to come in and all the tiny documents the be signed and the details to get ironed out.
I think the point is if even the biggest project in the world can't hit it's shedual targets then it's not likely a smaller one will have much luck even under the best of circumstances regardless of money.

Problem with this line of thinking (to beat this dead horse even more thoroughly) is that the logic is inverted. No matter if you're talking construction, writing, software, whatever--large projects are by their nature harder to finish on time and under budget (read any book on software project management, for example). This seems to be true almost regardless of resources--in fact, a larger team often increases the time it takes to do something.

A better analogy would be to find a simpler and smaller device that had trouble and say "if they couldn't do it, why would you expect the OpenPandora folks to?"

Either way, they should be pretty proud of what they've done, particularly as a small team. I sure wish I had mine by now, but that it's even happening at all is quite cool.