Exam Results This Week...

spray posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:51 PM said:
Rico posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:49 PM said:
Dozer posted on Aug 18 2004 at 05:22 PM said:
Absolutely brickin it. I get my wires off at 11, same time as you can start to collect results so I can finally open my mouth for the first time in 6 weeks.
WHAAAAAT!? I thought you could arrive as early as 9. Shit.
its the schools perogative, mine opens at ten, if theres any good courses on clearing though, i'm going to start hammering on the door earlier.

stay cool rico.
god speed man, god speed

i will be casually arriving at 2pm
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spray posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:51 PM said:
Rico posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:49 PM said:
Dozer posted on Aug 18 2004 at 05:22 PM said:
Absolutely brickin it. I get my wires off at 11, same time as you can start to collect results so I can finally open my mouth for the first time in 6 weeks.
WHAAAAAT!? I thought you could arrive as early as 9. Shit.
its the schools perogative, mine opens at ten, if theres any good courses on clearing though, i'm going to start hammering on the door earlier.

stay cool rico.
My school opend at 10 and closed at 2 on results day. I went in at 1:30 with friends.

We didnt get caught up in the 'Fest' that way. We got to find out everything at 'The Prom'...uh...I mean 'Leavers do'.
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Meh, they made the maths A-levels harder. Especially further maths which is obviously much harder than RE or something. In University terms, all A-levels are ranked identically :(

And I will have to check what time the school opens... bah. Apparently it's "definitely open at ten" (friend) but I will be there at nine, so that means possible waiting in agony and arousal. Or just agony. Thank goodness for the UCAS midnight thing.
I'll be arriving around 12.30-1. Then spend 20 mins cleaning my soiled boxers before collecting results. I'll most likely go to wetherspoons, neck a few shots with some mates and open results.

Then I'll phone my rents and break the bad news to them and get so trollied that it doesn't matter about results :).
I don't have any plans to get drunk, having not to spoke to anyone at my school for the last couple of weeks. Most of them just stopped going online. That, and I have to work immediately after the results :/ That's the only reason I need to be there early.
Rico posted on Aug 18 2004 at 05:00 PM said:
Meh, they made the maths A-levels harder. Especially further maths which is obviously much harder than RE or something. In University terms, all A-levels are ranked identically :(

And I will have to check what time the school opens... bah. Apparently it's "definitely open at ten" (friend) but I will be there at nine, so that means possible waiting in agony and arousal. Or just agony. Thank goodness for the UCAS midnight thing.
yeah, but a lot of courses (nearly every single one of the ones im looking at) say u need a maths A-level

shame i'm doing stats and I need Mech or Physics to do engineering DAMNIT
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I got 887 on my KS3s (7 in eng) all went downhill from there , did shite in GCSEs
I got 1 good result (A*) in History but that was Piss.
spray posted on Aug 16 2004 at 01:16 PM said:
are you guys all getting AS or A2?

A2 for me this year, i'm predicted AAB for politics, theatre studies and history

i'm not too worried at the moment though, i rejected my offered places to study law as i woke up one morning and thought "fuck that". i'm now either going to try and get into southampton, exeter or bristol through clearing, or take a year out.
Fuck those three...come to Bournemouth!!!
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Gah I'm scared shitless now. Watching the clock until midnight...just in case though, anyone ever had to 'negotiate' for a place after not getting the required results? How hard is it? Do you just say 'well I got these grades' and they say 'okay, you can/can't have a place' or do you need to provide any other info (or actually sell yourself)? I'm predicting the former, but you know how paranoia gets you.
Okay I'm fucking scared and this is only AS, I can't imagine how you A2 people feel.

BTW, never tell you're rents you've tried your best cuz if you fail you just look stupid.
Yeah, you can retake or just do better next year. For me, however, my entire future depends on these grades. Actually that's bullshit. But it's fairly important regardless. ETA 35 minutes, anyway. Quaking inside, stomach ill I mean. Mentally I still seem to be sound.

For the record I didn't give a shit about my GCSE grades (I needed 6 Bs) or AS (I just didn't think about it much). Both I underestimated, thought I would do shit and did well. Now I'm thinking, well this time I'm worrying about it - wouldn't it be sweet irony if I did badly this time. But I should stop worrying now. Damn, where's the alcohol when you need it.
rico, just sell yourself man, they're going to be getting loads of calls that day, if you can appear a little different, you're far more likely to get in.

ok, two minutes to go, good luck guys...
Rico posted on Aug 18 2004 at 11:24 PM said:
For the record I didn't give a shit about my GCSE grades (I needed 6 Bs) or AS (I just didn't think about it much). Both I underestimated, thought I would do shit and did well. Now I'm thinking, well this time I'm worrying about it - wouldn't it be sweet irony if I did badly this time.
I've been thinking that. I've always done quite well really, and now I'm less than confident. Be sure to let us all know if you're in asap.
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Those motherfuckers took the track service down! Back up this afternoon!

spray: damn, I assumed it would be a straight up matter of 'we have this many places, and this many applicants'. On the other hand, I need AAB. I'll probably get ABBB. That SHOULD get me through, as two Bs is technically better than an A. But we shall see :/
yeah, the unis are apparently pretty good about it

that track thing sucks, lets see whats available for politics...

fuck this for a laugh

well, i've discovered that at present bristol has nothing available in the politics area, bit of a downer, all depends on results though.

now the entire system has crawled to a standstill, looks like i'll be relying on the independent tomorrow then
nah, that'd be intelligent or some such.

hmmm, now to wait it out and confirm that theres no chance i'm getting anywhere decent with clearing or lye awake in bed gently soiling myself waiting for the hell that is tomorrow.



Dude, relax. 50% of the job is networking and contacts. If you get on well with the interviewer you get the job. If you know, or your friend knows, or whatever, some guy at a business you can get a job there. I was offered a £40k job that way which I declined to go to Uni, but will probably take if I don't get into Bath.

The major problem with this approach to getting a job is that you need to have reasonable self-confidence. I'm somewhat lacking in being nice and friendly to most people, especially people I am meeting for the first time. Still, those skills are buildable. A job in retail helped a lot.

I know you can assume the worst and never be disappointed but you will feel like shit until you get the results. Then if they're bad you'll wallow in self-pity: you were right all along, you correctly predicted how much you 'suck'. Remember academics aren't everything.

That said, the mere act of getting into University is impressive, no matter what one it is. So please don't keep casting the unis as bottom of the barrel; crap. A degree is still going to make a favourable impression on the interviewer. You'll still have a fun University experience. Seriously, unless you're going to Cambridge or Oxford nobody gives a foobar what uni you went to. Even that advantage is fading. As for course, you probably won't get a job in that field anyways.

A degree is more a mark of your ability to learn and apply knowledge and survive living on your own and all that jazz. Most people I know aren't doing a job in their degree subject, just ask Axeman ;)