Ask FaeMinx Questions.

As stated in his thread, I have no problem at all understanding FaeMinxs perspective because my view regarding time and space seems to be nearly similar,

but I would love to see this thread revived instead of shattering it over some places, it was a good read.

BTW: This one was great too]
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no offence: do you, or did you, consume drugs or any kind of medication?

whats negative low vibration? why/how would some space time compartment/plane of existance that actually is equally part of everything and/or nothing be immune to anything in particular if it is by definition bound to the same rules and laws as anything else?

is negative or positive an interpretation on your side or is it measured on some kind of scale/coordinate system?
That nasty piece of work I mentioned earlier introduced me to numerous psychedelics, and while it opened my eyes and mind it also really messed me up for a loooong time.

I don't touch anything now, except the occasional tea or coffee.

During some of the worst times I was prescribed antidepressants, but I took myself off of those and am extremely distrustful of any 'prescribed' medications for emotional or psychological issues.

A low vibration is of course relative to your point of conscious awareness... and the level you currently vibrate at.

To a person who constantly vibrates the energy of fear and hopeless despondency... to them the vibration of anger is a higher frequency and would be a step up in their development to start getting angry more often.

To me a low vibration would be any energy that keeps you enslaved to the ego, and thus locked within the 3rd and 4th dimensions of awareness.


Self importance




The desire to dominate or control or have power over others


Pride in the sense of regarding oneself as better than or more worthy

The sense of entitlement

Self loathing



Making yourself more by making others less

Deriving pleasure from the suffering of others



The addiction to cleverness

Any addiction






Violence and forceful destruction

Consuming in order to sustain oneself


Twisting the truth

Hiding the truth


Encouraging mediocrity

Failing to take responsibility


Etc etc etc...

That place is immune because it is a certain vibrational frequency... of the same no-thing-ness that all existence is comprised of. Humans operate within a certain range of frequencies, humans that operate consistently within the higher bands are literally untouchable or invisible/unrecognized by humans that consistently operate in the lower bands. There is a saying - there is no enemy without if there is no enemy within.

The place I am talking about, if you vibrated on that plane of being.... you wouldn't perceive any wrongness. You would travel unhindered through all supposed 'lower' dimensions because those dimensions would not be separate or removed from you, but you would be completely immune to the 'gravity' of those dimensions because you would be too light to carry any weight. Only those who resonated at your frequency would be able to perceive and interact with you. This is one of the reasons so many of us decided to project our consciousness into a physical incarnation *lowering our frequency in the process* so we could have a direct hands-on approach to influencing consciousness in this dimension of being.
Sorry about all the derailment... any mods reading this may I please ask if you could merge all the relevant 'ask FaeMinx questions' posts into my original thread?



And feel free to delete this post. :)
All good believe whatever you want to believe.

As long as it makes you happy and doesn't interfere/affect other peoples happiness who cares? :P
Ok, well the first video youtube seems to have blocked from viewing in my country.

I loaded the second and saw that it was almost 2 hours long!!! So if you don't mind I'll download that on my main computer when I get back to St. Francis Bay tomorrow evening. I'm still on the road with only my tablet and a data download of that size will cost a fair bit using my mobile data...

To be resumed. :)
I was going to ask a question, but there is plenty of information to read first. So I guess I'll lurk a little bit longer. I was surprised to see I had already posted already then I realised it had split off from another thread.

It's also something I guess would be very different to express so again, good on you for doing that.