It is amazing what a difference in lighting and background can do to a digital camera's sense of color. I -think- that what we see in the above pictures that we're all assuming are two different cases (one lilac, one gray) in different colors are actually the same case pictured under different lighting conditions. When I put in a picture where it looks lilac and asked what color it was, you said it was middle-dark grey and that it was bright due to the flash - to which I initially thought, he must mean the other (grey) one.
Looking closely at:
About 2/3 the way left to right over the top edge of the screen there is a stray hair or small crack or something caught.
Both picture's screens have the same fingerprint smudges and placements.
Both have the exact same heat/shrink marks in the exact same places.
I thought I might be able to use the sparkle patterns to fingerprint/map one to the other, but reflective bits could be on/off due to subtle picture and lighting angles, so those might not be reliable. Or it could just be the same screen loaded into two different colored plastics... ?
@EvilDragon - Are there two different cases pictured? Or is it the same case pictured under different lighting conditions? Also, you said in the video that this was a test run using the wrong plastic - so, what is the plastic used in these?
If the actual results from this run look like the medium grey photograph result - I'd be fine with that for my prototype. Neutral color, can fit into the office fine.
If the actual results from this run look like the My Little Pony light purple lilac photograph result - I can wait for another color. No way that would be accepted as anything but a 'toy'.
If those are both the same case, though, wow - that is one background and lighting sensitive camera. That or the Pyra is a chameleon and takes on the color of it's surroundings - grey on steel shavings - lilac on a dark cherry stained conference table.
So, was there one assembled Pyra used for all of the photographs or two?
Am I the only one who thought they were two entirely different cases/assemblies?