Even more to see here (now)

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Black colour is never wrong Looks decent. But why it is so hard to make a decent DARK grey/charcoal/gunmetal colour? The grey we've seen so far is way to bright for instance.
But the new colors solved the problem with flow/shrinking marks?

Or we must wait ED to confirm this?
I don't know for sure, but it looks pretty good in the dark red/brown to me:
Just one hint of a line above the injection hole, and even less to the south, but nothing visible in that photo on the other directions (I assume marks to the north-eastish are dinks and scracthes).

Looks pretty good to me, using no inclusions as far as I can tell. Who knows, if it's down to the new plastic, mould temperature, injection temperature, or something else I've not considered, but it seems to be having a good effect. Personally if that's representative of the general state of the plastics, and it's the same in darker plastic, I'd be happy with that for my unit.
While it certainly seems better, you can still seem them on the bright cases, a lot less so on the darker. The marks weren't that bad on the display part of the case to begin with, though.
As I've held the previous revision in my hands before, I'll have to add: These marks are a lot easier to spot when holding the device for real, with the lighting changing and such. And, while I have memories of them being there, they are not really visible on the photos I took, except for the transparent colored cases. A proper camera could've caught them, probably.

Overall it'd be black for me, if I had the choice. Still surprised how bright the other color choices were. Expected them to be darker to be honest.
I thought the display back had the most visible marks, so that's why I dug out that picture. There are plenty of pictures of other parts in various colours though, currently on page 27 of this thread (and some black on the next page).

Yes, these pictures weren't intended to show up any moulding marks as such, so proper lighting and so on probably weren't considered too much. The important thing in real life for me at least is whether other people can see them when I'm out and about with my unit, and hopefully these pictures are representative enough of that.

PS. This shows the keyboard upper in lighter red, and I can see some moulding marks coming from the top of the keyboard holes (bottom row and top row heading in the direction of the microphone hole), and some trails from the function keys up top and from the other (left) nub. Nothing too concerning to me there though, especially as these probably won't be too visible with a keymat inside, and not many people will get to see the keyboard part of my Pyra.

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As i sayed in the past before making the pictures i am not very good with photos as ED is :) . Pictures are a bit bright and doesnt show the correct color potentional. THE BLACK IS BLACK :) and not a very dark blue, the grey is dark grey ,and the blue is a dark blue one .So be patient and wait for ED to get the items :) . Also i am moving forward making some more improvments in the Keyboard mold cause there were a lot of issues with that one and had fixed almost all of them .Its kinda hard to explain but i will try my best. To have better quality and faster production an item that has a design like the Keyboard mold you need to give the maximum ''ironing'' (ironing = the presure you use in the injection mold when is clossed for the plastic injection ) but when that happens it brakes in the weekest spot . Dont miss understand that the items that ED has and what i am sending are correctly fine.But the production will be very slow and and might throw some items away. To avoid all that we will do some modifications in the mold that i cannot explain at the momment without pictures and finish with fixes . In the pictures you can see the week spot and all the items that we are throwing away.


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That's probably the reason it took FA 5 months to produce 100 transparent cases... with only two machines and other customers who also want to receive their stuff, the slow production caused by the issues with the mold slowed things down even more.
is it possible to recycle these failed cases? maybe shred them and reuse?
I see what you did there...

Again... :D

noooo! pure technical reason! :D
as the grey looks a lot like my first own '85 breadbin, maybe a tad darker, i would be verry happy to get one of these too.
They wouldnt just put the Case Parts that cant be use in the "Bin", as its a European Plastic Company, they put it maybe in the Recycle Container, or have a Shredder to make new Mould Material..

A hand full of these Pellets arend expensive, but if you see the big amounts of Cases they made, i think there will be a lot of Plastic that needs to be reused..
... Except they have colors in them, makes the re-use not that easy for just anything :-/
cannot be reusable in this kind of items like Pyra ,and yeah since there is color inside its near to impossible to use it again .In other cases we do that but not in items like pyra. First of all to have a good production you need to have molds that you dont throw away items :p . I will fix that for sure cause is the correct way to move forward .
i have done that and it really doesnt makes any problem .The movement the shoulder button does is very small and will not make any problem with the cable !!! about the rework you are asking it is in very critical place that might destroy the mold and the risk is very high. But aint about changing it ,is about that it really doesnt makes any problems to risk it .Trust ED about it .
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