Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

Yay it worked! :)
I got my dead GP2X taken apart and rigged it to turn on. While it lasted, I have a bug to fix. It seems Buster Bros Collection will work on the Gizmondo but not the GP2X but I think I know why. I was able to test Tactics Ogre at 266MHz and it ran REALLY well. I'm not sure offhand what it ran at last release, but the long intro was running at 36-42 FPS. And that scene typically runs around the speed of in-game.
So it was 1 out of 2 for me. X-Code is down 2. :P
FF7 will be tested shortly so I hear. I have some optimizations being worked on now as well. I need to get the GTE recompiled for 3D games to see a bigger speed increase. It'll get done. :)
I will be testing every single game that I have listed in the past, it will take a while, ( I hope that samba doesn't give me troubles again :lol: ) .

FF-VII / VIII / IX Will be tested too once I find them lol .
Zodttd, I have a question that may require some long consideration. Which handheld, out of all the ones popular on the scene, on average, runs PSX games the most smoothly with your program? I've been wondering this for a while :)
I just tested Panzer Bandit and can get it to 20fps at 280mhz. So how fast will it be in the new build...........

Very close to fullspeed I would wager.

Add a frameskip option and PSX emu on GP2X is going to be deadly.

This is all very exciting.
I have noticed a significant speed increase to WCW Mayhem when overclocked to 270MHZ (the most I can go) compared to 240MHZ, its just begging to get an even greater speed increased with the next release.
I want to know how chrono trigger and Castlevania:SotN run on this new build :) once its out I am soooo all over those games!!

Great work!! :)
zodttd: great work as usual, that dynarec is really cool. if you could implement something like a frameskip selector in the next realease it would be even better (as i don't like auto frameskip). final fantasy on the go will soon be no fantasy anymore (i'm a poet you know)

x-code: got excel? if not you should get it (or something similar), do your review boy :P
Just got home from night shift...EXCELLENT NEWS!!!

Used to have loads of PS games but got rid of most of them when sold my PS. Now i've only got Ridge Racer R4, crash team racing n MUSIC2000 (which is actually what i want to use with this emu, would give the GP2X a basic loop based proggy :D )

Will donate again when a version with sound is released...thanx for all the hard work!!!
I fear I might sound ungrateful by saying this (though I'm not), but might you consider making savestates a tad more reliable before the next release? Of course, I have no idea what that includes, but, with the emu getting more and more playable with every release, reliable savestates would be nice. :)
shinneri posted on Aug 18 2006 at 04:15 PM said:
I fear I might sound ungrateful by saying this (though I'm not), but might you consider making savestates a tad more reliable before the next release? Of course, I have no idea what that includes, but, with the emu getting more and more playable with every release, reliable savestates would be nice. :)

The savestates worked perfectly for me in the last release. Was there a bug I missed?
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@ x-code

some results ??
I´m very curious! :D

@ zodttd

Your great work is very impressive!
Btw: a free account at a bank for donations would be fine!! ;)
(if this is impossible i donate via paypal too!)
X-Code posted on Aug 18 2006 at 10:01 AM said:
I'm setting up Samba ( again ) this minute lol... I'll be posting results as soon as zodttd tells me to do so, in the meantime I'll be sending them to him B).
Thank you pal, i will be waiting for the results :D

Sorry for my poor english.
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