Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

Ah if that is what he meant, than your dynamic recompiler is indeed a very very clever piece of code!!!! amazing work!!!
moz posted on Aug 27 2006 at 04:04 PM said:
zodttd posted on Aug 27 2006 at 09:01 PM said:
Unai is awesome. We're working on improving the dynarec now that it's threaded. He has some great idea's for me to try out now.

Yes STT, that's what he meant. :)

Oh, and ABCD example, B C and D being 3 blocks...3 is an arbitrary number, it could be 5,000,000. The more the better in this case, as it would mean more room in the cache (a larger malloc'd memory space).
does this mean my resident evil 1 - directors cut will go quicker?

No =p
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X-Code posted on Aug 27 2006 at 09:14 PM said:
... But given enough time... Yes :)
excellent, thanks for my simpleton answer :)

i got the rest of my life so im happy :)
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I really would like to understand the half of what you're writing zodttd xD right now I understand words like cache, program memory and that's all. To be honest I didn't understand your ABCD example at all but it's probably because of my lack of knowledge and low level coding.
Just one thing came to my mind. If you're translating the code, you're translating instruction, executing it and then translating the next, right? But if I understand why the purpose of cache here, then you're filling it with block of instructions, right? and what if one of the first instructions is a branch? When the code is natively executed, branches are a pain in the ass and require prediction or the whole cache would require to be refilled and that means loosing time. Am I right here?
This is kinda like if you're spelunking and you've gone as far as you can possibly go, and just as you're about to call it a day and turn around, the ground under you gives way and you fall into a whole new part of the cave that you didn't even know existed.

....yeah....kinda like that.....

Just when we thought we were near the end, it seems we are at a new beginning. I think I know what this means.....

*say it with me*


"AMERICA!! PHUCK YEAH!!" - Theme; Team America
The blocks of cached code are probably complete functions from the PSX game. Like all the stuff between function branches (far branches?). I'm not that familiar with assembler stuff.
But I guess, since PSX games are probably some kind of compiled C-code, the ASM is divided into function-blocks, so it should be possible to cache seperate functions, as long as your can distinguish the blocks of ASM that form one C-function.
And I guess the calls to other functions send the PC back to block A, which would either recompile the wanted function, or branch directly if it's already cached.

This is my best guess and it's very likely it's partly or completly incorrect :P
As usual, I'm gone for a moment, and when I come back... optimistic news! kind of boring :P

As an alpha-tester, or call me what you want, i borrowed a few games from a friend, most of them RPG, and original CD's
Breath of Fire 3
Dead or Alive
Legend of Legaia
Final Fantasy Tactics
Breath of Fire 4

these games adds to the 15 games I already have

I'm gonna have a bloody testing orgy with the new releases to come!!! :ph34r:
wow wow wow wow that's going too fast here :o

ok i have 40 games to rip here, i'll do it until the next version is released if i have enough space on my drives :D

yipeeeeeeeeeeee :]
Tales of destiny 2 works.
vsync 40.* / fps 12.*

Suikoden works.
vsync 44.* / fps 21.*
I know this might sound stupid, but it crossed my mind when I thought of all the time I will be wasting ripping my PSX collection:

Since it is possible to use Samba and keep iso/img/bin files on one's PC, what is the possibility of reading the origianl CD directly using the optical drive? I know folders can be shared over Samba, what about drivers? guess this will also require drivers be written for PSX4ALL just like the ones used by some PSX emulators that run on our high end machines.

How stupid was that? :D
I ment it for easing the testing procedure, btw, are USB CD/DVD drives supported natively by GP2X through a BOB? I remember seeing one that is extremly thin and light wieghted that will be cool to get as a GP2X accessory, so, anyone tried hooking up an external optical drive to GP2X directly? or using the PC's?
Zodttd .. BRavo ! Beautiful.. need to try out
this in a few [ I was away for the week end ]

wil try this tomorow !
Maybe donnate also to Zodttd

Xenogears hangs on a black screen, after LOAD SUCCESS, Breath of Fire 4 hangs after name selection (no crash in both) and some text on FF Tactics is poorly readable, for what i have to say about my new games B)
FF Tactics text bug was mentioned as a current "bug" that is being worked on.

I've made more progress on the dynarec, and have passed the code along to Unai for him to work on for the next week. I will be away for the next week, but hopefully when I come back Unai will have worked his magic on the dynarec. He too has some great idea's for it. :)

So if I don't respond for the next week, don't worry, I'm just AFK.

Oh, Unai, I think I'm using an old version of the GPU for the dynarec alpha's. There might be more performance and less bugs if the latest GPU is compiled in.

Thanks for the support and hear from you all in a week! :P
Have a good break, zodttd, and thanks to Unai for continuing the excellent work! You guys all rock (inc. Tinnus & Chui)!
so this time, you don't have a choise but to take a break, since even the loss of your GP2X didn't put you off the road ;)
you know... "week off" is spent best when there are no PCs,Macs,PSPs,GBAs,GP2X around...ok maybe one GP2X can go ;) Anyway the best vacation for a coder is WITHOUT most of his electronics.