Dynarec Completed For Psx4all Project.

zodttd posted on Aug 27 2006 at 02:53 AM said:
So I made myself happy with this project, I wrote code that I never thought was even possible, a threaded dynarec. :P

I love reading about happy devs :D
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Mr.zodttd seems to be inspired ( as usual ), you, Mr.Una-i, Mr.Tinnus & of course Mr.Chui deserve praise and a holliday in * ...That piece of code sounds really cool, I need to get my brain vsync to work before I manage to understand it's basic form though :lol:

* Place preferred location here.

Whilst I await the next build I'll test a couple of games that I don't think have been tested yet B).
A new God is born my brothers
rejoice all together and prey for his glory, and for PSX4ALL :D
Im stil trying to understand how does that 'function' work but it seems very cool

see you :lol:
OC : 250 - INTERLACE : 0 - PROGRESSIVE : OFF - UC_PSX : No Changes

Exhumed PAL ( IMG ) :

VSYNC : Menu 21.x/23.x, In-game 31.x/
FPS : Menu 21.x/23.x, In-game 1.x/19.x ( 19.x when looking closely at a dark wall lol, stands good chances :) )
* In-game is mostly between 3 and 7... The previous figures are min and max readings.

Italian Job PAL ( IMG ) :

FPS : *
* Load success, loading animation goes on eternally ( I waited about 10 minutes ), VSYNC 59.x FPS 29.x ( well at least that's fast lol )

Little Big Adventure PAL ( IMG ) :

VSYNC : Intro 30.x/36.x
FPS : Intro 5.x
* Load success, Locks after title intro animation.
CMD Output : Killed

Ridge Racer Type 4 PAL ( IMG ) :
VSYNC : Intro 26.x/39.x , Menu */*, Team Select/Car Select 28.x (+-), In-game 14.x/27.x
FPS : Intro 3.x/7.x ,Menu 9.x/13.x, Team Select/Car Select 9.x/20.x, In-game 1.x/4.x
* Slow, but I think that it didn't work before, so it's a good thing

OO7 - Tomorrow Never Dies PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : 46.83 *
FPS : 23.41 *
* Crashes on loading screen with around 20% of game loaded.
CMD Output : Segmentation fault

Syphon Filter 1 PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : 116.x/117.x * On the black screen
FPS : 0000 * On the black screen
* No crash, gets past the 989 studios logo animation and sits on black screen, stats continue to be updated though, so it looks like it is doing something... Slowly :lol:.

Syphon Filter 2 PAL ( BIN ) :
FPS : *
* No crash, black screen, no stats displayed.

Command & Conquer - Red Alert NTSC ( ISO ) :
VSYNC : Intro 26.x/42.x ,Menu 16.x/17.x , In-game */*
FPS : Intro 3.x/7.x ,Menu 16.x/17.x , In-game 7.x/17.x
* Crashed In-game, but it was looking quite promising :).
CMD Output : Segmentation fault

Driver 2 PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : Intro 32.x/38.x , Menu 37.x, In-game 13.x/19.x
FPS : Intro 3.x/6.x ,Menu *, In-game 0.x/2.x
* Woohoo, this didn't work before :lol:

Jade Cocoon PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : Intro 29.x/42.x , Menu 26.x/29.x, In-game 26.x/30.x
FPS : Intro 1.x/4.x ,Menu 26.x/29.x, In-game 3.x/6.x

Medievil PAL ( BIN ) :
FPS : *
* No crash, black screen, no stats displayed.

Medievil 2 PAL ( BIN ) :
FPS : *
CMD Output : Segmentation fault

R-Type Delta PAL ( IMG ) :
VSYNC : Intro 35.x/38.x ,Menu 25.x/27.x,3D Intro 16.x/17.x,In-game 19.x/22.x
FPS : Intro 3.x/7.x ,Menu 24.x/26.x ,3D Intro 3.x/5.x, In-game 5.x
* Graphic corruption, can't read texts in menu or anywhere else, can't see thrust trails, can't see particle effects, they all appear as pink polygons.

C-12 Final Resistance PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : Menu 13.x, Cutscene 6.x/7.x *
FPS : Menu 6.x, Cutscene 1.x/3.x *
CMD Output : Segmentation fault

Final Fantasy VII NTSC ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : Intro 37.x/42.x,Menu 40.x/44.x, Cutscene 28.x/37.x, In-game 36.x/42.x, Battle 29.x/38.x, Stats 39.x/41.x
FPS : Intro 18.x/22.x,Menu 38.x/40.x, Cutscene 2.x/6.x, In-game 5.x/13.x, Battle 1.x/7.x, Stats 27.x/32.x
* Note back to long loading time with black screen, don't panic, it does work.

Final Fantasy VIII PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : Menu 35.x, Intro 23.x/42.x, In-game ( Squall bed scene ) 33.x/49.x, In-game *
FPS : Menu 31.x, Intro 3.x/6.x, In-game ( Squall bed scene ) 7.x/13.x, In-game *
* Crashes when accessing In-game corridor walk.
CMD Output : Segmentation Fault

Final Fantasy IX PAL ( ISO ) :
VSYNC : Intro 40.x/54.x, Menu 29.x, Cutscene 40.x/56.x, In-game 37.x/45.x, Items menu 18.x
FPS : Intro 3.x/6.x, Menu 29.x, Cutscene 3.x/7.x, In-game 4.x/8.x, Items menu 18.x
* Works great though slow :).

Driver PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : 21.x
FPS : 21.x
* Died when trying to autoscan memory cards.
CMD Output : Killed

Chrono Trigger PAL ( BIN ) :
VSYNC : Intro 5.x/14.x, Menu 21.x/22.x, *
FPS : Intro 1.x/3.x, Menu 21.x/22.x, *
* Died.
CMD Output : Segmentation Fault

I'll remake my games list, I missed out quite a few :lol:
X-Code posted on Aug 27 2006 at 09:52 AM said:
OC : 250 - INTERLACE : 0 - PROGRESSIVE : OFF - UC_PSX : No Changes

Exhumed PAL ( IMG ) :

VSYNC : Menu 21.x/23.x, In-game 31.x/
FPS : Menu 21.x/23.x, In-game 1.x/19.x ( 19.x when looking closely at a dark wall lol, stands good chances :) )

Italian Job PAL ( IMG ) :

FPS : *
* Load success, loading animation goes on eternally ( I waited about 10 minutes ), VSYNC 59.x FPS 29.x ( well at least that's fast lol )

Little Big Adventure PAL ( IMG ) :

VSYNC : Intro 30.x/36.x
FPS : Intro 5.x
* Load success, Locks after title intro animation.
CMD Output : Killed

Ridge Racer Type 4 PAL ( IMG ) :
VSYNC : Intro 26.x/39.x , Menu */*, Team Select/Car Select 28.x (+-), In-game 14.x/27.x
FPS : Intro 3.x/7.x ,Menu 9.x/13.x, Team Select/Car Select 9.x/20.x, In-game 1.x/4.x
* Slow, but I think that it didn't work before, so it's a good thing

I'll remake my games list, I missed out quite a few :lol:

Reading these results and trying to understand them.. The vsync is the number of frames its drawing onto the screen, where its changed or not. So this is the maximum current FPS.

So Ridge Racer Type 4.. Intro..
26 + 39 / 2 =~ 32.
3 + 7 / 2 = 5.

ratio of 5:32. Which says to me that its the decoding that slows everything down? As the graphics functions are drawing 32 frames per second already??

Is my understanding correct?

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Funkaholic posted on Aug 27 2006 at 04:48 AM said:
Reibol, the reason for your games crashing might be you overclocking too much. I played Resident Evil for at least 20 minutes with the beta c before I quit. However when I overclock too much it usually just freezes rather than going back to the menu, so you might have a different problem. This brings me to my next question. Why no option to overclock to 260mhz? 266 is too much for my GP2x, but 260 runs fine. Is 266 some kind of magic number? Every other option is incremented in 10's and it just seems weird to go from 250 to 266.

Oh, and my Resident Evil rom is in .img format and it's the Director's Cut version.

I'm err... kind of pleased to see that only me noticed that bug but it's weird since my GP2X overclocks to 272 without problems (I left Quake demo running for half an hour, and play most of my games @270 when using AC adaptator) and as you said, GP2X overclocked to high just freeze... I'm doing more tests as soon as i have time, and hope it will get better for me in the next release, which, according to Zodttd' excellent news (who said, as usual?? :P ) will come soon ;)
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hmm I should be able to understand what you wrote zodttd :P however I don't see the meaning of having 3 'slots' for recompiled code ? at least that's how I understand it. Why not just have A and B? or A, B, C, D, E, F, and G ?
can you explain? or maybe I didn't understand it correct :)
anyway it sounds like an amazing piece of code :D
geise69 posted on Aug 27 2006 at 03:11 AM said:
For everyone that is having problems with FF7, is it a PAL version? Also is it a compressed image? I have FF7 working with version 2b and 2c. I tested it without overclocking and with OC to 266, and it ran fine. I'm using regular uncompressed .bin images (NTSC) made from my cd's. I hope this helps. Also every game I made and loaded (twelve in all) booted and played great, but slow. Compatability seems really good with uncompressed .bin images. I'll make a compatability post when I test a couple more games.

I'm using French version of FF7 and FF9, so most probably PAL, and never had any problem with those games, I mean, others than the ones everybody knows
I have american games too, even spanish, and some 'cracked' games that allows to choose between PAL or NTSC, and none of those seems to disturb PSX4GP2X, so I'm likely to say, PAL/NTSC won't make a difference ;)
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mhhh... i tested FF9 @ 250mhz for about 20mn and it didn't crash

whereas Soul Reaver at the same speed crashed about 2mn after launching a new game

did somebody cursed my gp2x?? :ph34r:
Yes, FF IX works, FF VIII, is the one that messes up just before in-game status ( after the Squall in bed scene & the following cutscene )... As for Soul Reaver, it did use to work, I haven't tried it with this latest build yet B)
many of my games crashes after some times, but I appear to be the only one :angry:

*edit* Not due to overclocking! I return to gp2xmenu
Since the new dynarec code is comletely threaded, doesn't it also mean that you are able to distribute the threads over both ARM processors?
no, not as simple as you might think.
Read up a bit on the 2nd cpu and you will find that normal "dual core" type functionality is not possible without sacrifieing the mmu of the 920.