Drm Restricted Commercial Games

DRM will make me:

  • More likely to buy (I will pirate if possible)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less likely to buy (I dislike the DRM restrictions)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No more or less likely to buy (Piracy isn't an option, DRM doesn't bother me)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No more or less likely to buy (I'd never pay for a gp2x game)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I have 6 little blue things. W00t.
Nov 25, 2005
Just to satisfy my curiosity, now that vectar is looking set to be the first commercial release and locked to the SD that you buy it on through the magic of DRM, what is your opinion on the effect DRM will have on your buying habits for the gp2x.

For my part, I have no plan to pirate a game for the gp2x. Even the roms that I'm playing are games that are sitting in my parent's loft (though I have been involved in some mame naughtiness - I'm not claiming to be a saint). I'm not very keen on buying a DRM-enabled game though, so I'm a lot less likely to buy if DRM is present.

And please, tell the truth, We're not here to judge ;)
I'm not that bothered by the DRM, its not like my PS2 allows me to easily make backups of games and play them... or any console has really since the good 'ol days of early PC's and Amiga and Commadore's


and even then you had the "5th word from 19th page of manual" stuff... what if you lost your manual? :P you can't expect any company not to want to protect its product from being stolen and distributed for free
You can if it cost them sales and doesn't deter the pirates at all. I personally believe that DRM causes more lost sales through frustration than it prevents from piracy, but I may be wrong. That's kind of why I made this poll, to see if others here felt the same.

Anyway, that's enough from me.
i wont be buying anything that includes DRM, however i wont pirate it either. in short, they loose my money for the product.

those who wish to pirate games will do it with DRM or not, someome will always be cracking it.
you guys got the wrong impression, it is not the kind of drm you fear, its a regular copy protection that locks it to the media it comes with or your gp2x, not restrictie at all.
I dont think it will harm anyone who buys it and help avoid some warez.
Vimacs posted on May 2 2006 at 12:12 PM said:
you guys got the wrong impression, it is not the kind of drm you fear, its a regular copy protection that locks it to the media it comes with or your gp2x, not restrictie at all.
I dont think it will harm anyone who buys it and help avoid some warez.
locking to media certainly is something i dont want. and my gp2x is also something i dont want.

when i buy a game, what if i had 2 gp2x's? or i brought my game to a friend so i could play on his gp2x or something.. its a restriction.

its punishment of legitimate customers to try and stop theives, why punish people who legitimately pay for the game, to try and stop people from stealing, when it in fact wont stop anyone, as it WILL be cracked.
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Well there wasn't really an option specific to how I feel. In this case, DRM doesn't bother me too much. I would prefer un DRMed then I can put it on whichever SD I feel I need to.

However, all in all, the main factor that will determine whether or not I will buy something, is : how much money I currently have.
Redeeman posted on May 2 2006 at 06:18 AM said:
Vimacs posted on May 2 2006 at 12:12 PM said:
you guys got the wrong impression, it is not the kind of drm you fear, its a regular copy protection that locks it to the media it comes with or your gp2x, not restrictie at all.
I dont think it will harm anyone who buys it and help avoid some warez.
locking to media certainly is something i dont want. and my gp2x is also something i dont want.

when i buy a game, what if i had 2 gp2x's? or i brought my game to a friend so i could play on his gp2x or something.. its a restriction.

its punishment of legitimate customers to try and stop theives, why punish people who legitimately pay for the game, to try and stop people from stealing, when it in fact wont stop anyone, as it WILL be cracked.

that's the good thing about locking the media...you can just transfer the sd card the same way you can move a playstation game & memory card around.
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Redeeman posted on May 2 2006 at 10:18 AM said:
Vimacs posted on May 2 2006 at 12:12 PM said:
you guys got the wrong impression, it is not the kind of drm you fear, its a regular copy protection that locks it to the media it comes with or your gp2x, not restrictie at all.
I dont think it will harm anyone who buys it and help avoid some warez.
locking to media certainly is something i dont want. and my gp2x is also something i dont want.

when i buy a game, what if i had 2 gp2x's? or i brought my game to a friend so i could play on his gp2x or something.. its a restriction.

its punishment of legitimate customers to try and stop theives, why punish people who legitimately pay for the game, to try and stop people from stealing, when it in fact wont stop anyone, as it WILL be cracked.

So what if it is locked to an SD card? How is that different from a PSP UMD, NDS cart, PS2 DVD, XBOX DVD etc..?
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Vimacs posted on May 2 2006 at 12:12 PM said:
you guys got the wrong impression, it is not the kind of drm you fear, its a regular copy protection that locks it to the media it comes with or your gp2x, not restrictie at all.
I dont think it will harm anyone who buys it and help avoid some warez.
Sounds restrictive to me. I either have to have it locked to a specific SD, in which case I can't make a backup or have to lock it to my gp2x, in which case if I brick it and have to buy a new one I also need to buy all my games again.

Either way it sounds like something I'd rather do without.
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when you brick your gp2x it will still have the same id, just recopy the game to the gp2x, no harm done.
Even if your gp2x dies, it could be possible that the retailer gives it the same id as your last gp2x, and evrything will just work like before.

A idial case for me would be that you get both when you buy it, a mahine locked version and a sd locked one, this way noone haves to complain.
I'll buy things with DRM. I don't like it - DaveC, loud though he may be, does have a point in terms of "what if the company goes out of business" - but if I like the game, I will buy it.

If, on the other hand, it were a choice between a cheap DRMed version and a marginally (say, up to £5) more pricey non-DRM one, I'd go for the non-DRM, assuming it didn't peak over £27, at least (that being far too pricey anyway...)
Iorgy77 posted on May 2 2006 at 12:21 PM said:
So what if it is locked to an SD card? How is that different from a PSP UMD, NDS cart, PS2 DVD, XBOX DVD etc..?
It's not different, it's just as bad as on those formats. There's a reason that I run my legally purchased xbox games from the hard drive, my GBA games from a flash cart, etc. It's more convenient and protects my original media.

Just because every other company is doing it doesn't mean that it's actually a good move for GPH / GBAX / commercial gp2x developers / whoever. The main reason that it's bad is because it makes paying customers jump through hoops that the pirates don't have to worry about. Making it easier or more convenient to pirate a game than to buy it seems counterproductive.
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FluffyPanda posted on May 2 2006 at 10:28 AM said:
Iorgy77 posted on May 2 2006 at 12:21 PM said:
So what if it is locked to an SD card? How is that different from a PSP UMD, NDS cart, PS2 DVD, XBOX DVD etc..?
It's not different, it's just as bad as on those formats. There's a reason that I run my legally purchased xbox games from the hard drive, my GBA games from a flash cart, etc. It's more convenient and protects my original media.

Just because every other company is doing it doesn't mean that it's actually a good move for GPH / GBAX / commercial gp2x developers / whoever. The main reason that it's bad is because it makes paying customers jump through hoops that the pirates don't have to worry about. Making it easier or more convenient to pirate a game than to buy it seems counterproductive.

Nobody lets you legally play backups. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!

Modchipping your XBOX is more convinient? buying a GBA flashcart and downloading a compatible rom is more convinent than just looking after your original media?

What you are suggesting is that companies just let you pay and download and then you can give it to your friends and so on... we won't have many, if any games if companies arent allowed to protect their games in any way.
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Oh the horror and inconveniance of having to carry more than one postage stamp sized sd-card around....

Locking it to an sd-card in much the same way as any other console game is fine by me.
Doesn't matter to me, I pirate many games, most of which if I actually do like I will go out and buy for the multiplayer features, sake of having a box+manual etc, but like most communities around a certain thing/game, I wouldn't pirate any 2X games, just cause I want to help get more awesome commercial games by buying them, i'll probably buy any commercial 2X game so long as it isnt a sports game or something similar (racing can be ok if my car has guns or something / wipeout gg)

so yeah, won't really make a difference here I'm buying anyway.
Iorgy77 posted on May 2 2006 at 12:36 PM said:
Nobody lets you legally play backups. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!
I know, but only because the content prividers make it that way. The fact that they currently use this system does not mean that it is inherantly right.
Iorgy77 posted on May 2 2006 at 12:36 PM said:
Modchipping your XBOX is more convinient? buying a GBA flashcart and downloading a compatible rom is more convinent than just looking after your original media?
Personally, yes I do find it a bit more cnovenient. I quite like being able to turn my xbox on and pick a game from a menu. your milage may vary. It's all irrelevant to my point that drm doesn't deter piracy, it deters legal purchase.
Iorgy77 posted on May 2 2006 at 12:36 PM said:
What you are suggesting is that companies just let you pay and download and then you can give it to your friends and so on... we won't have many, if any games if companies arent allowed to protect their games in any way.
That's they way that things worked for a long time with tape-based games. It's the way that music and video has worked since the invention of the home VCR / tape recorder. Somehow piracy has totally failed to kill any of these industries.

People now seem to think that protecting your product means cramming it full of DRM. The pirates promptly remove it and leave only the paying customer with the problems. If it really worked then sure, I can see why it might be a good thing, but so far it hasn't really made a dent in piracy while causing many people to return products that just aren't compatible with their hardware or their expectations.

I'm not saying that it's wrong to protect your product, it's just that the current system is failing to do that and so is less than worthless.

Turambar posted on May 2 2006 at 12:38 PM said:
Oh the horror and inconveniance of having to carry more than one postage stamp sized sd-card around....

Locking it to an sd-card in much the same way as any other console game is fine by me.
I'm thinking more of the horror and inconvenience of having your £30 game corrupted because your batteries fail during a write to the high score table.

Or of paying £300 for 10 games and not only having to swap between 10 cards that are all 1/10th full, but also the increased risk if you lose your case, drop it down a drain, lend it to a mate who fills them all with porn...

I buy copy-protected stuff pretty regularly, but there's so muc more added value to me in a DRM-less product that my chance of buying is definately higher. I may not be in the majority, but I doubt I'm alone.
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Pirating gp2x games will kill whatever interest any developers have in releasing anything for our console..

The days of tape C64 games are long gone and by the way so are most of the companies that made games for the c64. Piracy was absolutely off the scale.

VHS tapes eventually had macro vision protection as well.