Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator

Ohhh so I was right Exophase ;)  (He went to bed)

Same here. Aww, why I update programs before I read the forums... ^^

Now My currently most important emulator doesn't work anymore and I don't have a backup of the old version. One of the many reasons why we should all love the repo :D
Thanks, somehow I've overseen this huge "ARCHIVED" button right by side of the Download button. :D Yes, I also love the Repo, best invention after the double sided Adhesive Tape. ^^
Don't really know what happened but I built it again and the md5sum is different, maybe I forgot to clean something. I reuploaded it - can't test it now, can someone test it and see if it works? Thanks >_>
Going to have to check it out later today then. Is there a way to remove the latest one only from the repo?
Better here than on the play store :D
Yeah Lordus at least tests those ;p

I had it running on my Pandora with the last core changes but then made a couple additional changes for the menu and config files and stuff, it worked fine on my PC and should have been agnostic but I guess it wasn't. Still kind of surprised there was some kind of problem.
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Heh :)

(Translation of the title: "The devil's in the small, small details")
Don't really know what happened but I built it again and the md5sum is different, maybe I forgot to clean something. I reuploaded it - can't test it now, can someone test it and see if it works? Thanks >_>
Sounds like you don't have a Pandora? If so, then respect for "blind coding" such fancy stuff like DraStic. ^^
I just tried the version I uploaded earlier today on the Pandora - running remotely, so I have no idea what it's actually displaying, but it's not crashing. Not if I load it from the menu or load a game. And if I run it with a benchmark it reports as expected. This is the binary:

exophase-openpandora:/media/Pandora-SD/drastic/pandora$ md5sum drastic

02f0e25d8493196ef59b15b22ac5a9e4 drastic

Can anyone check it? The one inside the PND.. I'm wondering if people really downloaded the last one I uploaded :P (it's possible something is wrong with the PND itself and not the plain binary.. I don't normally test those)

PND is this:

exophase-openpandora:/media/Pandora-SD/drastic/pandora$ md5sum drastic.pnd

84c9ce4ebe43fab678fddb00f5b1360e drastic.pnd

.... okay, that's weird, I just checked the one I scp'd to this computer (to upload to the repo from) and the md5sum does NOT match it. Beh. Here, I uploaded it from the computer I built it on:

Can anyone tell me if THAT one works?
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Looks like the md5sum on the PND changes every time I rebuild it :P I don't know yet if the problem is specific to the PND or what..
  - This version is a booby trap
FWIW, the only line in the .out file of any interest is: AUFS_CTL_PLINK_MAINT: Inappropriate ioctl for device

There's messages about cheats and such but no errors, all success and "loaded" messages.

Actually it doesn't even start to load the game for me, it stops after loading the usrcheat.dat with

"No cache file in directory."

EDIT: compared to all the logs I have, I can't find one with this "No cache" line
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