DOA estimation website


May 6, 2011
Just a crazy idea, please tell me what you think of it

A website designed specifically to estimate the date of arrival of a user's pandora, based on: order date/queue no., shipping address, production rate, hardware issues (nubs, wifi, etc.), repairs/premiums which are higher up in priority, funding, etc.

Unnecessary (Two MonthsTM), possible, easy, difficult?
Would be nice, but hopefully not useful for very long.

Anyone want to find a delayed-Pandora algorithm? :)
I do not think this is a good idea. The team has repeatedly stated to be unable to give such estimates (this holds especially with regard to the UK shop). Such a website will not be capable of giving a reasonable estimate either and will only serve to angry people when the prediction turns out to be incorrect.
All you will get is an estimate on the assumption that nothing else goes wrong...
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All you will get is an estimate on the assumption that nothing else goes wrong...
An assumption which has been proven wrong for many years now.

That aside, Craig never was able to tell even how far he had progressed in his order queue because it would apparently provide an insane administrative overhead to find out. To this day I don't understand that, but that was his reply whenever people requested a simple periodically updated counter.

I think one of two scenarios will happen. Either the German production proves to be reliable and the waiting time will cease to be an issue, or the problems continue and as a result the project dies.
There's a forum topic floating around somewhere from when they first started shipping. It was a poll of time slots, and you "voted" for your particular time slot only after you had received your Pandora. I think we had just hit day 2 when the idea was abandoned because of how slowly they were trickling out. A lot of premium jump-the-queue people also voted even though they were asked not to so the numbers were a little skewed.
I'm still waiting for mine, but I'm in the "not a good idea" camp. If someone's unit gets held in customs while another one goes right through, someone might start complaining that they're not being delivered on time... and so on. With the premium units thing going on as well, I'm content with just waiting for mine to be in the delivery phase. Then I'll wait semi-patiently/impatiently for it to arrive by sitting at my front door till it gets there.
Would be nice, but hopefully not useful for very long.

Anyone want to find a delayed-Pandora algorithm? :)
I'll give it a go

N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L (+2 months)

N = Time before you get your pandora


R* = the average rate of Pandora's boards being built

fp = the fraction of those boards that make it into a Pandora

ne = the average number of Pandora's that can potentially get to customers

fℓ = The fraction of Pandora's with issues

fi = The fraction of the above that actually go on to customers

fc = The fraction of the above that actually go on to customers without the need for RMA

L = the length of time for shipping

I call this the Panake equation

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Well, given the low demands this would place on both the sever capabilities and bandwidth, almost anyone could host it with the umpteen processor cores they don't need. ;)
Perhaps a site that just said what queue number had just shipped/up to, but then im not sure if things are being shipped in queue number? Plus there's those that go to ED's store orders and then those that go to the main Craigix queue.