DEL / INS - Can you recap how those works ?


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
Some years have passed since I actively used the Pandora to code / write, and now an old question returned in my life...
I tried to search the old threads about the use of DEL/INS keys, but most of the links don't works anymore, especially this one:
(maybe it could be redirected to an actual page in some way ?!)

The things I found so far (mostly by random key presses) are these:

CTRL+D = DEL (in the Terminal)

I have no idea how to obtain INS

Wasn't ever introduced an official patch to correct this behavior ?
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I'm not sure why that link's not automatically being corrected. Going to the root page does redirect you here, but individual old links no longer seem to work. But anyway, it's here now, I think (though the number seems different, but maybe that's normal for things coming from gp32x, I dunno).
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So, this seems a relevant piece of information:
joseluisjazz said:
Edit your ~/.pndXmodmap file.

Change line 72 from this:
keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert
to this:
keycode 118 = Delete Insert Delete

To see the changes without rebooting load the file again with this command:
xmodmap ~/.pndXmodmap

And from now on this is how it will work:

Backspace = Backspace
Fn + Backspace = Delete
Shift + Fn + Backspace = Insert

I'll try it and report if it still works.... then maybe should be added to the wiki
I tried, and the results are not totally perfect:

Fn+Backspace = DEL (both on Terminal and visual programs like Mousepad)
Fn+Backspace+Shift (only the left shoulder button works) = INS (on Mousepad)

Fn+Backspace+Shift (only the left shoulder button works) = SHIFT+INS (on Terminal)
so, the last one, while tecnically acts as an INS keypress, it also considers the SHIFT as part of the combination, and the result is a paste from clipboard, not enabling the character overwrite mode

EDIT: I'm also now wondering how "Fn Lock" works... both Fn+Fn and SHIF+Fn don't keep it locked...
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