The SD card on which my DOSBox installation was installed became corrupted, and I had to reinstall the latest Java and DOSBox packages. In regards to blimpsgo180's inquiry from years ago, I encountered the same issue this time with the missing, "dosbox.conf", file. The, "dosbox.conf", file is in a hidden folder:
Note the period at the beginning of the folder name which makes it invisible. When you select the Browse button for Config File in the, "Edit version", window, the ".dosbox" folder will be invisible unless you right click in the folder browsing area and click on the check box next to, "Show Hidden Files". When I made modifications to this configuration file with Mousepad outside of DOSBox and saved the changes, the changes were apparently overwritten the next time that DOSBox was executed. So, I made a copy of the file named:
This folder corresponds to the absolute file system path:
The asterisk (*) corresponds to the name of the SD card, which can vary depending on your setup. I used Pickle's advice for creating a, "dosbox", and, "dosbox-hw.conf", file in this folder. The next problem I faced was the mouse was constrained to moving in a small window that was smaller than the full screen. I discovered that the first option in the, "dosbox-hw.conf", file had to be:
Then I was able to use the touchscreen and move the mouse in the entire screen area.
When I created a profile according to Pickle's instructions, the emulator would start and then stop with no error message. Inside the profile, I had to select an executable program or batch file for the emulator to run under the Mounting tab. Under, "Mounting Overview", I have:
mount C "/mnt/utmp/dbgl/games"
Next to, "Main", I now have:
This corresponds to the absolute file system path:
I had created a, "/media/*/pandora/appdata/dbgl/games", folder in which I placed my MSDOS game files and some batch files to execute them.
I am going to try to upload my, "dosbox", and, "dosbox-hw.conf", configuration files which should be unzipped and placed in the:
folder. You might have to change or simply delete the last three lines of the, ".dosbox-hw.conf", file to suit your needs.