Release Darkplaces (Quake Engine)

Also, does anyone know if this port can run quake 3 maps? I know windows darkplaces can, but I'm not sure if this one can. Great job porting this!
As this is a complete Darkplaces it should, yet I havent tested that, so test and report ;)
I'm assuming that they go in the same folder as other maps, right? I'm trying it now, so I'll tell you if small maps work.
1st : Software news is for annoncing new software, you're not. Next time use the support section.

2nd : there is a beta test thread here : (@mods, a merge please)

3rd : It is in the beta section for a reason : i'm still working working on it, yet I'm rather sure some user will fine it usefull (better control than nanogl quake) beta mean you'ld expect some bugs.

On your actual issues :

- drop the appdata at its end if the directory is empty. that's the case here. I'll trick for next release.

- like on the original Quake you need to press ESC (fn-q) to get the game menu

- I'm working on performances but with quake data the engine run at a contant 30fps for me once dynamics lighting and shadowing are disable (which should be the default) else you'll have slow down on explosions.

btw : being nice and ask nicely is a good way to get a nice reply and actual support...
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I wasn't asking for help, i was announcing the release of this on the Repo since there wasn't a thread for it.
As you're not the one working on the release you're not entitle to to the actual release annoncement.

If there is no software news thread, might mean it's not fully ready for mass comsumsion ! that's the reason why there is a beta section and a software relase section...

and if you were not askinf for help, you were doing what ? bitching my work ? and beside that ?

got a merge
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Can't get past the demo, but from what I've seen, the performance is ok at best. It really slows down during explosions. You have to set it to 800. You have to manually make your own darkplaces folder in the appdata folder and put the quake files in there, it doesn't make the folder on its own.

Runs bloody marvellous on my 256MB Panda :-)

And yes, as was pointed out - this is a port. You'll need to learn how to use the menu if you want to play. Give it a few weeks and some intensive research on various websites and you'll get the hang of it.

My pandora is in transit, but I'm curious to know: does quake music work on this?

From the Darkplaces readme:

How to install a soundtrack in ogg format

These files must be in ogg or wav format, and numbers begin at 002 if you wish to replace (or install) the Quake cd music - since track 001 was the Quake data track.

quake/id1/sound/cdtracks/track002.ogg replacement track for "cd loop 2"

quake/id1/sound/cdtracks/track003.ogg replacement track for "cd loop 3"
I have tested the Darkplaces Quake PND @ 800MHz, and this is what I found:

Framerate is usually good, over 20 fps, but explossions and other FX using dynamic lightning, cause massive slowdowns. Setting to OFF RT DLIGHTS and RT DLIGHTS SHADOW (inside CUSTOMIZE LIGHTNING MENU) helps a lot avoiding these slowdowns, but you loose the dynamic lightning.

I have used "revis" maps and tested water alpha, and it works great. I couldn't get water alpha to work with ZQuake-GLES.

I have yet to test music playback, but it's a feature I really missed a lot in other Quake ports.

Nub control is nicely chosen, but control has a big problem: it has a bit of latency, that make the game a bit unplayable! Did anyone else noticed the lag in controls?

Great work! I hope the lag in the controls can be solved.
Framerate is usually good, over 20 fps, but explossions and other FX using dynamic lightning, cause massive slowdowns. Setting to OFF RT DLIGHTS and RT DLIGHTS SHADOW (inside CUSTOMIZE LIGHTNING MENU) helps a lot avoiding these slowdowns, but you loose the dynamic lightning.

Hum :( I'm not forcing these off so you can try, but these are part of the default settings. Strange that you didnt got it.

Nub control is nicely chosen, but control has a big problem: it has a bit of latency, that make the game a bit unplayable! Did anyone else noticed the lag in controls?
Do you have these control lag in say pewpew2 ? (I'm not having these)
It was a really pleasent surprise to see DP getting ported, thanks a ton for this sebt3! It doesn't crash like the zQuake port we have, you can make it brighter, it looks better, it has the DP features. I could finally work on the Pandora port of NBA now!

My pandora is in transit, but I'm curious to know: does quake music work on this?

It works just like on PC, I've tested it.
This is great.

I'm a bit confused about the config files, though. Running Quake it doesn't seem to be creating config.cfg when the file doesn't exist, nor saving any settings to it if it is there (I'm looking in the id1 folder). Also, when browsing to a mod and enabling it through the menu you lose the bindings. No config file is getting created for the mod either (normally I think a copy of config.cfg is created from the id1 folder).

I'm definitely getting a input latency as well, enough to make it quite difficult to aim when playing.

Other than that, it's really great to see DP running on the Pandora.
I'm a bit confused about the config files, though. Running Quake it doesn't seem to be creating config.cfg when the file doesn't exist, nor saving any settings to it if it is there (I'm looking in the id1 folder). Also, when browsing to a mod and enabling it through the menu you lose the bindings. No config file is getting created for the mod either (normally I think a copy of config.cfg is created from the id1 folder).

I figured it out myself this morning, DP creates the config file in "/media/[sD]/pandora/appdata/darkplaces/.darkplaces/id1/config.cfg".

I recommend adding "cl_maxfps" "20" or "cl_maxfps" "25" in the config file to make the framerate stable, I bet I'm not the only one who hates fluctuating FPS.
Thanks for the port sebt3!

Mine does not create a "darkplaces" dir in appdata...

Config suggestions:

- far too dark, increase default brightness a lot

- left nub strafe is too sensitive: reduce sensitivity 2x

- right nub look up/down needs a larger deadzone to prevent accidentially moving up/down

please implement :) or let us know where we can set nubs to our own peferences

thanks again.. it is almost playable
I've created the /appdata/darkplaces folder, added the .pak files, can't get it to run. It keeps prompting me for the Quake data files...

I tried creating an /appdata/darkplaces/Id1 folder and placing them there, then /appdata/darkplaces/quake/id1...same prompt requesting that I copy the Quake data files into /appdata/darkplaces.

Is there a readme with the correct folder structure somewhere? It's not in the .pnd.