Arrgh, this opkg stuff is a hassle, guys .. so I just wanna interject this here:
A rule for on-Pandora opkg maintenance: *Always* do "opkg update" before you install new packages, including and especially if you will be installing *-dev packages, and *never* do "opkg upgrade" unless you really, really know what its going to upgrade.
The reason for "opkg update" is that the angstrom repo's will update their build versions occasionally - and when they do so, library-dependencies based on those versions is *also* going to change. So its quite possible to go out of sync, nearly completely, and lose dependency-tracking. So, please do updates when you are putting new -dev pkgs onboard, because you need to.
Do *not* do opkg upgrade, because it will almost always bork your system. Instead, upgrade each package individually, by hand, as you know you need them (for development) - yes, you cannot just do auto-upgrade, if you decide to use opkg. This is clear by now, but I mention it for future reference in relation to the difference between important 'opkg update' and very dangerous 'opkg upgrade'. You *may* upgrade packages (related to -dev packages, for example) by hand, if you really need to get the libs and includes and so on for a new package onboard (happens often).