(meaning not posting in a forum but going to the authorities).
Probably they get insight in Craigs books but it would not help. He has no money (even he had taken a high credit for the production), even
if he did some illegal, which I doubt. So it won't help.
An idea to sell more Pandoras:
Selling the cheap one (CCs, refurbished with no wifi) at people with lots of love for gadgets and linux but little money. This mean computer science students. Bundle for the no wifi units a USB wifi stick like this one for free (it costs 5€). Sell the refurbished Pandora for something around 199€ (incl. tax).
Maybe do an extra student offer, if you are a student you don't have to pay postal costs. This can easily checked if the mail ends with name@tu-braunschweig.de or an other university address. If you could refurbish some pandoras (lets say 10, more are better) and can't sell them, you can write to the fachschaften and ask them if they want to tell their members (several hundreds of computer science students) about the Pandora. Maybe add some motivation to them. Like: "Shipping costs for students are free", and give them a coupon code or check it via the mail ending (most universities got student@tu-cityname.de).
An email to the fachschaften could be something like this:
"Liebe Fachschaft Informatik,
beim Pandora Projekt ging es darum einen Nintendo DS großen Mini-Laptop (mit Linux als OS) zu bauen, der über 10 Stunden Akku Laufzeit und ein eingebautes Gamepad hat. Das hat geklappt, Angstrom, Debian, Slackware laufen perfekt und es gibt massig optimierte Software (Open Office, QT Creator). Emulatoren für den Nintendo DS, PSP, N64, Playstation und andere Systeme. Dazu noch Klassiker wie Jedi Knight 2, Free Space 2 und so weiter. Jedoch haben einige Geräte kleine Macken. Bei einer Serie funktioniert das Wlan nicht richtig. Darum bieten wir einen gratis Wlan USB Stick zum Mini Laptop an und fast 50% Preisnachlass. Und für Informatik Studenten sind die Versandkosten gratis. Falls ihr das Gerät cool findet, wäre es lieb wenn ihr das an eure Mitstudenten weiterleiten könntet.
A quick overview about the Pandora:
Gutscheincode für Informatik Studenten: ilovetux