Coolest Gp2x Applications


Still Fresh
Aug 31, 2006
By "applications", I don't nessesarily mean programs, I mean more "uses". What do you use your GP2X for that makes you smile and think "Damn, this is cool"?

I currently watch Red vs. Blue and various other DVD-rips, play Megadrive games, Supertux etc. I get the feeling the thing is capable of more than just game playing however. Enlighten me :D
Well, CraigAmp (or Cramp, as I named it ;)) is a very cool MP3 player.
* Showing off :)
* Telnet
* Calculator (both normal and graphical)
* Running ARM assembly directly, instead of using an ARM CPU emulator on your 8086 PC (never done that, but would love to do it one day)
* This one is by Mudi: Using the ebook reader to read the GPL license to help you fall asleep :P
Figured I'd better add some of the stuff that I use it for when it's working too..
Playing videos on the big tv downstairs. I hate having to burn cd/dvd's etc. just so I can watch them on a decent tv.
Mp3 player, as my iPod keeps breaking & it supports more formats for tunes.
Demo's are always fun to watch.
Picture veiwer. It's great being able to just take the sd card out of my camera & look at the pics on a decent screen, with no messing about.
I love testing out new software, so that's what it get's used for the most :)
I also use it to learn more about Linux & programming too (scripts etc.).
i like playing games, usually homebrew and snes. also replaying games that i couldn't beat as a child and getting revenge. and watching demos. plus, it motivates me to continue doing graphics/artwork as well as learning C. i'd probably use it for music playing if i had to...but i got a decent hard drive mp3 player a while back. i've occasionally used it as a photo viewer to show people whatever i was working on or wanted to show them. and creating and editing links lets me get me ocd on.

also good conversation starter at nerdy parties (read: indie rock shows), especially emulators.
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showing video at work i have downloaded from -google-youtube,,etc...all the war and crazy short video's you get on there....
:blink: You play .flv on gp2x?!?!
i download them with this

i chose the avi option and it works perfect everytime.....
If you like them kinda videos, then you might be interested in Democracy Player fatdad.
Not too sure what format they download them in though, but it could be worth a looksee :)
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Using SIDplay2X (or OldPlay) to listen to old Commodore 64 music -- still the best game music ever created.

It's probably my favourite thing about the GP2X, in fact. Best handheld retro game music player available :)
Sterm is the best app IMHO.

I also like the X server - maximum geek appeal :)

What can you actually do with Sterm and the X server? I've switched to Ubuntu on my main PC, but I have yet to hear of any usefull stuff for the 2x's linux.

My favorite apps would be Links2x and Qtopia2x. I use Links for reading html e-books. Qtopia is fun to fiddle with, but I've never found a real use for it. Text entry is too awkward to really use the PDA functions. Maybe once the retail BoB is out, and I can use a keyboard for data input.
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The Xserver is great for the *look at what else I can do* factor, and Sterm is great for getting debug info (error messages and the likes), and for just being geeky ;)
Sterm is the best app IMHO.

I also like the X server - maximum geek appeal :)

What can you actually do with Sterm and the X server? I've switched to Ubuntu on my main PC, but I have yet to hear of any usefull stuff for the 2x's linux.

Sterm's useful for many things like editing files with vi, making scripts etc when not connected to a PC.

GPE uses the X server.

I generally use the X server as a 2nd display with x2x. This means that I can move the mouse off the edge of the PC desktop and it appears on the GP2X.

I would also like to port some more X apps at some point and it's useful to be able to see what they would look like on the GP2X by running the app on my PC and displaying on the GP2X.
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