Gp2x - Basic Info Faq

Ah great,.. so I have to patch it myself... using instructions not written in English.

Surely all this stuff should be in the GP2X newbie guide?

(I would say 'surely this stuff should have been sorted before they released the product', but... oops.)

PS. I'm still super-excited about getting it!!! :D
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It says in the faq that the GP2X supports MMC. I have been trying to get to the bottom of why my MMC does not work. I recieved a card-reader with the GP2X and the MMC worked with the card-reader and I managed to put files on the MMC through my computer (Windows XP Home) but GP2X doesn't recognise it atall. I don't really want to have to buy another card because I can't really afford one at the moment and I'm scared that the card I buy will not work either because I am beginning to think that it is the GP2X that is not working. Does the console really support MMC? If so why not mine?
The GP2X can also use an AC adapter - here is what Squidge, a well known developer with a GP2X test board says about AC: "GP2X is 3V Center negative. Exactly the same as the GP32. Power for USB host is not connected."

Does this mean the GP2X power adapter I just got from Playasia will also work on my GP32? It looks like it will fit, but I'd like to know if anyone has tried this.
Some information about overclocking and scripts and that CPU/LCD Tweaker program would be very useful. I had NO IDEA that some emulators don't have overclocking implemented into them and that you have to mess with "scripts" to get some programs to overclock. I also didn't even know that I will have to use the CPU/LCD Tweaker program to OC (And I'm still not sure how everything works in between scripts, the CPU/LCD Tweaker program, and the emulators). I think that basic information about the relevance of scripts to using the GP2X should be included along with some info about OC'ing with the GP2X (Which seems to be much more complex than with the GP32, in which the applications that could overclock had the feature implemented in the programs themselves).

Some info about scripts with the GP2X would also be useful (What they are, how you use/create them, why you need them, etc.).

If none of this really belongs here, then maybe someone could PM with details about how all of this mumbo jumbo works :)
It would also be good to update (or clarify) info about USB host mode.
Because I just read a thread about powered USB Hub and so .. But was is the point if we can not plug anything?

see you :lol:

BTW: This is a very usefull topic :)
I just bought a gp2x a couple days ago and I did some research on it and most plaes told me that i could only expect 4-6 hours of battery life.(I haven't actually gotten my gp2x yet, but i highly anticipate it) How come the FAQ says that it can have more? Is it because of rechargable batteries?
Digital Awakening said:
It's been really slow at times since I've joined. Sometimes I have to wait like 2-3 min or maybe more for it to load.
I noticed that the SOC .PDF you linked to requires Korean charset on my Acrobat. (I'm assuming it's not _written_ in Korean :P) I'll see if updating Acrobat fixes it, but if it requires searching for some plugin and installing it, not a lot of people will be able to read it. Humble suggestion might be for someone to re-save it without Korean charset.
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