Compo4all PanMame games test, request, pre-poll thread


Advanced Member
Sep 7, 2010
I want to use this thread and will keep updating the first post to keep track of the testing I will do and already have done. 

The first selection I have made is copying the games that someone already uploaded hi-score files for (>90% of the list is provided by Asmo! :) ). See mr_Loons thread here

I am now maintaining a google docs document with testing results and the poll requests, so look for the latest status here
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Fairly certain Boconion and New Rally X are out for now as well.

(I mean, I could write drivers for these, but no time, so 'out for now' :)

Writing a driver is not too hard, just takes some time, so if anyone wants to get in on it, I can detail it (python preferred here, but other languages could do as well.)

Poll requests to add to your existing candidates :


Circus Charlie

Moon Patrol

Time Pilot



Super Space Invaders

Sky Fox (From Jaleco, Check this one out if you like galaga / galaxians etc. only ever saw it once in an arcade, thank god for Mame :) )


The following can be removed from your need to be tested list as they're currently working :

Frogger (
Black Tiger :
Galaga (
Ladybug (
Asteroids (
Donkey Kong Jr (
Ghosts n Goblins (
Scramble (
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Poll requests to add to your existing candidates :


Circus Charlie

Moon Patrol

Time Pilot



Super Space Invaders

Sky Fox (From Jaleco, Check this one out if you like galaga / galaxians etc. only ever saw it once in an arcade, thank god for Mame :) )


The following can be removed from your need to be tested list as they're currently working :

Frogger (

Black Tiger :

Galaga (

Ladybug (

Asteroids (

Donkey Kong Jr (

Ghosts n Goblins (

Scramble (
Added your candidates to the list and removed the already working from the list. Thanks for letting me know. List was a quick copy / paste and didn't really check the content yet.  Will definitely help if I can use excel for this. List is already too big. 

Nice candidates with some great classics. Sky Fox never heard of it, will check it out.  

Hyper Duel


Rolling Thunder 2

Shadow Dancer


Super Hang On

Terra Cresta

The New Zealand Story
Games requested are almost all tested (not sure about the PacMan rom, so waiting for input from Mr_Loon) 

There are a couple of games that are OK but have a continue option. Not sure if this matters (probably depending on the game), but I will add that as a fyi to the poll. 

Will test the rest of the games on the 'not requested' list (see google docs link). New requests can still be added :)  
ok, then, b_o_b - may I request someone try Crazy Climber?

Now, a hint with this one, you WILL need to re-set your controls for this specific game, using the space key to get into the menu after the ROM is running.  You will only need to do this once, the settings will save thereafter if you select for it to "Save For This Game Only"

The reason for this necessity is that the game Crazy Climber used two for your right, and one for your left.

The control configuration I use for this game is the D-Pad controls the left hand, as normal, up, dowm, left and right.

For the right hand, I use the buttons across from the D-Pad...anes that are used for fire, jump, etc. in other games.  Set them logically as up, down, left and right.

It takes a tiny bit of getting used to controlling this way, but I am now so good, that I'm every bit as good as I remembered myself being on that game.
Unfortunately Crazy Climber doesn't work. Interesting but very hard game, never managed to achieve a high score high enough to add my name to the high score list. 

The initial hi file already fails anyway, so not possible for now. 

I have tested all games I had hi files for, most of them provided by Asmo.  Also all the poll requests (except Pac-Man) 

There are now 28 games in total that have been tested and should be OK. 

I will start create a poll this week (probably Tuesday). Until then it is still possible to add requests, but they need to be tested and OK!. See what games are available on the list here 

To be added to the c4all site we also need a banner. A 360x130 jpg file is required. I have already created some and attached to this post (they are Milkshake approved :)

Feel free to add more, please use the original marquee for creating them  :)

Pretty easy : search in google for marquee + game name, save the picture. Open in Gimp Image Editor.  Copy the part you want to use, paste into new image and then scale to size 360x130 (don't forget to break the chain between width and height). 







circus charlie.jpg




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When are we going to add them? If you're starting a poll this week, will need a few days to get input, and end of month is this weekend. Since we're not running any prizes it doesn't really matter when we drop them in, however :) So.. plug them in live next week? Or you want to shotgun them in end of this week?

@Skeezix Poll is created and I thought about closing it Saturday and provide the files to you Sunday. You can then take your time to implement them. No problem to adjust this schedule though if another day suits you better. Just let me know. 

@Asmo Nice! Battlezone is already tested and OK so shouldn't be a problem to add. Gravitar is tested and not working currently though :(
Defender and Joust for your next poll b_o_b

Defender tested and not OK. Joust not tested yet. Strange it hasn't been requested yet. Certainly a fine classic.  

Will check it. 
For the Williams games, you may want to make a note on how to properly pass the boot sequence. I've been tempted to add per-game banner text so we can drop in hints like this (and for the vector games, to adjust the line strength.)
