Its a good quesiton, one I've brought up before..
I've somehow managed to introduce three terms..
Compo4all (not comp4all.. typo in the pnd, corrected next build
ROT (a tournament I ran a year or two back)
MAME of Thrones (somethign that came to be in a brainpop a month back)
.. and of course C4A (which doens't mean anythign until you know Compo4All)
All of this is 'bad branding', but hey
Compo4All was to try and evoke memories of Mame4All, for fun. Seems a good name. Also the '4 all' is good .. implies 'for all'.. pandorians? platforms? games? ... all of it.
ROT .. well, C4A can be used for a new ROT, but I'm having doubts we want to have a real tournament per se, with prizes etc; it may bring out the worst of people. Instead, a purely friendly ROT .. a select few games in C4A, with bragging rights only, may work. But even then.. seems like for any given game, we have a clear leader, which means it may not be fun? Or maybe a few peopel would bash it out...
MAME of Thrones is just a fun line
Man, am I stupid-busy lately. Its just not fair

(big rumour, may be a big annoucnement of major layoffs at the company I work at .. find out this afternoon. Fun fun!)