Christmas, the past and the future (2013-12-24)

Merry xmas, if you are going to take preorders for the mass production I am sure a lot of people will preorder :)
Merry Chrysanthemum, congratulations, and good luck to everyone involved in the Pandora or its successor :)
Here's wishing the entire Pandora Community a cool Yule & a happy new Year.  :)
Hello everyone, thank you to you all for keeping the dream of the Pandora alive.

Way back in 2009 when I first ordered the Pandora was cutting edge stuff, beyond anything out there. It still is many ways.

Most of that is due to this amazing community. Who would have thought I'd be playing Enemy Territory one of my favourite games on the Pandora in multiplayer? Crazy.

Drastic means I can play a translated copy of Saga2 - amazing.

pcsx reloaded - I've never had a slowdown on any of these Playstation games, the most memorable from my childhood.

The OS is incredible and the firmware updates keep coming. Pandora is very easy to use in this regard, PNDs, it works well because it's created by people who love and use it.

The Pandora is a dream machine and I thank everyone for keeping it alive.

EvilDragon and team, whatever Pandora successor there is, I think you've got a good chance of making it a great success. I'll be a first order again.
Merry Christmas everyone + best of luck in the future with both the Pandora and the Pyra + a lump of coal for Craig.



Someone said that to Craig once. So he did*

* This is not stating that money was stolen, but merely that it was taken. And some may actually be returned. Some day.
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I wish the whole community a merry christmas. You're all really awesome people!

And thank you ED for this great piece of hardware. I'm using it more often than any of my other consoles now ^^. And it finally got me to use Linux also on my Desktop PC.
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A year ago, I was searching for a good DS-size kind of machine that could emulate PS1, SNES, and Genesis systems as well as give me the ability to do my work.  Searched all over the internet, saw everything, but the Pandora caught my terrible near-sighted eyes.  Had trouble with it a little bit and almost quit due to not understanding Linux.  But this community has been very helpful and now I'm back stronger than my before-self.  In fact, except at work, all my home desktops and laptops are now Linuxized, and I'm trying to learn bit by bit about the Linux system/commands/etc in bed with my Panda. :) .  Just wish hardware manufacturers provide more support to Linux community.  Anyway, looking back, I can't believe I'm an owner of the Pandora.

OOps off-topic!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   :)  
Merry Christmas everyone!

My personal thanks for ED for being awesome, positive and honest despite all the shit he had to deal with. Keep the great attitude :)

Otherwise many thanks to everyone who contributed to the Pandora in one way or another, especially if you released some software which makes the Pandora better to use every single day. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to Pandoralive as well, and to all the readers who come and check it every day. 

I'll do a 2013 retrospective of the software that was released on Pandoralive before the end of the year.  
Merry Christmas!

Here's a thought on the Pyra...

1.  Figure out what it will cost to produce the first 250 units, add in all of the 'big upfront costs' like molds and circuit board population set-up.  

2.  Do something special with them.  Sign them, give them a special case color, whatever.  They should clearly 'stand out' to those in the who know the story.

4.  Guarantee on your honor that these will all be fulfilled before any others are sold or stocked for sale.  These 250 will ship first - no exceptions.  

5.  Numbered them sequentially 1-250 during production.  

6.  Randomize the 250 list for unit-person assignment.  Each of the 250 pre-orders has equal chance to receive unit #1, #69, #100, #222, #250, etc... 

6.  Allow pre-orders for these 250 units only.

7.  State that there will likely be a gap of, "2 Months" between the 250 shipping and having them stocked in the 3 stores.

I'm thinking 250 units limited edition pre-order queue and the price should be either 1000USD or 1000EUR per unit.

No need to run this through Kickstarter.  I think you likely have 250 people in the community with enough faith in you and the project to kick in 1000EUR each to be a pre-order in this fashion.

Would that be enough to cover enough of the costs to initiate production?
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Merry Christmas everyone!

I'm happy to see how many have bitten down and seen this through, OPT(-1), devs and users alike. Good times ahead for the community I think  :)

I've been swamped with work and have had absolutely zero time to play with my Pandora yet but it's in he charger right now and I will mess around it a bit tonight whilst pretending to be watching a movie with the missus. Will probably have to agree to a romcom as I'm permitted to fiddle around with electronics then.

 I'm digressing though  :D  It seems that the community is still brimming with talented and smart people and hopefully 2014 will be the year where we move away from the past and the threads with the most answers are the ones where cool stuff is being built.
Merry Christmas!

Here's a thought on the Pyra...

1.  Figure out what it will cost to produce the first 250 units, add in all of the 'big upfront costs' like molds and circuit board population set-up.  

2.  Do something special with them.  Sign them, give them a special case color, whatever.  They should clearly 'stand out' to those in the who know the story.

4.  Guarantee on your honor that these will all be fulfilled before any others are sold or stocked for sale.  These 250 will ship first - no exceptions.  

5.  Numbered them sequentially 1-250 during production.  

6.  Randomize the 250 list for unit-person assignment.  Each of the 250 pre-orders has equal chance to receive unit #1, #69, #100, #222, #250, etc... 

6.  Allow pre-orders for these 250 units only.

7.  State that there will likely be a gap of, "2 Months" between the 250 shipping and having them stocked in the 3 stores.

I'm thinking 250 units limited edition pre-order queue and the price should be either 1000USD or 1000EUR per unit.

No need to run this through Kickstarter.  I think you likely have 250 people in the community with enough faith in you and the project to kick in 1000EUR each to be a pre-order in this fashion.

Would that be enough to cover enough of the costs to initiate production?
...And only these 250 units can emulate PS2 and Gamecube perfectly :D
thanks for the nice update and all the hard work in 2013.
merry christmas to you ED & the whole community of course!!! :)

i really feel blessed to have a giga-pandora right now while watching the pyra come to life! :)

all the best for 2014+++!