Update VICE 3.1 SDL2


Very Active Member
Jun 1, 2004


This is version 3.0 of VICE, the multi-platform C64, C128, VIC20,
PET, PLUS4 and CBM-II emulator. This version can be compiled for
MSDOS, Win32, OS/2, BeOS, QNX 4.x, QNX 6.x, AmigaOS, Dingoo,
Syllable, SkyOS and for most Unix systems provided with
the X Window System version 11, R5 or later.

The following programs are included:

- x64, a C64 emulator;
- x64dtv, a C64 Direct-to-TV (DTV) emulator
- x128, a C128 emulator;
- xvic, a VIC20 emulator;
- xpet, a PET emulator;
- xplus4, a PLUS4 emulator;
- xcbm2, a CBM-6x0/7x0 emulator;
- xcbm5x0, a CBM-5x0 emulator;
- vsid, a SID player;
- c1541, a stand-alone disk image maintenance utility;
- petcat, a CBM BASIC de-tokenizer;
- cartconv, a C64/C128 cartridge conversion program.

- Initial release.
- Default settings for: OpenPandora controls, screen resolution, keyboard map for C64, C64DTV and C128, Midi and RS232, Mouse (Joy1), Joystick (Joy2), RTC (Joy 1, SmartMouse) and a lot more tweaks.
- Cheat sheet for keyboard map (C64/C64DTV).
- Added tcpser for RS232. It will start before Vice and stop when you quit the emulator. Tested with Striketerm and V-1541 programs.
- Added terminal option to access VICE utils (c1541, cartconv, petcat).
- Latest beta release. See NEWS for latest changes.
- Compiled without glshim, uses GLESv2 directly.
- Updated sources.
- Latest beta svn r32419 release. See NEWS for latest changes.
- After four years of development and 33 betas, the latest stable VICE version is here!! XD
- Updated default configuration for all computers on new release. Backup and delete appdata/vice-svn recommended.
- Updated sources and compile script included.
- Compiled SDL2 with opengl (Ptiseb latest git version, SDL2 and gl4es), to be compatible with 4.10 SGX drivers. But performance is a bit worse than using GLES2 directly.
- Latest stable release.
- Updated libs and sources.

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What's different about this build? Just that it uses SDL2?
This is great, just one question; how do I call up the cheat sheet in the app?

It's just an image, not integrated into the emulator.
You just need to disable Fullscreen in Video settings->Size Settings and you could alt+tab or minimize to see the image in your favourite viewer.

What's different about this build? Just that it uses SDL2?

SDL2 has Vsync working (it was removed from SDL1), uses GLESv2 via glshim, and 50hz lcd refresh rate.
There are some keys missing, but none that gamers will miss, ;)

Most games/programs would work fine, but some are too much for our beloved OpenPandora, even on 1GHZ model.
But with the Pyra it should work fine, i just hope it could run fullspeed the accurate version, x64sc, not x64 that we are using now.

And who knows maybe even xscpu64, who doesn't want a 16bit CPU at 20MHZ and 16MB or RAM?, ;)
- Latest beta release. See NEWS for latest changes.
- Compiled without glshim, uses GLESv2 directly.
- Updated sources.
- After four years of development and 33 betas, the latest stable VICE version is here!! XD
- Updated default configuration for all computers on new release. Backup and delete appdata/vice-svn recommended.
- Updated sources and compile script included.

See NEWS for more info: http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/NEWS
- Compiled SDL2 with opengl (Ptiseb latest git version, SDL2 and gl4es), to be compatible with 4.10 SGX drivers. But performance is a bit worse than using GLES2 directly.
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Reactions: rSl
- Compiled SDL2 with opengl (Ptiseb latest git version, SDL2 and gl4es), to be compatible with 4.10 SGX drivers. But performance is a bit worse than using GLES2 directly.
You can use GLES2 backend and still be SGX 4.10 compatible. USe those exports
export SDL_VIDEO_GLES2=1
I have those exports commented on start.sh because it fails trying to create the SDL window.



export HOME="$pwd"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pwd/lib"
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="$pwd/share":/etc/xdg/op:/usr/local/share:/usr/share

if [ ! -e .vice ]; then
notify-send "no config found. creating default-config"
mkdir .vice
cp init/* .vice

VICE=`zenity --list --column=Computers x64 x64dtv x128 xcbm2 xcbm5x0 xpet xplus4 xvic vsid terminal --text="Select Personal Computer" --width=100 --height=380`

tcpser -v 25232 -p 6400 -s 2400 -l 4 &

if [ "$VICE" == "terminal" ]; then
export PS1='\h:[\W]\$ '
umask 022
terminal --maximize --title="VICE Utils" --icon="$pwd/icon.png"
sudo -n /usr/pandora/scripts/op_lcdrate.sh 50
export LIBGL_FB=1
export LIBGL_BATCH=1
export LIBGL_VSYNC=1
# export SDL_VIDEO_GLES2=1
# export SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=libGLESv2.so
xset s off
xset -dpms
$VICE -sdl2renderer opengl "$@"

killall tcpser
# xset s on
# xset +dpms
sudo -n /usr/pandora/scripts/op_lcdrate.sh 60
PND : /media/pandora64/pandora/menu/vice-sdl2-svn.pnd
PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs
APPDATADIR : /media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-sdl2-svn
PND_CPUSPEED : <unset>
EXENAME : start.sh
ARGUMENTS : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn"
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,dirs="/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-sdl2-svn=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/vice-sdl2-svn=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn"
[SUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Starting the application ( start.sh ) ----------
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1074553360:INFO:Server socket bound to port
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1074553360:INFO:Server socket listening for connections
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1074553360:INFO:Opening ip232 device
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1074553360:INFO:Server socket bound to port
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1074553360:INFO:Server socket listening for connections
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1074553360:INFO:ip232 device configured
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1094730896:INFO:Control Lines: DSR:1 DCD:0 CTS:1
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1094730896:INFO:Disconnecting modem
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1094730896:INFO:Disconnecting
2016-12-30 19:33:46:1094730896:INFO:Control Lines: DSR:1 DCD:0 CTS:1
SDL: Forcing GLES2 driver
Reading configuration file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/.vice/sdl-vicerc'.

*** VICE Version 3.0 ***
OS compiled for: Linux glibc 2.9
GUI compiled for: SDL2
CPU compiled for: NEON (little endian)
Compiler used: GCC-6.2.0
Current OS: Linux 3.2.83 (glibc 2.9)
Current CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)

Welcome to x64, the free portable C64 Emulator.

Current VICE team members:
Andreas Matthies, Martin Pottendorfer, Marco van den Heuvel, Fabrizio Gennari,
Groepaz, Marcus Sutton, Kajtar Zsolt, Stefan Haubenthal, BSzili, AreaScout,
Bas Wassink.

This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
See the "About VICE" command for more info.

Loading system file `/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-svn/ROMS64/UTILS/KERNELS/JIFFYDOS/jiffykernal'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/C64/basic'.
Loading system file `/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-svn/ROMS64/UTILS/KERNELS/C64ES/characters.325056-03.bin'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/PRINTER/mps803'.
Palette: Loading palette `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/PRINTER/mps803.vpl'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/PRINTER/nl10-cbm'.
Palette: Loading palette `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/PRINTER/nl10.vpl'.
NL10: Printer driver initialized.
Palette: Loading palette `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/PRINTER/1520.vpl'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos1540'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos1541'.
Loading system file `/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-svn/ROMS64/UTILS/KERNELS/S-JIFFYDOS/sjiffy/jd6.01_rom_c1541_fixed.bin'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos1570'.
Loading system file `/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-svn/ROMS64/UTILS/KERNELS/JIFFYDOS/dos1571'.
Loading system file `/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-svn/ROMS64/UTILS/KERNELS/JIFFYDOS/dos1581'.
Loading system file `/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-svn/ROMS64/UTILS/KERNELS/JIFFYDOS/dos2000'.
Loading system file `/media/pandora64/pandora/appdata/vice-svn/ROMS64/UTILS/KERNELS/JIFFYDOS/dos4000'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos2031'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos2040'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos3040'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos4040'.
Loading system file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/DRIVES/dos1001'.
Drive: Finished loading ROM images.
Sound: Available sound devices: alsa uss sdl dummy fs dump wav voc iff aiff mp3 flac ogg soundmovie
SDLJoystick: No joysticks found
SDLKeyboard: Loading hotkey map `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/.vice/sdl-hotkey-C64.vkm'.
Keyboard: Loading keymap `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/lib/vice/C64/sdl_sym.vkm'.
SDLVideo: Available Renderers: opengl opengles2 opengles software
SDLVideo: Error - SDL_CreateWindow failed!
Main CPU: starting at ($FFFC).
Sound: Opened device `sdl', speed 44100Hz, fragment size 46,4ms, buffer size 185ms
reSID: MOS8580, filter on, sampling rate 44100Hz - fast
Drive 8: RESET.
Writing configuration file `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn/.vice/sdl-vicerc'.

Sound: Closing device `sdl'
tcpser: no process killed
[SUCCESS]--- Starting the application ( start.sh ) ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring nub mode ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Restoring nub mode ----------
[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/vice-sdl2-svn': Device or resource busy
[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
cleanup done
[SUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------
Return code is : 2