
I'll try tonight, I guess I have to put up the long distance charges..

Amazing no one looks at their emails.

I am in the US so there is time difference as well.

By the way I have sent the request to all the email addresses, debs, jacquelin and others fromt the order site.

Its not really a matter of not looking at the emails, its a matter of receiving an overwhelming amount of emails, following up what ever needs to be followed up for those that you get to, and sending a response, then not having enough time to get through all of them and then finding that more have come in the next day.

Its a lot of work.

BTW, if you get voicemail, (during their business hours) I'd suggest trying again a few minutes later.

I have sent emails back and forth over for quite a number of years. It does take a couple to few days but I have always gotten a response. The responses have always been respectful.
I have not even read this thread until today...
A fair point. No-one can be expected to read every post in every thread, especially people who are/should be busy trying to make a living fulfilling orders and moving their dream forward. The fact you tripped over it at all is a minor miracle, really.

But given you've now read it and acknowledged as much, surely the opportunity was there to offer up something along the lines of "Sorry for any inconvenience but we're very busy. I'll bring it to the attention of the girls and we'll get it sorted out for you". If not for the sake of the customer you've (regrettably) lost, but for the sake of the customers you hope you keep?

Then you drop a quick word to Jaqueline or Debbie or whoever saying "Can you sort that Cyberbug refund out please - it's been a little too long and he's getting antsy. Thanks" and move on with your life, knowing deep in your heart that once again you at least attempted to give the passing impression you give two sh*ts about the people without whom this project would not have been possible.

Or, you could just keep doing what you're doing and making it uproariously clear how much better business would be if it wasn't for those damn annoying people who keep expecting stuff from you, like courtesy, customer service and order fulfilment.
I was also thinking the same and not able to understand that Craig or Evil Dragon had posted several times and could have passed the word and sorted it out sooner.

Especially since I requested that I am in a pinch would appreciated it if it could be handled quicker. But no :(

At this point I am not sure if/when I'll get my refund.

I had the funds invested in the project for 30months so....
I was also thinking the same and not able to understand that Craig or Evil Dragon had posted several times and could have passed the word and sorted it out sooner.

Especially since I requested that I am in a pinch would appreciated it if it could be handled quicker. But no :(

At this point I am not sure if/when I'll get my refund.

I had the funds invested in the project for 30months so....

As I said - there's no conspiracy or anything, OPT are not holding your money for nefarious reasons, they just haven't gotten around to it yet and will likely refund you when someone else orders a Pandora to cover your refund.

I was also thinking the same and not able to understand that Craig or Evil Dragon had posted several times and could have passed the word and sorted it out sooner.
Well, EvilDragon has no control over what Craig does at his shop. They work together on a common entity, but they really are two different things. And Craig is Craig <_<
Then you drop a quick word to Jaqueline or Debbie or whoever saying "Can you sort that Cyberbug refund out please - it's been a little too long and he's getting antsy. Thanks" and move on with your life, knowing deep in your heart that once again you at least attempted to give the passing impression you give two sh*ts about the people without whom this project would not have been possible.

It seems from what ppl are saying is that the service side is swamped... Lets swamp them some more by disrupting their task list with trying to find a forum named user's order...

There are proper channels to do all of this, and personally if I was cynical I would wonder what these vocal few have done to get such a reportedly bad response... If I was cynical that is :P
and will likely refund you when someone else orders a Pandora to cover your refund.

How is that fair?

How come the other guy gets his refund first even though he asked for it after me?

And why should my money be tied up after 2.5 years waiting for someone else to invest?

Doesn't make sense..

We don't even get updates on when batch 1 will be complete..

Any way I was going to come back after this and get the Pandora at premium price when I had the funds. But now I will not, As EvilDragon said don't expect the premium pandora in 7 days as advertised any ways.

Lost a customer for ever.. And I want my money back its been 12 days.

I won't be back here after I get my refund..
Yes, you should (have) expect(ed) it within seven days. Due to some behind-the-scenes stuff, things are going slow. They're going slow because a new process is being worked on and set up to make sure future issues do not crop up (or are much easier to squash). It's either this or a greater possibility of more hardware flaws down the line. Get your refund if you must, but at least know that this is why things are taking so long. As for the delay behind your refund? That I can't say, try another e-mail or something (or call them directly). Nothing there I can tell you that others haven't.
I have not even read this thread until today, again, the way some people assume I or Ed must read every thread on here is also bizarre, I maybe read 10%.

This thread, page 2:

I will do whatever it takes to allow this to continue and for everyone to get their Pandora.

If they are all delivered and we come out even I'll be happy, but it's true, CC are the ones who are really letting us down big style, and I hate it.

I have not even read this thread until today, again, the way some people assume I or Ed must read every thread on here is also bizarre, I maybe read 10%.

This thread, page 2:

I will do whatever it takes to allow this to continue and for everyone to get their Pandora.

If they are all delivered and we come out even I'll be happy, but it's true, CC are the ones who are really letting us down big style, and I hate it.


Well if I was as busy as Craig, would I remember what forum thread I responded to already?
I did call in the morning before leaving for work 6:30am, I get home late. so Time difference was an issue.

I left a voice mail and request for refund.

I just checked my paypal and I have my refund. Now I can take of the bill I need to.

so regardless of how long it too - Thank you OPT

Unfortunate Pandora is taking so long. But it will not be in my future.

I wish you all, all the best. I may keep an eye on the project.

Take Care Cyberbug,

I'm glad to see your refund finally came thru. Hopefully OP can get their %@$# together, and then when you order again, you can get your unit in short order.
