Happy Birthday! I've been waiting two years.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
Bury St. Edmunds, UK
Hello all,

Don't worry OPT this is not a gripe topic. :P

I was wondering who will end up waiting the longest for their Pandora.

Rules are: From date you placed your first*1 order to the date you held your first*2 Pandora.

Someone at the end of day one would have had to wait some 9 months(?) longer than someone ordering earlier in the day that got one from the summer of 2010 production run. So a day one tail-ender would have had to wait for over 2years 6months ?Days.

Now it's a race between the rate the orders were taken and the rate of delivery. I'm sure this would make a lovely graph.

*1 - If you had to resubmit your order because of a banking cock-up then count the first order as you emotionally (and financially) committed to the project then. If you cancelled and re-ordered then count from your re-order date.

*2 - Not looking for your RMA woes. Clock stops as you rip open the packaging the first time.
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I ordered at the end of batch 1 - just before Christmas 2009. I'm beginning to think I could end up waiting the longest now that the production rate has slowed and the premiums are in the mix... got a way to go though before that though. :rolleyes:
I've been waiting for my Pandora since April 1986. Beat that!

That Craig Sinclair chap had better deliver it soon.
I've probably waited the shortest time of all Preorder>Premium orders, only about two months. Now, those who first jumped in with the Premiums or the refurbished units Craig sold a while back, that's different.
I ordered on day one of pre-orders, September 30th 2008, and received my (first) Pandora on June 3rd 2010. :P Curiously, this is already a very nostalgic thing. :lol:
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I ordered 1st October 2008 so that's 2 years & 6 months (today) and still counting.. am i winning so far?
What was your time, mine is 15:09

Just checked, 11:03 (am).. typical, as my "charming" better half has just pointed out to me i'm pole position in the contest no one wants to win.. story of my life!
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Holy crap, haven't yet even posted on this newfangled forum.. I'm a 2am GMT October first(9pm Sept. 30th my time!) preorder, confirmation email at 9am GMT. No hint of a 'shipped' email yet. Does this seem particularly out of line? I'm not so up to date with where Craig's preorders are, although I understand that those are hard to fathom :lol:
I ordered my Pandora in March of 2009. I was told that my order number was somewhere between

1800 and 2000. I should be getting it soon, but I have not heard anything as yet...
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^ I'm in the same boat as you.

Past the 2-year mark now. According to Jaqueline somewhere at 2000 of Craigs queue.
And now some numbers, and I mean NUMBERS !

Caculated from 3 april 2011 21:09 .

I am living 1.368.748.800 seconds

I have a job (the same) for 617.345.280 seconds

I have a wife (1e and the same) for 500.083.200 seconds

I am waiting for a toy, ok its "THE TOY" for two months, just 5.184.000 seconds.

(ok its 2 yeare and 6 months , 63.115.200 secondes :)

What is the problem ??

All is relative.

Why is it so different from being happy with a person for so long, and waiting for the toy so long.

Just enjoy you're living and be happy and think of people who are not so happy. Pray for them, if you like praying, or think of them and don't send them hate-mails or start trolling.

I know that it is difficult to be happy for some people, but TRY, it is so much more fun.

For the guys of the OPT:

thanks and think of yourself, the Pandora is the ultimate toy, but you guys, this is not worth dying for.
I ordered on day one of pre-orders, September 30th 2008, and received my (first) Pandora on June 3rd 2010. :P Curiously, this is already a very nostalgic thing. :lol:

Same here, but I got my first one around June 23-24th 2010. :) :) :)
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