CALLING ALL MEGA MAN FANS!! There is a genuine chance to get the Legends 3 prologue-game onto the 3D


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Some news just reached my ears, and it's my sworn duty as a fan and upholder of the Mega Man series to publicise it here: A genuine chance to get MegaMan Legends 3 Prototype Version - a prologue-game set before MegaMan Legends 3 itself, which was originally intended to gauge demand for the title - onto the Nintendo 3DS' eShop has arisen!

The singer Reika Morishita, who performed the Japanese theme songs for Rockman DASH and Rockman DASH 2 (Rockman DASH is the Japanese name for the sub-series known in the West as MegaMan Legends), and who has many contacts within Capcom Japan, will be releasing reprises of these songs in late May or early July. She has stated that, whilst there are no guarantees, if there are over 20,000 sales of this soundtrack, Capcom Japan is "likely to release the MegaMan Legends 3 Prototype Version on the eShop".

Source: Roll's Wrapup 4/21/2012: A Meeting With Reika Morishita and the Mega Man Legends Sponsored Stories Test

So, yes, if you are a fan of the series, and want to help make a direct impact on its future fate, which until now has been looking very grim indeed, from one fan to another, I would like to request your support in this endeavour.

Legends never die!
bummer it will come out for a system I don't like and probably never own. I really did enjoy the first two though.
You do realise that it's already been cancelled even though it was quite some way along, and we're trying to get it back, right? ;)
I was reading a number of links from your sigs [Please Support MegaMan Legends 3] a couple months ago ... It is out of order saying that they would do it then change their mind once everyone was hyped.

Whats the latest on that, still short a few Servb0ts to make them release what they have of it already?
Whats the latest on that, still short a few Servb0ts to make them release what they have of it already?
There's no guarantees no matter how many people show support in the form of signatures on petitions and "Likes" on Facebook pages, really.

"Money talks", as they say, which is probably why the issue of the sales of this CD has arisen... (But then again, lots of people were waiting to pay them for the damn demo, and they canned that, too.)
bummer it will come out for a system I don't like and probably never own. I really did enjoy the first two though.
You do realise that it's already been cancelled even though it was quite some way along, and we're trying to get it back, right? ;)

No i get that but I guess i'm just lamenting that it is going to be on a Nintendo system and therefore is almost certainly something i wouldn't buy because of that. When I said bummer it will come out I was being optimistic I do hope it comes out and then does well enough to get ported to something I own.
Well, if it comes out, at least it'll be somewhere where it's likely to sell - politicised nonsense within Capcom aside, the main problem this game's having is because the previous installments for the Sony PlayStation did not sell even close to well enough to recoup their investment (even the later low-budget, low-price, Japan-only PSP re-releases flopped badly). Basically, they're worried about the same thing happening with this sub-series a fourth time (or sixth, if you count the two PSP re-releases).

I just hope that your optimism, and mine, pays off. :lol:
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I recently started playing Legends 1 and 2 again for the PSX and man they are great games. I mean really. They are some really great Action RPG action for that Generation. Any word on 3? Man I really hope it comes out. I mean it seems kind of strange that they even made a spin off game The miss adventures of TB but didn't get a 3rd game out? I wonder what happened?
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The problem is that none of them sold very well. They were under-promoted (or not promoted at all) in most of the world (which seems to be the norm for the series, unfortunately), and never made back what it cost to produce them. This was one of the factors in 3's cancellation, but information that's been pointed out to me since suggests that it's entirely possible that it wasn't the primary one.

No further word on 3's status at this time, I'm afraid. If I hear anything, you can guarantee that I'll be posting about it. :P
hey Prom,

im sure can hopefully copy and paste your responce from some where but which megaman legends game did you like more and why? I have them both for playsation 1 so that is the version im familiar with if that matters.
Whilst I think that the first one is ok, the only Legends series game that I really like is The Misadventures of Tron Bonne (which, though released between the two numbered installments, is actually a prequel to the first game). The only quote that I could find from another thread is below;

one more question, megaman 2d or 3d(dont mean 3ds 3d but psx 3d), the reason i ask is because i never cared for the 3d megaman games on psx and those have turned me away from megaman for quite some time, for some reason, they just didnt click with me, i also didnt care for the starforce series or the battle network series, sorry if this post offends you in any way :|
I prefer 2D, but there are merits to the 3D titles as well. They're just generally not my sort of thing. By far, the best of the 3D titles is The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, because it's more arcade-styled and not as mired in cutscene fluff and rubbish.

To expand on that a bit, I like The Misadventures of Tron Bonne because it pretty much allows you to play the game without ruining it by holding you up with hours' worth of cutscenes and dialogue that indicate that the developers actually wanted to make a movie instead. If I want to watch a movie, I'll watch one - that's not why I'm playing a video game! TMoTB's cutscenes are generally worked into the game unobtrusively, so they're not as jarring and irritating to me as those in Legends 1 or, even worse, Legends 2. Also, it's just a lot more fun to play - the controls and movement aren't as clunky and overcomplicated as the two numbered Legends titles; You don't have to spend hours trawling around sparse landscapes and getting bored due to it not being 100% clear what you're doing, because TMoTB makes it crystal clear at all times; And it's also much easier to dip into and out of, due to its mission-based nature.

Of course, ironically, it's probably its focus on gameplay more than on cutscene nonsense that caused it to be the worst-selling game of the three, because back then, people were kidding themselves that having hours of cutscenes where the player got to do nothing at all somehow magically meant that "Games are mainstream now!". It didn't.
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