I'd never realised how god the NES was


Still Fresh
Jun 4, 2003
Never really took off over here in England, I'd always visualised all the graphics to be like Mario1... but I was wrong, there are some brilliant games on it and the sound is far kinder on the ear than the MasterSystems bleeps!

Will be looking back through the forum now for game recommendations...

Mispell of Good on the topic title there.... "god"??? It's not *that* good...
As far as statistics go the Genesis won hands down, but there's no real solid evidence so I won't start fighting. You can probably guess which side I'm on and it's amazing that still to this day that the 16bit argument can still hit nerves.
Spectrums, C64s, Amstrads ruled England when the NES was around, and even in the console market the Master System was more popular.
God bless the ZX & C64. Too bad there is nothing even remotely close nowadays...
Plus at least game prices were not outrageously high as they are right now. Admittedly games cost more to develop now, but that doesn't necessarily mean better games...

I dont think its how many bits the console has, as long as the games are good. I even find myself playing atari 2600 games when i have a perfectly good xbox. But out of the 8bit consoles i think nes won, and i like it more than sms. For 16bit i think genesis is better but snes was more popular..
If we're voicing our opinions about which consoles we prefer, id say that sms has the best games but nes has the best variety of good games. Snes was always better than the genesis :P
Yeah - technically, the Snes did urinate all over tthe MegaDrive (hate calling it the Genesis, cos thats not how I remember it!).

NES kind of passed me by, so I'll have to get into it now its come round again on GP32 :D

Only one reason why SNES won the game in the end, Yes its superior to the Megadrive... and later had some of the best games.... BUT what made people buy the SNES in the first place...??

STREET FIGHTER 2... Arcade in your house... I paid £120 for the american import with that funny adaptor.....! That was the BEST £120 i ever spent..!

Later in its dying days we had DKC.. amzing graphicds and nintendo gameplay... And incase you think i am a Zeolaot.. i prefer SEGA to Nintendo..!

Twimfy posted on Jul 22 2003 said:
Yeah from now on I'm going back to calling it the Megadrive, I'm sick of changing stuff for the americans.....no offence.
Call it whatever you want. You brits seem to have us outnumbered anyway :P

In any case, the NES owned the US market. I remember reading that at the peak of SMS popularity, it still only had about 15% of the home video game market.

Looking back, I must admit that the NES had more GREAT games. Although the SMS was clearly a superior system technically, Nintendo's monopolistic liscencing polocies meant that there were almost no 3rd party game producers for sega in the 80's.

Personally, I loved my Master System and I didn't actually own a NES until the SNES days, when I picked one up at a yard sale for the hell of it.
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