100,000 Strong for MegaMan Legends 3 reaches and exceeds 100,000!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
Just a quick topic to point this out, just in case anyone here's been following it. Yesterday, the fan-run campaign, "100,000 Strong for MegaMan Legends 3", also known as "GetMeOffTheMoon", located at http://www.facebook....GetMeOffTheMoon , reached - and exceeded - its goal of 100,000 "Likes".

This was in spite of folks who proclaimed that the goal would never be met and that we fans won't make a difference. Well, the goal has been met, and the fans ARE making a difference - nine months on, there are contacts both within and linked to Capcom Japan that the group is now associated with, all sorts of "official" support from people linked to the franchise (including the man regarded as its creator, Keiji "INAFKING" Inafune), and, as of last week, a possible chance to get the prologue-game onto the 3DS' eShop, too.

So, what does this mean? Well, as far as what Capcom might do, nothing right now, but considering that the fandom managed infinitely more during the last nine months than Capcom did (or rather, didn't, since they clearly couldn't be bothered to promote it) when they were still running the project - that is, advertise it and bring lots of people in - we can at least say we've made an achievement in that and in promoting the franchise as a whole more than the rights-holders wanted to bother with, as well as in the group gaining the aforementioned contacts and support. We've certainly proven who the Mega Man series REALLY belongs to, at any rate. :P

One way or another, we will succeed, of that I am quite sure. Legends never die!
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100'000? what kind of bots have you written Prometheus? :P
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I wonder if this initiative could prompt enhanced versions of the originals, or at least ports on the current venues. If the third one really does come out I'd be interested in getting into the series, but I'd be even more motivated to if it were offered in a more modern format.
an "enhanced" version of the originals came out to apple appstore....dont ask for that again
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Are you sure? Because google search comes up with nothing. Or are you talking about the port of Megaman X?

I want ports, and it'd be pretty daft to port it to some other 3D system but keep the resolution and color depth the same. So you should get a better looking game pretty much by default. It's not the same as changing around all the artwork for a 2D game.
ya i guess. sorry i figured megaman x is worthy of the "originals" label
Yeah well I was referring to MML 1 and 2 >_> I've played a lot of Megaman games but not these, and I think fans would consider them part of a separate series.
^ Legends is at the (current?) tail-end of the main continuity. :P (Classic > X > Zero > ZX > Legends. The alternate continuity goes Battle Network > Star Force.)

Anyway, as far as re-releasing them goes, Capcom keeps coming up with excuses not to do so outside of Japan (they did very low-budget re-releases of two of the three previous Legends series games, for the PSP over there). The strangest one, I find, is the claim that there's some middleware-related issue that prevents digital distribution - it's strange because between 2003 and 2008 or so, they were selling the Microsoft Windows version of the first game via two separate (and, yes, legit) vendors of digital downloads in exactly this fashion. It makes me wonder why it's suddenly a problem now.
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I was really looking forward to this game on 3DS. Good to hear that there might still be hope

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