By The End Of The Year?

paddy said:
Hello and welcome ,ill make this fast and furious as its getting late here ...

I was here on this forum like 6 months ago and i also put in my pre-order like the rest of you
and when February hit i then retracted my pre-order ,its my money and my money alone and i can
do what ever i want with it ( get it ? not OP's money) so if i or anyone else chooses to bail
then nothing can be said ,yes its a sad loss to the development but who's fault is it ?
no one's, there have been unfortunate events, it's just that every bail will slow down the thing even more.

paddy said:
i believe a few months back there was a lack of video's and Craig was promising lots of in depth
pics info and videos ,they never did appear like that and it is still months on the same scenario.
i would have expected Craig and co to show pics of the actual development like Craig & evil shaking
hands with the board manufacturer ,holding up a board and showing that all is well but we all got nothing.
hello? hello? mweston just posted pictures of the final board a few days ago.

paddy said:
On top of this many people requested a certain promised video clip about 7/8 weeks ago from Craig ,
a video showcase of the Pandora that never happened ,instead the guy hangs about the roof tops making silly videos
and i ask wtf ? is he really taking this seriously ? i let my thought be known at this point and
i got blasted to hell and back via all the ass kissing idiots that Craig cant do nothing as the
who Pandora development process was out of his hands so that was the reason for him seemingly not
doing much but wait .... if he aint busy then why isnt he posting videos and details of
promo type stuff to the people right here that need it most instead of taking weeks and weeks
to post old video footage that was edited to an inch of its life ? while his mac decides to die
and his Pandora sd corrupts ? ain't the guy got money and enough brains to go out months and months
ago and buy in a decent office computer for all this along with a good digital camera ? i mean WTF <?>
craig has a life and a job, you know. what's the point of another video anyways? we all know what it can and can do and etc. from the other ones. the only thing it will do is slow down the whole process.

paddy said:
I am here because i swear to you all right now that i believed in the Pandora and yes i still do
but i feel absolutely terrible for everyone that has waited and waited only to get delays and more
delays ,i really really hope you all get your Pandora ,I for one would love to order from the
second batch ,no hard feelings in business Craix ,but this is all taking too long and still
nothing to keep all you investors in faith of the Pandora.
what are you talking about? there have been many videos, pictures and such. sure it's taking much too long, but i don't see why we should lose faith? do you think they're just going to suddenly stop?

paddy said:
I really feel that it is Craig's fault for not keeping a daily log for all you guys to check,
it is his job after all to keep his investors happy ,i am sure all the ass kissers will have
a dog fight with me over all this but its actually you guys as well that i am rooting for so
chill out because i am sure with all that faith you have in a project thats months out there
will be a part of you that is worried.
as said before, craig has a job and a life. usually, nothing happens on a daily basis, most of the updates we get are all the ones they get. in this case, no news is good news.

paddy said:
anyway ... i want the panda to be a success and i hope that day comes when i see it out
there on youtube for the world to see ,i hope it becomes the reality it should be
for you guys and for the open pandora team ,so for all that and a little more please
stop bashing anyone who might want to drop out becase you really cant blame them
my money would still be in if it were not for the complete lack of info from craig and co.
wrong, it's not a complete lack of info. just because they don't/can't update everyday doesn't mean you should drop out. apparently, your reason for dropping out is that it's taking too long, and we respect that.

paddy said:
ohh and please don't go correcting anything out to me like dates,times spelling or punctulation
as its a quick fire post and if thats all you can do then shame on you ,also dont bother adding
info about the amount of stuff the Pandora team have actually given out as i don't care ,i don't
think its enough at any cost and i am sure others don't think its enough STOP PROTECTING open Pandora
get some balls and ask some real questions,because you DESERVE real answers and dates.

we'd all prefer if you got your dates, spelling, and punctuation correct. i don't see the shame at all, it looks like your just trying to call people out for correcting your laziness. i won't bother adding information about the project, as mentioned, you wouldn't care anyways. the whole point of your post seems like you think the team doesn't give enough information, and i disagree. they're obviously a lot more involved than other companies, there are a few updates every week or so, chill. don't assume you know how much information other people want. i'm not protecting them, i'm just telling you where your points are flawed. i don't see what's not real about the answers, unless your talking about craig's estimations, i do agree that estimations like those shouldn't be made, but it seems as if the the saying "two months" (gruso, just send me the picture of the dead kitten) is finally coming to an end. there are no real dates.

paddy said:
(feel free to destroy me as i dont actuly give a fuck about petty minded idiots that like to jump on the band wagon)
no, you're just stupid.
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You all need to understand, that Pandora is troll bait. The whole situation turns normaly patient people into trolls.

Will it be out by the end of the year? I don't think so(not trolling). The rate of completion for the various tasks needed to design, build and ship a product or going so incredibly slow for the Pandora. I would honestly be suprised if the team had a production example before the end of October. After that is building, FCC approval, QA testing and finally packaging and shipping. More than likely, you will be waiting till the end of next spring before you see your new gizmo.

Go get a ZuneHD. It's sure to be faster than the pandora anyways, and you can have it today(trolling :) )
paddy said:
Hello and welcome ,ill make this fast and furious as its getting late here ...
That wasn't fast.

It was long and rambling.
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Well as far as I, Ed, Craig, MWeston, et al. are concerned, my payment is locked in. I refuse to remove it. Yeah, I'm getting impatient too, but just 'WAIT' for Christ sake. You were willing to invest the money for a 'preorder' and wait; what were you going to do with the money in the mean time?

Don't worry OP, at least you have one 'confident' customer..

EDIT: Typo
Also, to add two more cents. For people that are annoyed with the announcements of guesstimation release dates, you need to gtfo off the forums. Do you do this to Sony before they release a new product? No, because they don't give a shit about your opinion. That's why OP is great! They care and they are sincere in their intentions. Br grateful! If it wasn't for their efforts, you wouldn't have a pocket-sized emulator of this magnitude...

I don't know what frustrates me more. Not having my Pandora or people complaining about not having their Pandora. They're both futile to argue...

EDIT: AGH! Another typo..
ya know, I'm in for the long haul, as many others who don't speak up are with me. If by the end of the year/next year it's still not out.... oh well, more waiting. If people decide to cancel, oh well, your loss. If so many cancel that it hinders the production of this fine piece of hardware, I'll buy a dozen or so of these little guys to make up some of the slack and just resell them on ebay or something at a later date.... better yet... if OpenPandora ltd was a publicly traded company I'd absolutely be willing to invest. This product is going to take off like nobody's business once it hits the homes of nerds across the globe. If things seem kinda sketchy right now with the numbers sold / preorders revoked... whatever % of the initial 4000 won't even be a blip on the radar when this actually hits the market. So go ahead and cancel if you are fed up... but all this griping and threatening just reminds me of that old Jerry Maguire movie scene "who's comming with me?" you quit... pack your stuff and just leave quietly.

OP folks... if your hurting for numbers say something and I'm sure me and some of the anonymous chaps on this board will be sure to make up some of this slack. If it's a PR issue, send me a pm and I'll do my order silently.
Cracker Jacker said:
You all need to understand, that Pandora is troll bait. The whole situation turns normaly patient people into trolls.

Will it be out by the end of the year? I don't think so(not trolling). The rate of completion for the various tasks needed to design, build and ship a product or going so incredibly slow for the Pandora. I would honestly be suprised if the team had a production example before the end of October. After that is building, FCC approval, QA testing and finally packaging and shipping. More than likely, you will be waiting till the end of next spring before you see your new gizmo.

Go get a ZuneHD. It's sure to be faster than the pandora anyways, and you can have it today(trolling :) )

Thank god you said that the last line was trolling, I was prepared to destroy you for complete ignorance about the purpose of the Pandora.

That aside, your time estimates are REALLY off. First, ED said that he knows someone who could get FCC & CE testing done in 7-8 days, IIRC. Also, the first batch of PRODUCTION boards are finished and have gone through extensive testing. This will help the team fine-tune the testing process for the rest of the boards (test mainly for parts that had higher rates of failure, spend a little less time testing the parts that passed in all of the original 105). The cases can all be made in a few days. The QA testing for the newly-produced boards can be done while they're packaging up and shipping the ones that are ready. Also, the burn-in testing should only be ~48hrs, meaning that each board is only delayed by 2 days due to testing. Once the cases and PCBs are all assembled and get to the place that they'll be shipped from (the UK, I assume), they can ship out ~300 per day. IMO, half of the time remaining till delivery is going to be time spent shipping parts around the globe.
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Why do people on here constantly arse lick? This was a console pre-order not a investment or premium bloody bonds! not everyone who has pre-ordered been on these boards and not anywhere on the official website does it state only pre-order in the hope it gets released, and i didnt read any clause that states that you cant get a refund until the first batch rolls out......get out of the developers arses, they won't like you any less if you do!
I'm resigning from the forums for a week or two, I can't be bothered to read any more idiotic posts at the moment. The thing's coming, it's taking it's time and the updates are few and far between, but I for one have more important things to worry about. I'll just carry on with my business and be happy when my parcel arrives. Basically the delays don't mean anything, because I know that I couldn't have done any better, in fact I couldn't have even got the idea off the ground. What's really killing the joy for me is some of the posters here.
Sugar_Kane said:
I'm resigning from the forums for a week or two, I can't be bothered to read any more idiotic posts at the moment. The thing's coming, it's taking it's time and the updates are few and far between, but I for one have more important things to worry about. I'll just carry on with my business and be happy when my parcel arrives. Basically the delays don't mean anything, because I know that I couldn't have done any better, in fact I couldn't have even got the idea off the ground. What's really killing the joy for me is some of the posters here.

I wish I could do the same - trouble is, I'm addicted to checking for a suprise.

I don't care how long it takes, all this waiting fills a gap in my worthless life!
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Miner49er said:
Sugar_Kane said:
I'm resigning from the forums for a week or two, I can't be bothered to read any more idiotic posts at the moment. The thing's coming, it's taking it's time and the updates are few and far between, but I for one have more important things to worry about. I'll just carry on with my business and be happy when my parcel arrives. Basically the delays don't mean anything, because I know that I couldn't have done any better, in fact I couldn't have even got the idea off the ground. What's really killing the joy for me is some of the posters here.

I wish I could do the same - trouble is, I'm addicted to checking for a suprise.

I don't care how long it takes, all this waiting fills a gap in my worthless life!

I have patience, I know how difficult the roadmap would be. Just remember: This is not a large "Sony like" corporation with lots of employees.
In fact, the progess is reasonably fast!
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Well, seeing that the boards are here and working and the only thing left is the case (which will be finished just before October or middle of October, depending on if the Chinese factory can finish the mould just before the chines holidays), I can't think of no reason why we shouldn't be able to ship within this year - unless something is seriously wrong with the case. But we checked it with a few prototype cases, the chinese factory checked it with actual boards that everything fits and they are also the ones producing the keymats, so they also checked that the keymats fit with the case.
So chances the case will work from the very beginning are very high.

Then we can almost instantly deliver the 100 first finished Pandoras - and after that it's a few weeks to mass produce the rest.
Are speakers, LCD screens and nubs also stocked somewhere? And is everything ready for assembly?

Just asking?
EvilDragon said:

do you know how long assembly will take Evil?
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