British Meet-up

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Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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I know we started banding the idea around on the other thread, but would anyone seriously like to have a bit of a meet-up somewhere or other?

It'd be cool to meet people on the board - always makes the whole thing seem so much more friendly once you've met a few people. I met a few people off the board last year - and it was a laugh.

I'd say somewhere in the midlands would probably be a good idea - about the same(ish) distance for most people then. But, if anyone has a better idea, then feel free to voice it.

I know - let's all pile round to Rico's :D

Hmmm- dunno if he'd appreciate it. :P

Anyway - I'm serious about this, and it'd be good to do it before the summer is out.

Also can people suggest maybe venues for such a meet. I'm sure many of us would appreciate a tipple, but also we don't want to exclude this who can't or don't drink, so some sort of compromise would be good.

Anyways - lets hear those ideas people!


EDIT: The new site for the Great British Meet-up (tm) is up and running. you can find it at :-

Cya there...
If it does happen, I might try and make it (from Manchester).
I could stand there (most likely pissed) offering my services to those working on their own titles pleading that I "just want to make games look good"...

...and not like that:


But yeah, I'd probably be up for that. But not deffinately puttin my name down. :)
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I'm up for this. :D

Lets hope enough people are interested to make it worthwhile...

As far as location goes, the midlands is prolly fair but it will depend on where everyone has to come from when we know who's interested. (did that make sense? ;) )

Fingers crossed that it happens :)

I'm near Brighton btw.
I'd be quite happy to meet up, although I don't know what I'd do once I got there (probably dish out playable demos of my Sonic PC game :) ) I'm In Dorset if that helps in trying to pick a spot.
Me-I would obviuosly prefere somewhere I can get a beer,but I can see why we dont want to exclude anyone who couldn't get into a pub.How about anyone who wants to come but can't (or doesn't want to) get into a pub let us know.Then we know what sort of venue we looking for.It's also gonna have to be somewhere everyone can find-I would invite you all round my house but you would all probably have difficulty finding it.Anyway let us know as I for one would love to meet you guys.
sounds all good to me......

im in cheshire....

i have a laptop with cd-r if that could be of use....

i think a venue for all ages sounds good (im 27)

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Twimfy-good idea-but how am I gonna carry 300 cans???
OK.I suggest either wales or manchester depending on the location of the majority of dudes.Any other suggetions?
Wouldn't be any age boundaries as such. Obviously, I wouldn't blame the parents of the younger ones (<16) not being happy about it, so the age restrictions may be imposed by them rather than imposed by the group.

Obviously, a pub is a good idea for at least part of the thing. It may even be an idea to arrange it at someone's house if that's easier - though it does put a lot of pressure on that particular person, and not many people would be happy inviting a lod of crazy people that they've never met in person into their house :P

I'm not condoning under-age drinking, but I dont see a few 17-year-olds being a problem in most pubs. Most of you go out every friday night anyway I bet.

Anyways.... again, keep the suggestions coming. I, of course, would love for it ot be in South Wales, but I don't knw if that would be convenient for many people. Cardiff and Newport are very easy to get to by train from anywhere (both are near to the border), so it may be an option.

South wales sounds fine to me, I've never been to wales before. The most difficult part is choosing a time. Working in a Pub, my hours are very random so weekends aren't always the best times.
I hope somebody takes pictures, and records the activities for the next issue of Slander!
Whats the plan? we all meet up and get wrecked ? or we bringing some of our home GP projects and possibly get our heads together on some future group projects or a subtle blend of the two :)

I vote for the midlands pref'bly Derby, Notts, Leicester. So i dont have to go to far ;)

On a related note any one know where to get some replacement GP32 shells and buttons it would be nice to get some custom painted shells to show off at the meet.
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