if it's in birmingham i'd come 
lmfaoPinkSpider posted on Apr 28 2004 at 08:43 PM said:and you kill him for me (jk)
nice.lurch posted on Apr 29 2004 at 09:03 PM said:Thought I would let this topic slip for a while to see if anyone was still interested in having another meet.It's nice to see the enthusiasm still going.I still think birmingham would be ok.On the point of what to bring-whatever you feel safe with.Last time one dude (I can never remember names) brought his collection of handhelds that we all had a good drool over and axeman had his cool notebook tablet thingy (very nice).I will be bringing a couple of gp32's and my laptop.Anyway how about everyone who's still interested letting us know on this topic if you will still be coming and when and where you would prefer to meet.
I may not bring my gp but I will bring beerkknd_cf posted on Apr 29 2004 at 08:18 PM said:lmfaoPinkSpider posted on Apr 28 2004 at 08:43 PM said:and you kill him for me (jk)
Here's a list of the peoples who've mentioned there locations loacations:
south coast
Exeter (Devon)
North West of england
south west london
North east londonx2
new england
North Wales (me)
So everyone still up for Birmingham?
We basically need to get it as central as possible.
Also what should we bring our gp32's or all our hanhelds?
I've got a neo geo, game boy, GBA, gp32 and game gear. Also I've got me NEs if anyone wants a go on that.
We should go somewhere to meet first (like pinkspiders idea for exampls) then go to someones house and game to our hearts content.