Nice to see interest in an event which went down very well last year! It's a good idea to start the debate early, so we've got LOADS of time to sort it out. Would be cool to have it in the summer this time, so the travelling would be easier becasue of the long days.
Birmingham sounds great to me, though it'd be good to get as many people's opinions as possible....
Maybe this year we coukd tie it in with an event, like a few people suggested last year? Just a thought. Thing is, having our own venue is a lot cosier, and it's easier to arrange/stay together/make it more of OUR event etc.
id possibly be interested, depends on where it is since im up in scotland, also did the pics from the last one ever get put up anywhere apart from the few in gp32 zine?
Sorry about that! With the best intentions in the world, my life just got the better of me in September (moved house etc!). If the general concensus is still that people would like to see the pics, I can get them online reasonably quickly.
Also, in regard to the video I took that day, somebody activated the night vision on my camera, so it all ended up being all weird and grey... Still watchable though, so I may bung it on DVD and send it to anyone if they are interested.
I really hope that the 2004 event is as much fun as the 2003 event was. This year is pivotal in the GP32's future, and I think that showing this sort of support can only help!
Cheers to you all, and see yas at the 2004 meetup (whenever and wherever it happens