Blog Update - Look! It's A Desktop!

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wesbrown18 said:
TaG said:
Yeah, I thought the E17 looked good - not sure quite why it needs changing.
Big difference between 'looking good', and 'functional'.

This is an extremely high density 800x480 4.3" screen, and in such an environment, conventional window managers such as E17 do not work well.Thanks for the explanation. Makes perfect sense. I'm sure Matchbox is going to look good too, but functionality must come first.
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Hessiess said:
I too like GIMP's multi window layout because its easy to work on many images simultaneously. But on a device with very limited screen space there is very little room left for the accrual image you are editing.
I agree on the screen being fully used for the canvas, but I can see it being useful to have all the tools etc. stuck to one window/screen/tab. This would mean that the full program would only need to take up 2 tabs instead of a tab for everything separately (which would still become annoying to tab through).

If you get what I mean? :)
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cb88 said:
unfortunately... even the improved themes at don't really show off matchbox
No, they don't. We need to "rectify" that, don't we? ;)


Is the match box that is on the n800 modified?



the poky linux screenshots are nice but still they are ALL green...

Heh... Not all software engineers have stylin' in their minds- just functionality. There's a reason you typically have a game studio with 2D/3D rendering programmers, gameplay programmers, and artists doing the textures, models, and levels.
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Creature XL said:
Now they are all happy with a vid from a still not assembled P and with software which is NEVER considered to be used on the P (Enlightment vs Matchbox).
In reality, that's likely to be what the "over the top" desktop environment is going to have on it as an option for people to install.

"NEVER" is entirely too strong a word for what's going on there. It's use it on the Pandora for the release firmware baseline. Matchbox is much, much closer to what's practical and usable for everyone, even if they're not "happy" about the lack of eye-candy present compared to what Enlightenment brings to the table. This is about being realistic here. When the Pandora project made that fateful decision to use the OMAP3 instead of the original plan, we ALL stepped up to the plate in the big leagues. Yes, I did say that. It is true.

You can't have something like e17 in there as a baseline UI setup unless you know it's armor-plated reliable (e17, sadly is NOT yet...close, but close isn't what we need...) and works in a usable manner for handhelds such that it doesn't need the stylus like we need for it right now. Matchbox meets all those criteria and we only need to spiff up the themes we end up using for it.
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Great blog update!

Well, I'm very happy with the small fontsize actually...
It's gonna be great on video-out.

I could teach myself with better stylus/mouse handling and button recognition.
wesbrown18 said:
TaG said:
Yeah, I thought the E17 looked good - not sure quite why it needs changing.

Dugg. Shame it's not a separate page that could be dugg and drive up the page rank too. Maybe the new PR guy will consider it.
Big difference between 'looking good', and 'functional'.

This is an extremely high density 800x480 4.3" screen, and in such an environment, conventional window managers such as E17 do not work well.

i run Ubuntu with size 7 fonts on a standard 15.4" 1280x800 screen. I really like screen real estate. make the fonts standard size due to the higher pixel density and i'll be very happy. E17 is sweet and of course i want it. what's wrong with that setup? there was enough screen space to do tasks with the on screen keyboard active.
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CC_machine said:
i run Ubuntu with size 7 fonts on a standard 15.4" 1280x800 screen. I really like screen real estate. make the fonts standard size due to the higher pixel density and i'll be very happy. E17 is sweet and of course i want it. what's wrong with that setup? there was enough screen space to do tasks with the on screen keyboard active.

:blink: :lol: :rolleyes:
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CandidStan said:
the Pandora should greet us every time we turn it on with "Hellollo (insert name)"

You can actually do that if you're using something like KDM/GDM. (I know it's possible with GDM; assuming it's possible with KDM as well.)
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or you can do with in .Xinitrc

think cplay ~/sounds/startup.wav & would work.. it would have to be ran before the last thing in there though or X will die when it finishes playing x.x so you start the WM after you start it


create a new script (/usr/bin/ that contains
sleep 5
cplay ~/sounds/startup.wav

that you can run as & in .xinitrc so your sound would play about when the WM loads

anybody have a better solution?

Note: cplay could be madplay or aplay or whatever cli auidio player even tiny sid

I'm not sure how to stop a sid or edit one however... that would be nice to know It would be nice to have a lot of little small programs like tinysid in fact... << would make a nice project for someone to modify to work on the Pandora (mostly input handling since it is mouse centric)

BTW: sorry for my rambling but could illume be snuck in the angstrom image since it is in the angstrom repo it would be nice to see how it looks at 800x480
First of all. Wow, I haven't gawked and drooled at anything like I have this. Looks to be very promising. Especially FireFox, those livebookmarks on the go will be perfect. Along with the gaming! :)

Just a few questions though. Bugs will be detected down the road, hopefully most of them are caught during the early testing stages (Ya'll take your time. Abuse em! :lol: ) what will be done should any big bugs slip through? And should I wait until the third or fourth batch before putting some $$ down on this lovely piece of tech?

But please please. Abuse these things, put them through the hardest of tests. Because if I get my hands on one of these I sure will. :P

Keep up the great work. :)