Release Black Shades


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Black Shades is a great little FPS.



It use OpenGLES acceleration, framerate are good, even on CC.
Controls are customized to fit the Pandora Controls.
In appdata/blackshades/home you'll find a config.txt where you can alter some parameters, like the mouse sensitivty if you find it too slow.

Controls are "FPS", so Mouse Move is fixed to Right Nubs, and Mouse Button to Left Nubs.
Touchscreen cannot be used (because mouse is Grabbed).

Controls are like this:
WASD / DPad = walk
shift / {L-Trigger} = run

mouse / {R-Nub} = look
control / , = crouch/zoom
click / {R-Trigger} = fire (while aiming) or smash (while running) or pick up gun (while crouching over a body and not aiming) or disarm (while not aiming)
q / {Y} = aim or un-aim (important for picking up guns)
r / {A} = reload
e / {B} = psychic aim
z / {X} = toggle soul release
space = dive (while running forwards)

History log
Build 02

  • Fixed the freeze that was happening (it was SDL Grabbed Mouse + GLES)
  • Added Black Shades Elite, a fork of Black Shades (very similar gameplay and functions).

Build 01

  • Initial release.
  • Ported OpenGL -> OpenGLES1
  • Customized controls
Protect the white guy!
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Playing @ tends to freeze now and then. Moving the right nub resumes game. Should I increase the mhz ? 

I am not sure exactly who the bad guys are. :huh:   They seem to be in black pants and a rust colored shirt...but I am confused. I was looking for a black head or black body but to no avail.  If I see some guy randomly shooting another guy [no females here] I shoot him and get points. There appears to be distant light rays when people are shooting one another.

It is slightly disturbing how the level ends abruptly and you start over when there was plenty of time left.I do not see a connection on why this occurs so often. The accuracy of shooting is problematic. The aiming reticule constantly moves upward during firing the various weapons. It is bothersome.

I do really like this game. The draw distance is remarkable as is the audio and mechanics for the guns used...with the exception of the aiming reticule problems I encountered. I like the snow and the fact there are many people walking around sort of old GTA like.

I am not quite clear on the point system other than ..I suppose,, shooting the right enemy gives you 75 points?

This game could be a masterpiece FPS if there was some tweaking that could be done . ...or I need to do.  :D

With all the above said I played this game for 30mins. and really enjoyed romping around town and drawing blood on people I thought were bad. Or yes I admit....just killing randomly  :angry:   ;)
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I have the occasionnal freezing, not sure why they happens, maybe the code I add for Firing with right shoulder button? I have to experiment a bit maybe. No need to overclocks. I played on a CC Pandora at 800MHz and it was ok (with the occasionnal freezing).

About the game, you have to protect the White Guy against bad guy. You cannot know who is a bad guy and is just a civilian before the bad guy show is weapon, and start to aim. Then you can shoot the bad guy. Don't shot civilian of course, and follow and protect the White suit guy.

The ray is when a bad guy is aiming. They take time, giving you the oportunity to stop them.

When the white guy is down, you loose many point and start over, a bit before.

Hope it helps :)
New build on the repo. I found the problem with the constant freeze. It was the mouse, wich once grabbed, has some freeze with SDL+GLES. I have bundled a special compile of SDL, no more freeze, fluid Gameplay now :) !

I also added Black Shades Elite. It's a fork of Black Shades. The gameplay is very similar. The fork has not gone very far from the original. I found the game a bit easier, not sure it's real or not.

Build 02

  • Fixed the freeze that was happening (it was SDL Grabbed Mouse + GLES)
  • Added Black Shades Elite, a fork of Black Shades (very similar gameplay and functions).
Great. This freeze might be the same issue as yamagi quake has.

Could you tell pickle how you fixed it?
For those interested, here is the diff from the sdl_omap git repo.

What I have done is I commented a block in the "MoveMouse" that want to fiter out an X11 message (that the mouse moved), but that never come... I'll put that in the thread in dev section about SDL& GLES also.

New build on the repo. I found the problem with the constant freeze. It was the mouse, wich once grabbed, has some freeze with SDL+GLES. I have bundled a special compile of SDL, no more freeze, fluid Gameplay now :) !

I also added Black Shades Elite. It's a fork of Black Shades. The gameplay is very similar. The fork has not gone very far from the original. I found the game a bit easier, not sure it's real or not.

Build 02

  • Fixed the freeze that was happening (it was SDL Grabbed Mouse + GLES)
  • Added Black Shades Elite, a fork of Black Shades (very similar gameplay and functions).
The freeze is unfrozen!! Thank you.. :)

The big difference I notice is that in the ELITE version everything moves much slower vs the non-elite version. ..Unless of course you make your character run while pressing the L shoulder button. The character runs fast and the gun is not in the brandish mode but all others still move quite slow.

I do not know if this is intentional ?? :huh:  It almost seems slow motion.

Have you noticed this?

Very good game overall and lots of fun protecting 'Whitey'.
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New build on the repo. I found the problem with the constant freeze. It was the mouse, wich once grabbed, has some freeze with SDL+GLES. I have bundled a special compile of SDL, no more freeze, fluid Gameplay now :) !

I also added Black Shades Elite. It's a fork of Black Shades. The gameplay is very similar. The fork has not gone very far from the original. I found the game a bit easier, not sure it's real or not.

Build 02


  • Fixed the freeze that was happening (it was SDL Grabbed Mouse + GLES)
  • Added Black Shades Elite, a fork of Black Shades (very similar gameplay and functions).
The freeze is unfrozen!! Thank you.. :)

The big difference I notice is that in the ELITE version everything moves much slower vs the non-elite version. ..Unless of course you make your character run with the L shoulder button. The character runs fast and the gun is not in the brandish mode but all others still move quite slow.

I do not know if this is intentional ?? :huh:
I think it is, to make the game easier. I can go to later level with the nofreeze Elite version :)

New build on the repo. I found the problem with the constant freeze. It was the mouse, wich once grabbed, has some freeze with SDL+GLES. I have bundled a special compile of SDL, no more freeze, fluid Gameplay now :) !

I also added Black Shades Elite. It's a fork of Black Shades. The gameplay is very similar. The fork has not gone very far from the original. I found the game a bit easier, not sure it's real or not.

Build 02


  • Fixed the freeze that was happening (it was SDL Grabbed Mouse + GLES)
  • Added Black Shades Elite, a fork of Black Shades (very similar gameplay and functions).
The freeze is unfrozen!! Thank you.. :)

The big difference I notice is that in the ELITE version everything moves much slower vs the non-elite version. ..Unless of course you make your character run with the L shoulder button. The character runs fast and the gun is not in the brandish mode but all others still move quite slow.

I do not know if this is intentional ?? :huh:
I think it is, to make the game easier. I can go to later level with the nofreeze Elite version :)
Sounds nice and warm ..look forward to this  :P  Still  a very fun game protecting 'WHITEY'  B)
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