Serial Porter
Here, you can find The Devil, a great little shooter game, using dual analog controls.
This is a beta port, using the still experimental port of Allegro5.1
It works, but the game is 640x480, so right side (160 pixels wide) of the screen isn't use.
Also, the mouse can be seen when move. It doesn't want to hide.
Note that the NUBS are set to Analog on start (and restored at exit), so you have to use Touchscreen (or a real Mouse) to navigates in the (small) menus.
The default controls are set to DPad to Move and ABXY to shot, but you can choose "Dual Analog". You than have to Configure the setting with the nubs.
Also, search on Youtube, you'll find a nice video by mcobit of the game, if you want to see how it look in movement.
Here a few screenshots from Build 03

History log
Build 03
Build 01
Nice shooting.
Note: The game include a Leaderboard, but it's not C4A.
This is a beta port, using the still experimental port of Allegro5.1
Also, the mouse can be seen when move. It doesn't want to hide.
Note that the NUBS are set to Analog on start (and restored at exit), so you have to use Touchscreen (or a real Mouse) to navigates in the (small) menus.
The default controls are set to DPad to Move and ABXY to shot, but you can choose "Dual Analog". You than have to Configure the setting with the nubs.
Also, search on Youtube, you'll find a nice video by mcobit of the game, if you want to see how it look in movement.
Here a few screenshots from Build 03

History log
Build 03
- Default is really now on Dual Analog
- New "Autodetect" option.
- Default to Dual Analog
- Option to have anamorphic fullscreen or centered with black bars.
- Bigger font
- You can use Up/Down (Left Nub in DualAnalog) to choose menu, validate with enter
- in synch with new version 1.2
- Thanks to Todd, the author, for the many adjustement to code the fit the Pandora !
Build 01
- Initial release.
Nice shooting.
Note: The game include a Leaderboard, but it's not C4A.
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