beefy kernel update


Certified Guru
Aug 23, 2005
If you run "upgrade pandora OS", you'll get a larger than usual kernel update.

Ligachamp asked for some USB TV stick drivers, so I've built media_build.git, which gives many media drivers from ~3.16-3.17 kernel release. These now come together with our 3.2 kernel.

There is a new driver for SoC's temperature sensor, I knew one existed inside DM3730, but not about one in OMAP3 so haven't bothered with a driver. It tuns out all of them have that sensor and it works even on CC pandoras, so now there is a driver too (temperature can be read from /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp or using updated Live system info).

Ingoreis gave me a MT7601-based USB wifi stick, so I've added a working driver for it too. Those are also known as Digitus and ED once sold them while they used Realtek chip, but suddenly switched to MT7601 and ED sent them without knowing, until people started to complain as they didn't work. Now we have support for them too.

There is now also a variation of bsp's hack for low latency audio. It's disabled by default as it breaks programs, can be enabled through a call of a function that was patched into alsa-lib. alsa-lib was also updated as bsp reported problems with the old one we were using.

I've done basic testing and it seemed to be ok, but it would be nice everyone could test things they use especially things like TV tuners or wifi sticks. I'm also a bit nercous about alsa-lib update, hopefully it will be ok.

Full changelog of today's update:

* kernel: updated to 3.2.63

* kernel: wrote a new driver in-SoC thermal sensor (can read through /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)

* kernel: switched some features to modules (instead of built-in)

* kernel: enabled GPT partition support

* kernel: added driver for MT7601 dongle (ED sold some of them thinking they were Realtek, but manufacturer changed the chip)

* kernel: lots of new media drivers for USB TV sticks/webcams (via media_build.git)

* alsa-lib: updated to latest (1.0.28)

* use partition instead of whole drive (pmprog)

* wl1251-init: removed unneeded insmod commands that were causing errors
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Hehe, we still have cool kernel updates for Pandora when Pyra is coming out in Two MonthsTM?

I'm loving it!!!  Thanks notaz!!!
So YOU are the one with commits right!

I've been trying to fix UTF8 support in upstream SuperZaxxon for agesssss. My local Pandora has a patched system, but how do I proceed to prepare the patches to the upstream system? Which is the main repository?

I tried to submit in the following places, but it was useless:

I've tried to figure it out who has commit access many many times on IRC already, but it was unsuccessful.
Whoops!  Did the update and now touchscreen stops working.  Also, can't seem to enable USB Host, Bluethooth, and run PNDs neither. 
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Reflashed and updated again but same results.  Tried on 2 Pandoras and same results.  Luckily I still have the third Pandora and I am not going to update this boy just yet :D
Whoops!  Did the update and now touchscreen stops working.  Also, can't seem to enable USB Host, Bluethooth, and run PNDs neither. 
Same here, only a few modules are loaded, pndrun.out reports unknown filesystem type iso9660 or squashfs.

A "sudo depmod -ae" solved the issue.

--EDIT :

The same problem occurred with a 1GHz (other was CC).
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Whoops!  Did the update and now touchscreen stops working.  Also, can't seem to enable USB Host, Bluethooth, and run PNDs neither. 
Same here, only a few modules are loaded, pndrun.out reports unknown filesystem type iso9660 or squashfs.

A "sudo depmod -ae" solved the issue.

--EDIT :

The same problem occurred with a 1GHz (other was CC).
I can confirm that the problem occurs and that Linux-SWAT's fix works :)

CPU temperature sensor! Nice! Now I have to cram even more stuff in the Pandora System Info CPU panel...
Once the eventual issues are ironed out can you make a 1.62 release?
That's up to ED to decide.
Then your commits right are related to the SuperZaxxon v1.6x release series, right? This is the series I'm aiming for.
Yeah, github pages are for next major release that's supposed to come out after SuperZaxxon, but it still needs a lot of effort to be good for SuperZaxxon replacement.
I'll ping you when I have something ready (again). Okay?
Whoops!  Did the update and now touchscreen stops working.  Also, can't seem to enable USB Host, Bluethooth, and run PNDs neither.
Same here, only a few modules are loaded, pndrun.out reports unknown filesystem type iso9660 or squashfs.A "sudo depmod -ae" solved the issue.

--EDIT :

The same problem occurred with a 1GHz (other was CC).
Sounds like post-install script got botched.. It's supposed to delete modules.dep so that depmod is automatically ran after reboot, apparently that is not working..
Should be hopefully fixed now, but I don't have access to any pandoras to test, so it would be nice if somebody chacked if it helped.

The fix will only affect those who haven't ran the update yet, those who already did need to run "sudo depmod" manually and reboot.
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I have a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 950Q with the Auvitek AU8522 chip in it, and mplayer does this:

Not able to lock to the signal on the given frequency, timeout: 30
ERROR, COULDN'T SET CHANNEL 3: Failed to open dvb://MPT-2

It does this for all channels in my channels.conf file, all of which work on my laptop.

At least my stick is detected now though, and it TRIES to work.
Working for me too. I can confirm that my last update was done in July, but I've done one now and both touchscreen and launching squashfs'ed PNDs still works after a reboot. Thanks!