Gp2x Coding Competition Results

barnesy posted on Feb 26 2006 at 03:20 AM said:
starpause posted on Feb 26 2006 at 08:47 AM said:
GNUboy, last time i tried the sound compatability was not so great, littleSoundDj was not playable ... i talked to K-teto about it a little, he said maybe someday the sound core could be re-coded but the task is large :)
In that case you REALLY need to check the new version out. This is one of several changes listed in the readme: "Perfect sound thanks to total elimination of SDL and use of the minilib for sound." And I agree - it sounds fantastic!

edit - I still haven't worked savestates out in it though.
edit edit - Ah! L+R to get to the menu, then Y to get to savestates, then A to save or B to load. A bit tricky, but it works.

no--the problem is with the GNUboy sound code. kits and other high frequency stuff still don't work in LSDj. i agree the interface for the save states could be better, and some sort of visual map of the key-button-functions on each screen would be nice (rather than a slow ass ticker/scroller). but seriously, these are all niggles--the rom selector menu r0x and so many gb classix are fully playble! great work, much props!!!

on the other hand, marc just got a gp2x and has been working on porting littleGpTracker to it. *hyped*

and yeah, vektar is a very fun play with all the exploding eye candy. the only thing it's missing is a way to skip the easier levels (i.e. start with so many points) ... things progress a bit slowly before the insanity sets in B)
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DuFace posted on Feb 26 2006 at 10:39 AM said:
That's odd. GnuBoy doesnt work for me. It gets to the rom selection screen, but nothing is there? I'm on oddbots firmware.

fomit posted on Feb 26 2006 at 10:48 AM said:
DuFace posted on Feb 26 2006 at 07:39 PM said:
That's odd. GnuBoy doesnt work for me. It gets to the rom selection screen, but nothing is there? I'm on oddbots firmware.

It worked fine for me on theoddbot's firmware. I was unable to actually save a game (this was before I heard about the save states). It would be nice if everything was nicely documented somewhere (like the readme) instead of in scrolling text. Oh well.

So in short: saving in game doesn't work for me, though save states should.

PokeParadox posted on Feb 26 2006 at 11:31 AM said:
How do you actually save a state? I can only get to, what I'm presuming, is the the load state screen... and it won't let me load since I haven't saved...

But yeah very impressed with most of the other entries. There are certainly some creative minds in the GP2X community. ^_^

From the Gnuboy2x readme said:
Put your uncompressed roms in SD:/roms/gameboy or use the directory that gnuboy2x will create on startup.
Put your roms on the desired directory from these two.
Load the emulator, press Start and load a rom pressing b, easy.
To go to the options screen press SELECT.
To go to the savestates screen press Y.
If you exit to the rom selector with L+R you can go back to the game pressing L+R again or go back to startup screen pressing X.
LEFT moves 12 files back and RIGHT moves 12 files foward.
L+R are used commonly to exit menus or emulation, and to exit the program aswell when you are on the startup screen, to go there, press X on the file selector.

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The gnuboy readme doesn't say that you need to press A to save or B to load a savestate. You have to wait for the (slow) scrolling message to tell you that.

What about SRAM saves? They don't seem to work for me. Should they?

edit - That sounds really negative - it's a great emulator, but I thought I remembered SRAM working in a previous version (may be a false memory though!)
I can't get Gnuboy to work. After I've chosen a rom, it simply kicks me back to the menu. I'm using theoddbot's firmware.

EDIT: Getting error:
cannot create //.gnuboy: Operation not permitted
Cocked up opening filenameCocked up opening filename
barnesy posted on Feb 26 2006 at 02:45 PM said:
The gnuboy readme doesn't say that you need to press A to save or B to load a savestate. You have to wait for the (slow) scrolling message to tell you that.

What about SRAM saves? They don't seem to work for me. Should they?

They don't work for me either, so I guess not.
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Sram has been disabled for the moment, i don't want to have something that saves in the nand without control, but i'll add support for sram later, saving on the sd of course.
Nickspoon, theoddbot's firmware seems to have some problems with some apps, that may be beacuse the filesystem is read only or something like that, i can't use his firmware, but i'll look for a solution.
nickspoon posted on Feb 26 2006 at 06:47 PM said:
I can't get Gnuboy to work. After I've chosen a rom, it simply kicks me back to the menu. I'm using theoddbot's firmware.

EDIT: Getting error:
cannot create //.gnuboy: Operation not permitted
Cocked up opening filenameCocked up opening filename
It created a directory called .gnuboy in the root of my SD card. Doesn't answer your problem, but maybe that answers the 'was it trying to write to the NAND?' question.
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I hope you're not trying to write .gnuboy to NAND (you appear to be writing it to /)

barnesy: It is writing .gnuboy to NAND, and failing due to the read-only filesystem.
K-teto posted on Feb 26 2006 at 06:57 PM said:
woooh, i missed that one, i'll fix that right now O_o
Writing on the nand is a NO NO for a gp2x app.
Talking to Nickspoon on IRC, we worked out that I'm on the newest version of cramfs, and he was on an older one. It sounds like the newer one maps / to /mnt/sd/, or something along those lines.

But yeah - not everyone is using cramfs, so the change to gnuboy will definitely help.
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nickspoon posted on Feb 26 2006 at 06:47 PM said:
I can't get Gnuboy to work. After I've chosen a rom, it simply kicks me back to the menu. I'm using theoddbot's firmware.

EDIT: Getting error:
cannot create //.gnuboy: Operation not permitted
Cocked up opening filenameCocked up opening filename

Hi, Im using theoddbots firmware 0.0.4, and gnbouy is working fine for me.

Savestates work and have been saved to the saves foldr within the gnbouy2x folder on my sd card.

I did get a folder called .gnbouy created on my sd card when I first started gnbouy, and it seems to be redundant, would that be where the sram would save to?

Edit: Barnsey posted wil I was trying to type and play super mario world at the same time. :)
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NeoStuey posted on Feb 26 2006 at 04:13 PM said:
Dzz posted on Feb 26 2006 at 04:01 PM said:
I haven't seen much mention of Extraterrestres but I think it's a very solid and fun game; the artwork is really nice and the variety of options makes it interesting to keep playing.

I've just finished playing it for the first time and I was thinking exactly the same thing. To me it felt like the scrolling marioworld levels. Nice work deadlychicken22.

I like it. :)
Thanks guys! :)
I love hearing that people actually play and enjoy what I make, it really makes me want to make another game (and I am, but it's secret :P ).

Extraterrestres is my first real c/c++ project, as well as my first SDL project and my first gp2x project. Before this, I have only programmed in Visual Basic (if that counts) and followed c/c++ tutorials.

Also, I have found (and fixed) an annoying bug in the game, but the competition entry doesn't have this fix, so do NOT ever pause the game WHILE you are moving your ship up or down. If you do, you may end up moving that direction without holding down any buttons when you unpause the game, and it won't reset until you start a new game.

I haven't gotten to try out any of the other entries as they were down this morning and I just got back and haven't downloaded them yet. They sound great, thank you to everyone who participated in the competition and everyone who tried out my entry.

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Great work everyone! This will surely spark even more interest in the GP2X, besides enriching its already vast library of homebrew. So, any chances to pot some over to the GP32?

- Alex

PS: Goity, your game's graphics make me want to claw your eyes out. :)
I just got the chance to try out most of the entries and overall they are very good. I'm a little disappointed that a port got first place, I wish they had supported the original games more, but it is their comp ;)

Anyways, i have a quick question about beat2x (which, btw, i really like):
If you've already beaten a level, why can't you skip that level? I beat level 1, but then failed level 2, and then I had to beat level 1 again to even get a chance to try level 2 again (which I failed at again :( )
deadlychicken22 posted on Feb 27 2006 at 12:45 AM said:
Anyways, i have a quick question about beat2x (which, btw, i really like):
If you've already beaten a level, why can't you skip that level? I beat level 1, but then failed level 2, and then I had to beat level 1 again to even get a chance to try level 2 again (which I failed at again :( )
There's a simple answer to your question: because I had no time to implement it. It was planned to be there, but as you now, 20 days doesn't give you much time. :) It'll be there some time, for sure.
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Hey, miq01 You game is really cool. Hard as hell, but I like it. I was actually sure there was a bug that makes it impossible to beat level 1 ;) Looks like I was wrong :unsure:
BlackMac posted on Feb 26 2006 at 11:22 PM said:
Hey, miq01 You game is really cool. Hard as hell, but I like it. I was actually sure there was a bug that makes it impossible to beat level 1 ;) Looks like I was wrong :unsure:
It took me quite a few playthroughs to beat level 1 on easy mode. If you have experience playing in a band it helps a lot because all of the button presses coordinate with the beat of the song.

miq01: Ok, that makes sense (that is the same reason I don't have a pack file, instead I have about 60 images in a subfolder). I really like your game, I'm planning on making my own pack of songs (you can do that, right?).

Edit: Goity, did you forget an exit button or did I just not find it?

Edit2: I was just playing vektar and the screen froze :o I'm not sure if it was the game or my gp2x (i just replaced the batteries with a newly charged set....) but the music continued to play. I had a score of 148, 365 and had 7 green lives and 1 yellow life. Also, the game didn't seem to be getting any harder at that point.... Anyways, nice work dzz, I hope to see an update to this game or another game from you.
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