Release Barony: Blessed Addition


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Barony: Blessed Addition.

You will need the game data from the full game to play this PND. Either put the GoG version install (for the Linux or Windows version) inside appdata/barony, or put all the installation files inside the game subfolder.

The game is designed for 960x600 minimul screen size, so I have setup a "virtual screen" of this size (using FBO). But 800x480 is also accessible (some dialog will be too big, like the joypad one).

The keys are setup like for a fps game, so left nub is Joystick (it's not use by default, but it should be usable) and Right nub is Mouse. Click is on the shoulder buttons like always (swapped, left button on {R}, right button on {L}).

It works fine on Gigahertz model.
On CC you will need a Swapfile. Also, on CC, default graphic drivers doesn't like the 960x600 virtual screen (and you cannot pick object, FBO issue probably), so use 800x480 (there are still some little graphical glitches but it works).

And here a video of an early build running on a Gigahertz Pandora.

If you are updating from Cursed Edition, you will probably need to update the data, the Blessed executable will not run with Cursed data. If you want to use autoexaction, simply delete appdata/barony/game folder and copy the latest gog installer (windows or linux)

History log

Build 07

  • Compatible with Myths and Outcast DLC
  • Changed a bit how sounds works.
  • Built with gcc 9.1
Build 06

  • Updated to latest version (v3.2.3)
  • Updated libs
Build 05

  • Fixed default keymap
  • Activated Model Cache (delete appdata/barony/game/models.cache to regenerate)
  • Updated help text about data
Build 04

  • Updated to Blessed addition (v3.2.2)
  • Updated libs
Build 03

  • Fix a bug that could make the game to crash
Build 02

  • Optimized some AI stuff (unordered_map...)
  • Latest source code (2.0.7)
  • Optimized drawing of minimap
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Converted FMOD audio to OpenAL
  • Many optimization to graphical engine
  • Some optimization in Logic engine
  • Use of FBO on glReadPixels
  • Some changes to defaults config to better suit the Pandora
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wow... that runs very smooth!
I note this is also availble on steam (groan) or the humble store for a quid cheaper than GoG. Are those versions worth trying too?
They should work too. I think they are all the same (well, there are some steam achevement in the Steam version it seems, but that's just in the code, not in the data).
Hi all :)

@ptitSeb: thanks for porting Barony to the Pandora !

It looks like a great game, but it's a bit slow (FPS < 10) on my Rebirth OC'ed @ 825 MHz with SGX driver 4.10, and all eye candy turned off (no smooth lights, no blood, etc...)

Am I doing something wrong ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
I retried on my CC (o/c to 800MHz). The very beggining is at 15fps, but once you entre the dungeon (first time you go down in fact), yeah, it's around 10fps, a bit less (but I left all eyes candy on). I may habe a bit optimisations here and there left, but not much I'm afraid.
Still it plays ok even at this low speed I think (action is not frantic, so low fps are ok).
[doublepost=1485378495,1485375554][/doublepost]Plus, I checked on Steam and GoG, and minimum system requirement is Intel i3 at 3.0GHz with integrated graphics. They probably have been a bit conservative on the minimum spec, but still, not bad it's playable on our little Pandora!
Yes fps are a bit low on CC...but its ok for this kind of game. Plus there some items thats overlapping at 800*480 (like the text box and some items on the lower of screen), but thats a minor thing...i will be happy to play this on Pyra.

Plus, I checked on Steam and GoG, and minimum system requirement is Intel i3 at 3.0GHz with integrated graphics. They probably have been a bit conservative on the minimum spec, but still, not bad it's playable on our little Pandora!
Thanks again MegaSeb (ptitSeb is not really appropriate for your skills). ;) :cool:
Hi all :)

The problem is the game gets even slower when you reach the second level (2-3 FPS) ... :(

N.B: this is no meant as a criticism of @ptitSeb 's port and abilities. I'm glad to be able to play such a demanding game on our tiny Pandora :)

But right now, the game is just to slow to be enjoyable IMHO, that's it.

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all :)

The problem is the game gets even slower when you reach the second level (2-3 FPS) ... :(

N.B: this is no meant as a criticism of @ptitSeb 's port and abilities. I'm glad to be able to play such a demanding game on our tiny Pandora :)

But right now, the game is just to slow to be enjoyable IMHO, that's it.

Cheers, Magic Sam
It really depend on the level built (all levels are random after all). But I'll try to play again and see if I can optimise a bit more.
@ptitSeb: thanks for your time and efforts on this one, it's really appreciated :)

I'd be glad to help with beta testing further optimized releases.

EDIT: @ptitSeb: I OC'ed to 1 GHz and noticed some improvement (+ 1-2 FPS) . Would you say this game is CPU bound ?

EDIT 2 : @ptitSeb: and thanks for pushing your changes upstream :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Ok, here is a first beta:
barony (*EDIT* link removed, grab build 02 on the repo).

Not much in this beta for now.There is small optimisation, and the compilation options are more aggressinve. I don't expect visible changes, but, hey, that's a start.

Unfortunatly, I think further optimisation will need more impacting changes, like putting some std::unordered_map to speed up look access, or remove custom single chained list with std::vector or some other stuff (not sure yet about that). Anyway, it will take time and result is not garantied...
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Hi all :)

@ptitSeb: thanks for this new version ! Unfortunately, it crashes with the following message:
Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /mnt/utmp/barony/lib:/lib:/usr/lib
lang/en.txt: FAILED
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 2 computed checksums did NOT match
System check
Freememory is 57
Cpu Speed is 600
Sys Speed is 332
PND Build is 01
../barony: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1485693803,1485693545][/doublepost]Weird, is in your package. Would a symlink to *so.1 solve the issue ?
Yeah probably. I have updated my SDL2 build to 2.0.5 and forgot to update the PND. I'll repackage it soon.
[doublepost=1485695581,1485693891][/doublepost]@Magic Sam : the PND is updated (same link). It should work now.
@ptitSeb: thanks, it's working now :)

I'm going to give it a try, and I'll report here ASAP.

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1485700197,1485697147][/doublepost]Hi again,

@ptitSeb : I found this new version even slower than the previous one, but as you said before, levels are randomly generated so it's difficult to have consistent results between runs.

Speaking of results, here is the output of "sudo perf top" on my Rebirth OC'ed @825 MHz (2nd level, ~2 FPS):
15.42% barony [.] actSpiderLimb(Entity*)
11.41% barony [.] _Z13checkObstaclellP6Entit
10.67% barony [.] actGoblinLimb(Entity*)
10.00% barony [.] getItemsOnTile(int, int, l
6.30% barony [.] actMonster(Entity*)
4.64% [.] 0x343d4
4.10% barony [.] gameLogic()
2.97% barony [.] actTrapPermanent(Entity*)
1.98% barony [.] Entity::getStats()
1.79% [.] memset
1.61% barony [.] _Z12barony_clearffP6Entity
1.43% [.] mdct_backward
1.36% [.] 0x6d92c
1.11% [.] snd_pcm_lfloat_convert_flo
1.04% [.] memcpy
1.04% barony [.] uidToEntity(unsigned int)
0.92% [.] draw_renderlist
0.85% [.] Mix_Neon
0.78% perf [.] 0x37a54
0.75% [.] MixSource

Is there any relation between those "Entity" entries and issue #45 on github ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Ok, I have updated the Barony beta build.

It now feature all the code that is upstream now (so OpenAL and all optim that was in the 1st build, but with some fixed bugs), and now feature a unordered_map for entities (look in my github copy of Barony for details).
It seems to work, and it seems faster to me.
I also rebuilt OpenAL with latest sources (there seems to be a bit more NEON code).

I'll probably try to change the List (that are simple single-chained lists) to std::vector also, see if it improve things too.

Feed back on this new build is welcome.
Hi all !

@ptitSeb : thank you very much for this new release :)

I gave it a quick go and noticed only minimal improvement (if any), speed-wise.

The game is still ~5-7 FPS, even with OC @ 1 GHz.

But thanks for your time and efforts on this one anyway :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Mmmm, I'm pretty sure I have faster fps. Only at the load of the level it's a bit choppy, but as I go out of the room, fps are good enough for play (but I think the limiting factor is GL speed now).