Release Barony: Blessed Addition

Hi all :)

@kuru : thanks for the heads-up !

@ptitSeb : according to TurningWheel's GitHub, version 2.0.7 is out :

Could you please give this new version a go ? Is there a remote possibility GCC 7.2 + a newer GL4ES library could produce a faster gameplay ?

And last but not least, did you try to port Barony to the Pyra yet ? ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all :)

@kuru : thanks for the heads-up !

@ptitSeb : according to TurningWheel's GitHub, version 2.0.7 is out :

Could you please give this new version a go ? Is there a remote possibility GCC 7.2 + a newer GL4ES library could produce a faster gameplay ?

And last but not least, did you try to port Barony to the Pyra yet ? ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Yeah, I've seen the 2.0.7. I'll update.

About Pyra, remember that there is no 3D Driver yet...
Yeah, I've seen the 2.0.7. I'll update.

About Pyra, remember that there is no 3D Driver yet...
Doesn't software rendering work really well on Pyra though? I remember that video of reicast working without 3D drivers.
Doesn't software rendering work really well on Pyra though? I remember that video of reicast working without 3D drivers.
That video was *with* 3D Driver, on an (much) older OS revision (and on a dev board, not on the Pyra itselft with TILER to handle the rotation of the Image).
The new build of Barony is on the Repo. I removed link to the beta version, as it has been superseded by this new release.

Please note that you need data from the full 2.0.7 game. If updating from a previous version and expect the use the autoextracter of GoG file, I suggest your remove your current appdata/barony/game folder (I'm not sure the update does work).

You can use GLES2 backend of gl4es by creating a file name ".es" in appdata/barony that contain "2" (without the quotes), but Barony doesn't use shaders, so that will not change much the rendering or the speed.

Build 02

  • Optimized some AI stuff (unordered_map...)
  • Latest source code (2.0.7)
  • Optimized drawing of minimap
Hi all,

@ptitSeb : thank you for this new version, I'm going to test it right away.

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1517754691,1517750987][/doublepost]Hi again,

@ptitSeb : it works like a charm !

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all,

@ptitSeb : Barony just crashed on me (level 4). The game was pretty slow at that moment (~6 FPS):
glXGetProcAddress: glXGetSwapIntervalMESA not found.
Caught segfault at address (nil)
./ line 139: 2530 Aborted ../barony

I'll try to upload my saved game ASAP.

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1518868604,1518868316][/doublepost]@ptitSeb : more information from appdata/barony/game/log.txt:
[12-44-19] Caught segfault at address (nil)
[12-44-19] Signal 11 (dumping stack):
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed
barony: /media/SEBEXT/sources/git/openal-soft/Alc/ALc.c:795: LockLists: Asser
tion `ret == althrd_success' failed.

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1518869094][/doublepost]@ptitSeb : and I'm attaching two recent saved games to this post, I hope it'll help you reproduce this issue.

Cheers, Magic Sam


  • barony-magicsam.tar.gz
    747 bytes · Views: 364
Unfortunatly, that stack dump is useless (contains only "segfault_sigaction(int, siginfo*, void*)", so the segfault handler...).

I'll try later to use your save to reproduce the crash...
Hi all,

@ptitSeb : I just gave my saved game a try, and it crashed in the exact same way (on my Rebirth unit OC'ed @ 825 MHz)...

All I had to do is exit the first room and go right, towards the camp fire...

Cheers, Magic Sam
@ptitSeb : sorry about the corrupted backtrace :( Is there anything I can do to help ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
No, it's not your fault, it's the way it crashes (in the middle of the heavily asm-optimized memcpy). I'm building gdb 8.1 now, to see if it can help (I don't think it will, but I wanted to upgrade anyway).
I haven't given up on finding the issue here, but for now, I'm still with no lead...

I know it's something happening in the GLES driver. I get the same info (it's a memcpy inside GLES driver, nothing more) where I use GLES1 or GLES2 backend from gl4es. I don't even know if it's a drawing command or something else. Also, running with valgrind didn't gave much info (but it did show me a place on the OpenAL code where I do a memcpy and should have used a memmove).

I'll try reproducing with some other SGX driver, maybe that will show something. I also have to try on something else than the Pandora (unless it's specific code, but then, I can also remove those graphic optim and check if it reproduce).
Still some work to fix that bug...
[doublepost=1519489850,1519483887][/doublepost]Ah, using SGX driver 4.03.02 and GLES1, I got a real stacktrace using Valgrind!
==1033== Invalid read of size 4
==1033==    at 0x4830DE0: memcpy (vg_replace_strmem.c:1019)
==1033==    by 0x5A29AD7: CopyVArrayDataDeindex (drawvarray.c:611)
==1033==    by 0x5A2A83B: DrawBatchOnVBuffer (drawvarray.c:1276)
==1033==    by 0x5A2C4E7: glDrawElements (drawvarray.c:2554)
==1033==    by 0x4A3131B: glDrawElements (gl.c:1129)
==1033==    by 0x4A32EFF: glDrawArrays (gl.c:1234)
==1033==    by 0x4A31D3B: glDrawArrays (gl.c:1172)
==1033==    by 0xF018F: buff_flush() (opengl.cpp:626)
==1033==    by 0xF1BB3: buff_leave (opengl.cpp:634)
==1033==    by 0xF1BB3: glDrawWorld(view_t*, int) [clone .part.9] (opengl.cpp:1227)
==1033==    by 0x1D467: glDrawWorld (opengl.cpp:663)
==1033==    by 0x1D467: main (game.cpp:2734)
At least something a bit more precise to work on... (and yes, it's specific Pandora optimization code I wrote, to batch stuff :( )
[doublepost=1519494411][/doublepost]Ok, found the bug (stupid mistake of course). New version updated to the repo.

Build 03

  • Fix a bug that could make the game to crash
Update release on the repo. Using new source from the Blessed Edition.

If you are updating from Cursed Edition, you will probably need to update the data, the Blessed executable will not run with Cursed data. If you want to use autoexaction, simply delete appdata/barony/game folder and copy the latest gog installer (windows or linux)

Build 04

  • Updated to Blessed edition (v3.2.2)
  • Updated libs
Hi all !

@ptitSeb : thanks for updating your package, this is as always really appreciated :)

Some quick impressions:

- the game still needs a swap file no matter which Pandora you have
- loading models takes a long time (several minutes), CPU usage is at 100%
- default keymap is "weird" to say the least: move forward and lookup are mapped on the same key for example...
- performance in-game is rather good on my Rebirth OC'ed @ 1GHz
- appdata/barony/barony.txt could use an update ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
- the game still needs a swap file no matter which Pandora you have
Well, no miracle here, each version has more and more data...
- loading models takes a long time (several minutes), CPU usage is at 100%
Ah yes, that, I'll update the PND with a version where Model Cache is enabled (so loading is much faster after the 1st launch)...
- default keymap is "weird" to say the least: move forward and lookup are mapped on the same key for example...
Mmmm, I had changed that in the code, did I forgot something, I'll recheck
- performance in-game is rather good on my Rebirth OC'ed @ 1GHz
Yep, it's pretty good performance-wize, and it's a current game :D
- appdata/barony/barony.txt could use an update ;)
Ah yes, forgot that one (and the dialog box when no data is present).
So, the new verison is on the repo.

Build 05

  • Fixed default keymap
  • Activated Model Cache (delete appdata/barony/game/models.cache to regenerate)
  • Updated help text about data