Awesomecakes! Hmm, that leads me to a question that I've never thought about before; how do the nubs even work anyway? From the looks of it they don't tilt like normal gamepad ones, nor do they slide around like the (crappy) PSP nub.
Awesomecakes! Hmm, that leads me to a question that I've never thought about before; how do the nubs even work anyway? From the looks of it they don't tilt like normal gamepad ones, nor do they slide around like the (crappy) PSP nub.
For them to tilt, the analog nubs would be a much larger component, where it wouldn't be feasible to put in a handheld Pandora's size. Also, because the sticks would need to be taller to tilt in the first place, it would come into contact with the screen when closed