Artist For Pmenu Skins Wanted

In fact the "misc" section is for apps that do not have "applications", "emulators" or "games" as category in the pxml file. This could be spelled "Uncategorized", "Others" etc ..
Cpasjuste said:
In fact the "misc" section is for apps that do not have "applications", "emulators" or "games" as category in the pxml file. This could be spelled "Uncategorized", "Others" etc ..

I guess that that's what we should follow since libpnd generates .desktop files that have to be freedesktop standards compliant.
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Yep but , for me, all that section as nothing to do in a minimal menu (or not in the one i have in mind). I guess we could use the multi category possibility from the pxml. I could ask dev to use the secondary category for pmenu, or maybe add a pmenu category to pxml :x

But your right, we may have a problem here.
Cpasjuste said:
Yep but , for me, all that section as nothing to do in a minimal menu (or not in the one i have in mind). I guess we could use the multi category possibility from the pxml. I could ask dev to use the secondary category for pmenu, or maybe add a pmenu category to pxml :x

But your right, we may have a problem here.
Oh I dunno; just make pmenu accept either the '<category name="Game"></category>' category (for games) or the '<category name="Game"><subcategory name="Emulator"/></category>' category set (for emulators); everything else would fall under Misc. Using the old libpnd API, that would be "pnd_pxml_get_main_category" (for "Game") and "pnd_pxml_get_subcategory1" (for "Emulator") respectively.

BTW, you should really define what you want to be under the "Applications" tab in pmenu; the definition of that is kinda fuzzy.
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Made some improvements.
KodeIn said:
Made some improvements.

thats baddass :D

thanks for the reply Cpasjuste hope you get one of the first pandas to address this :D
mind if i muck about with the positioning of the buttons though?
would really like to get something like to work
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Cpasjuste said:
Hum in fact i writed the makefile just for djwillis conveniance, else I'm using codeblocks to (cross)compile it. There is the codeblocks projects files inclued, else you'll have to remove all the arm specific crap And define _X11_ .

does codeblocks support autotools?
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Cpasjuste said:
Hum in fact i writed the makefile just for djwillis conveniance, else I'm using codeblocks to (cross)compile it. There is the codeblocks projects files inclued, else you'll have to remove all the arm specific crap And define _X11_ .
I noticed that... I'm still unable to compile the project, even with a 32-bit chroot...

Autotools would indeed be something good.
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I thought something dark and and understated might look quite nice on the Pandora's screen, so I done a quick Photoshop:



Notes: Yes the icons are from Webdings & Wingdings, it's a mock-up (the font is Arial, I'm such a badass designer).

Also, I've never played Duk Duk, nor indeed had I even heard of it until I started a very short search for a colourful place holder graphic. I've no idea if it will ever appear on Pandora, or if it's any good, but it's a Blender game, so I'm guessing that's not impossible and the picture looks quite nice.
Great skin monkeyo2, I feel a bit noobish :p

Still fighting with illustrator to get things perfectly aligned, to make an application, CPU, SD card and time icon and to get a good confirmation window.
And still need to change the font and the color of the font, but that will be the last step

(oh well, just saw the original highlight of the icons that will need to change)

As MDave asked some questions about his design, if you have some advices for me, I'll be glad to hear them :)
I've started creating my own little theme.
Don't know why, but I can't navigate in the i386-build and don't have any apps it could show, so no fancy screenshots.
see 2 posts below
conso said:
I've started creating my own little theme.
Don't know why, but I can't navigate in the i386-build and don't have any apps it could show, so no fancy screenshots.

Here it is:
Press F1
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Thx, already found out (who would have thought reading the first post of the thread would be so helpful ;))

Now that I could test the theme, I've fixed some allignment problems and such stuff. Have fun with it
Dead1nside said:
Monkey02 and KodeIn I love your work. Great stuff.
To be honest, the wallpaper is not my work, as I said, I have choosen it by hazard, mainly for the main color of the image ;)
It's an image that was lost into the depths of my hard disk.
Don't know the author at all, so i'll certainly have to make a new image with similar colors and composition.
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MDave, that's a lot better. Nice!
Monkeyo2, that looks awesome! Maybe move the left and rightmost statusbar icons a bit more towards the center? So that the sections have about the same spacing between them.
Kodeln, no reason to feel noobish :) Maybe add a border to the preview image? A translucent rounded black or white rectangle?
I think i may trash the application section, and only use games and emulators section for the menu, everything else would fail in Misc like dflmestr suggested. What do you think about it ?