Pmenu Skins Lost


Apr 20, 2007
Really important for me:

I'm really sorry, i did had a big problem with my server ( which was up since a few years now ).
I had to backup it and reinstall, but completly forget to backup the ftp skin folder ... so :
i do not have your skins anymore !

Please, reupload your skins here : in the incoming folder.

I'm really sorry again, i hope you'll all get this message.
Before I re-upload my skins, I have a question to ask. (I hope to have caught your attention for the 3rd attempt now :P)

We have skinned the dialogue box to use A and B buttons for Confirm and Cancel, we have to change that now to something else because we're using the GP2X button layout? Wouldn't it be better to make the buttons separate images from the dialogue box so those that wish to remap the button layout, can have the correct buttons show up?
Did you lose the backgrounds too? or just the skins? I still have my background if you need it.
Re-uploaded my skin. Remember though that you made some changes to it which I don't have. You'll have to do them again :)

EDIT: typo
I'm on holiday in Australia at the moment, and can't get a decent FTP connection to your server.

I think I've got the latest versions of my skins on my memory stick, but I'm not 100% sure, and can't test them (can't really install OpenBox here!). I think Magnetite went up O.K., but Tungsten failed twice, it must be the Great Barrier Firewall or something!

I'll try again when I can, but you might have to wait until I get home in March.