Pandora Are you an active developer on Pandora?

Is anyone actually interested in developing the OS on pandora? If anything there's quite the shortage of hands and brains on that -_-

(but more homebrew is of course nice as well :rolleyes: )

That seems like pretty insulting statement to the people that do spend a ton of time working on the OS. And the alternate OSs available to the Pandora.

Well the Lack of brains statement at least..
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Is anyone actually interested in developing the OS on pandora? If anything there's quite the shortage of hands and brains on that -_-

(but more homebrew is of course nice as well :rolleyes: )

That seems like pretty insulting statement to the people that do spend a ton of time working on the OS. And the alternate OSs available to the Pandora.

Well the Lack of brains statement at least..
Surely he means the lack of NUMBER of brains, not the AMOUNT of brains each person has. And I agree: there can't be too many people working on the primary OS. The higher the bus number the better, surely?
OS dev really needs you to understand Linux, it's architecture and design. Though there has been request for a few scripts IIRC. I was going to look at helping out, but alas, a combination of real lifetm, work (2 jobs), training for my 10k run, projects, and knowing just enough linux to get through building Pandora stuff, I never got to properly check it out.

Also, the work I added into MiniMenu only ever stayed in my unofficial build, I'm not sure if Skeezix ever put the WiFi code in the live branch.

Who knows, maybe depending on our the community shmup game goes, I might try and find some time for it
Yes, I'm active.

Worked so far on:

  • Panorama (plus several smaller UIs)
  • PNDManager
  • qtpndman
  • Wars (I test it also on pandora, works nicely)
  • Wars: Commando
  • some miscellaneous smaller contributions

Languages I know (about in the order of proficiency):

  • C++ (03 and 11)
  • Python (2 and 3)
  • Java (mostly 6 and 7)
  • JavaScript
  • QML
  • C
  • Bash
  • Go
  • PHP
  • GLSL
  • Perl
  • Ada
  • Assembly (some microcontroller variants to a small extent)
  • Visual Basic 6
  • Basic

May have missed one or two there :P

Libraries are quite numerous to mention, but I do like Qt :)
work (2 jobs)
off-topic, but that must be tough to do two jobs at once ! Anything involved in software development ?
Don't do both jobs at the same time, ones my day job, and the other is my own company, but the only contract we have is with an American firm, so it means that work gets done in the evenings and weekends; and yes, both jobs involve software development...

To be honest, it can, and does, make me less motiviated to code in my free time, which is why the alarm clock is taking a while. Hell, I've still got some rendering code for OpenXCOM that I need to finish off too. I do get stuff done eventually though (usually).

Doing C++ all the time, familiar with scripting languages like ruby,python,php,lua and such.

Know how to use C#, Objective-C, Java and all in that vein.

Have released audiorace on the pandora as well as on the caanoo and the wiz.

I'm still working on paperwars which already got a preliminary pandora version with networked multiplayer support.

I've just recently added a GLES2 renderer backend to my homegrown 3d engine framework - which is used in both audiorace and paperwars.

That engine works on Pandora, Wiz, Caanoo, Mac, Windows and iOS devices.
Not really active. I did the homeworld port, but it needs some more work (TBD).

If you're interested, I'm doing a PhD in static analysis related stuff and concentrating on work too much right now. I'm currently converting and re-writing my analysis framework from C to C++ though, mostly to abstract stuff away from being specific to x86, ELF and my custom CFG/CG reconstructor (and gaining general C++ advantages), but also partly motivated by getting it to work on the Pandora. Afterwards it will have ARM support as well as windows PE file support. Unfortunately much of my analysis will not be available because it is currently closed source due to commercial interest, but the framework, disassembler and CFG/CG reconstructor will be there. I'm hoping in the future it might be of some use in doing static re-compilation of stuff from x86 to ARM, but there is still a huge amount of work before it gets to that point, and it isn't really designed with that specifically in mind.

I have some ideas for stuff I'd like to do on Pandora, but don't know if they'll ever come to fruition.

TLDR: Not doing anything really interesting to most pandora users right now, but should get the homeworld port finished at some point!
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I am active, but not only for pandora as most people - who know me - know.

I make only my own projects, never ported anything.

I released for the pandora

  • Snowman (first version done, later improvements on the ToDo) (3rd place (out of 7) at a competition )
  • Puzzletube (second version done, later improvements on the ToDo) (5th place (out of 14) at a competition)
  • Schizophrenia (first version not really done, but a first good version on the ToDo) (7th (out of 14) place at a competition)
  • Schwerkraft (first version done, later improvements on the ToDo) (7th (out of 24) place at a competition)

Furthermore I made sparrow3d, which is a multi platform library for all the stuff needed by my games. In fact: The library is the main thing I work on, because EVERY game profits, if the library gets better.

I know many languages, but many I did not touch for years.

  • C (at the moment the main language I use)
  • C++ (I don't like OOP for small projects or my libraries, but use it at work)
  • Pascal
  • Python
  • Assembler (x86 in the past, today mostly ARM)

Languages, which I haven't touch a while or which I use, but are not very familar with it:

  • Bash
  • Lua
  • Php
  • Javascript
  • Haskell
  • Basic

Maybe I forgot one. In this case, it can't be very important. ^^

The goal is now to finish some games to have time for completely new ones.



PS: As you can see: Because of my weakness for competitions, if a new competition starts before at least one of my games is really finished, I am fucked. ^^
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That seems like pretty insulting statement to the people that do spend a ton of time working on the OS.
Insulting? :huh:

My point is that there's (barely) a handfull of people working on the OS and they need help.

There's no use in porting or making tons of new programs if the OS is horribly outdated.

And what I meant is that nobody replying in this topic is showing any interest on that part, which basically just sucks, since moar help is needed.
And what I meant is that nobody replying in this topic is showing any interest on that part, which basically just sucks, since moar help is needed.

It could be argued that what's the point of an OS if there's nothing to actually run on it. Without the games, emus and app devs the OS on it's own would be a waste of NAND space. The OS is perfectly capable of running apps as it is now; sure there could be some improvements, but none that prevent other devs from creating worthwhile stuff. What makes you think that the OS is "horribly" outdated?

And may I ask, what are you doing to help the situation?
Indeed, the actual OS, even if not fully "opkg-able", is totally usable, and the repo is filled with many good apps.
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That seems like pretty insulting statement to the people that do spend a ton of time working on the OS.
Insulting? :huh:

My point is that there's (barely) a handfull of people working on the OS and they need help.

There's no use in porting or making tons of new programs if the OS is horribly outdated.

And what I meant is that nobody replying in this topic is showing any interest on that part, which basically just sucks, since moar help is needed.

don't really want to derail this thread, but i just can say it for myself: i neither have the knowledge nor the time to get into "os development". and i'm probably not alone with that.
Yes, I'm active. I have a PhD in CS. I'm specialized in rule-based declarative languages (in particular CHR, I've done quite a bit of coding in Prolog.

I'm somewhat familiar with languages like C(++), Java, PHP, Perl, bash, but not very good at any of them.
Had a "port spree" on the first months after receiving mine, now real world took over.

But give up, never.
I am kinda active...

I worked on

  • Gravitation (port) - thread
  • Passage (port) - thread
  • PNDTools (Tool to create PNDs and PXML files, WIP) - thread
  • PandoraPanic! (community game)
  • Greyout (original game, not done yet, semi-active development) - development thread
  • Schizophrenia (original game, not done yet, active development)
  • Project4 (original game, very early alpha, very active development) - follow the development here

I also helped on a couple of projects including LemmingsSDL (initial port), the RIOT competition (website and organizing), sparrow3D (several minor features) and several more.

I am the current maintainer of Penjin(version 1)

I can do

  • Pascal / Delphi (fairly good)
  • C++ (okay, suffices to make some crappy games)
  • C (I need my classes and stuff!)
  • Java

I develop on Windows and am working on a Windows-based toolchain.

I do not posses the programming skill to help with OS development, although I see that more people are needed on that front.

I am mostly interested in the development of deep games besides "just fun", listening to guys like Jonathan Blow or Chris Hecker. You can see me ranting about stuff like art in games games or Angry Birds here and there.

I like to rant.

I like to help people with their projects (discussion, testing, ideas, etc.), feel free to PM me (I don't help with code though).

I stream the development of Project4 and discussions about game development in general on my channel:
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I'm a programmer but I don't have enough time to realize big projects for the pandora. Just ported a few games.


  • C/C++
  • ARM assembler
  • C#
  • Java (not so good)
  • Visual Basic
  • SDL
  • GL/GLES (not so good)

I'm currently searching for the right project to work on.
Yes, I'm active. I have a PhD in CS. I'm specialized in rule-based declarative languages (in particular CHR,

I checked the link but its still not very clear what CHR does or how it works - care to explain very briefly ?

You program by writing rules that rewrite a kind of "database" of "constraints". Say you have some graph, defined by an edge(X,Y) relation, where the arguments X and Y are node identifiers (e.g. numbers or any Prolog term, could be variables or lists or whatever). Now say you want to compute the transitive closure of the graph. All you need to write is a rule like this:

edge(A,B ), edge(B,C) ==> edge(A,C).

which will automatically be applied until a fixpoint is reached (if you have cycles in the graph you'll have to avoid an infinite loop though, but that can be done). E.g. if you have the input "edge(1,2), edge(2,3), edge(3,4), edge(3,5)" the above rule will have as output the input + "edge(1,3), edge(1,4), edge(1,5), edge(2,4), edge(2,5)".

Another example: say you want to generate prime numbers up to some number. First you generate all candidates:

upto(N) <=> N>1 | candidate(N), upto(N-1).

(this is how you do a simple loop in CHR; it will create "candidate(2), candidate(3), candidate(4), ..., candidate(N)" when the input is "upto(N)")

Then you filter out all non-primes, i.e. numbers that are a multiple of another number. The following rule does that:

candidate(A) \ candidate(B ) <=> B mod A =:= 0 | true.

e.g. with A=2 and B=4 you have 4 mod 2 equals 0 (4 is a multiple of 2) and candidate(B ) will be removed. After the above rule has been applied until exhaustion, only prime numbers will be left.

BTW, it is easy to get CHR on the Pandora: just install SWI-Prolog (, it is shipped as a package in any recent version of SWI-Prolog.
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