Any Snes Fans In The House?

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quadomatic said:
How bout a montage of every snes game! That'd be wild.
I don't think you quite grasp how large the SNES library is.

-God Ginrai
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quadomatic said:
God Ginrai said:
quadomatic said:
How bout a montage of every snes game! That'd be wild.
I don't think you quite grasp how large the SNES library is.

-God Ginrai

No I do, just joking around. Don't be hatin ;)

I wasn't hatin', I was concernin' (that one doesn't really work well <_<)

-God Ginrai
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jhoff80 said:
God Ginrai said:
Ooh, show Super Mario RPG. I'd love to see that running fullspeed.
Agreed. Its usually the first game I try in an emulator to check how well it'll run. It crawled on my Treo in LJP. Works pretty well on my Wii's SNES9x version.

YES! I loved Super Mario RPG, I still have it and my SNES. (Which isn't broken...yet)
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Here's a video of PandaSNES running Chrono Trigger with the graphics problems fixed:

It's running much too fast, but that's a nice problem to have in an emulator. :)
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Firefox said:
Here's a video of PandaSNES running Chrono Trigger with the graphics problems fixed:

It's running much too fast, but that's a nice problem to have in an emulator. :)


-God Ginrai
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Cool yo. Every time I see more videos of Psndora I get more excited. Every time I think of PSX emulation, I remember PSP plays PSX just fine...but it certainly doesn't emulate other systems anywhere close to as well as Pandora does...hell it doesn't even do as well as the GP2X.
Just out of curiosity, does the emulator have no sound support programmed in? Or is the dev board not attached to speakers? Or is there just no microphone on the camera used to record?
Thanks for the comments everyone! :)

I'm afraid I don't have very many SNES games, and none of the ones you suggested. But here's a bit of Super Metroid to tide you over until Squidge takes PandaSNES back (I bet he's got tons of games!)

jhoff80 said:
Just out of curiosity, does the emulator have no sound support programmed in? Or is the dev board not attached to speakers? Or is there just no microphone on the camera used to record?
The sound is working on my Pandora, but I don't have a sound driver in the kernel I'm using at the moment.

Recording it will be no problem; my camera's got a sensitive microphone and I can plug some speakers into my Pandora (or some earphones and then crank the volume right up).
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quadomatic said:
Cool yo. Every time I see more videos of Psndora I get more excited. Every time I think of PSX emulation, I remember PSP plays PSX just fine...but it certainly doesn't emulate other systems anywhere close to as well as Pandora does...hell it doesn't even do as well as the GP2X.
Well, that isn't true. In several cases the PSP is much faster than GP2X (as it should be considering the faster clock speed and GPU). GBA comes to mind, as well as others. Maybe you missed some of the latest PSP emus, but there are many great ones now.

As for PSX, yes Pops is fantastic, but what nearly ruins the PSP in general is the laggy screen and the arguably horrible controls (mainly the crap dpad IMO).

Pandora will kill them both though. Better screen, controls and performance all around.
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I was always told that the MIPS in the PSP is somewhere below the ARM9 in the GP2X. Or was that only the initial firmware with the underclocked CPUs? (Not so interested these days, now that we'll have the CortexA8 soon.) :)
icurafu said:
I was always told that the MIPS in the PSP is somewhere below the ARM9 in the GP2X. Or was that only the initial firmware with the underclocked CPUs? (Not so interested these days, now that we'll have the CortexA8 soon.) :)
The ARMv5 ISA is nicer than the roughly MIPS32v2 in PSP in some ways (and the opposite is true too, although it's much more subtle), but I think this is something incredibly exaggerated. In terms of CPU sophistication they're similar.
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Exophase said:
icurafu said:
I was always told that the MIPS in the PSP is somewhere below the ARM9 in the GP2X. Or was that only the initial firmware with the underclocked CPUs? (Not so interested these days, now that we'll have the CortexA8 soon.) :)
The ARMv5 ISA is nicer than the roughly MIPS32v2 in PSP in some ways (and the opposite is true too, although it's much more subtle), but I think this is something incredibly exaggerated. In terms of CPU sophistication they're similar.

Swings and roundabouts... The MIPS instruction set is a bit less expressive than the ARM's, but then again it's got more general-purpose registers (which I sometimes wish I had on the ARM).

I think both are very good designs.
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And the start of a new GP32X meme?

PandaSNES, PandaDrive, PandaJag, maybe? Speaking of which, I do hope that Firefox will be porting his T2K emu over to the Pandora. If not, I shall bug you on yakyak.

please no;) that would be too much like KDE, (K+normal name). :D

its good to see some emulators beeing worked on, at lest pandora will have more than a GUI when its first reliced :rolleyes:
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