Amaricas Entering A Possable Second Depression.

Goity said:
DaveC said:
Came across this:

I sure hope this is just left-wing tinfoil hat nuttery. If not we are in real trouble..

I was vaguely interested until it said that McCain has a life threatening form of cancer that will give him 2 years to live. lol.

He supposedly had some form of skin cance that required major surgery to remove. Also, what's with that giant goiter on his face? It's very unbecoming ;)

jakshep2 said:
Chip said:
jakshep2 said:

This is the third time you've tried to derail a legitimate discussion with gibberish. Do not do it again.
Ay Aye, Captain!

I don't understand why you don't get banned permanently. Have you ever actually contributed to a thread?
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
I don't understand why you don't get banned permanently. Have you ever actually contributed to a thread?
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
He supposedly had some form of skin cance that required major surgery to remove. Also, what's with that giant goiter on his face? It's very unbecoming ;)
Had, which is something completely different. It's pretty much like saying Obama's addicted to smokes.
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DaveC said:
Came across this:

I sure hope this is just left-wing tinfoil hat nuttery. If not we are in real trouble..

I can't believe the video of those people getting arrested and tear gassed. This was in America. It's time to wake up, before it's too late. Jesse Ventura was asked if he supported the fencing off of the mexican border. Up until the time I saw that interview, I was for it. Jesse's answer was "A fence put up to keep people out, 10 years later is often used to keep people in. I don't want to live in East Berlin" Watching video like the one that is linked from the above link and the one I mentioned in an earlier post where the national guard is doing a house to house search for people's legal guns makes me extremely distrustful of the American government anymore. Our civil rights are being chinked away and the US is becoming a worse and worse place to live. Has anyone had the chance to check out America: From freedom to fascism yet? Also, check out, it's about the illegal confiscation of the property of innocent americans under the guise of the war on drugs. There was also an incident in upstate pa on Memorial Day weekend where dozens of people had their legal guns taken away from them and not returned. This stuff is going on all over America and the Internet is the only way we have of finding this stuff out. Needless to say, there is internet 2 coming, which will be setup more like cable tv, where internet access will only get you to a hand full of large corporate websites. Websites like gp2x will cease to exist. Google and youtube are censoring web content and on youtube, users videos. Digg is doing the same thing and myspace is joining the fun. There is too much open communication among people far away from each other, and that is not good for the people in power.

I never ever believed stuff like this before, not until I started seeing it with my own eyes.

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christo930 said:
DaveC said:
Came across this:

I sure hope this is just left-wing tinfoil hat nuttery. If not we are in real trouble..

I can't believe the video of those people getting arrested and tear gassed. This was in America. It's time to wake up, before it's too late. Jesse Ventura was asked if he supported the fencing off of the mexican border. Up until the time I saw that interview, I was for it. Jesse's answer was "A fence put up to keep people out, 10 years later is often used to keep people in. I don't want to live in East Berlin" Watching video like the one that is linked from the above link and the one I mentioned in an earlier post where the national guard is doing a house to house search for people's legal guns makes me extremely distrustful of the American government anymore. Our civil rights are being chinked away and the US is becoming a worse and worse place to live. Has anyone had the chance to check out America: From freedom to fascism yet? Also, check out, it's about the illegal confiscation of the property of innocent americans under the guise of the war on drugs. There was also an incident in upstate pa on Memorial Day weekend where dozens of people had their legal guns taken away from them and not returned. This stuff is going on all over America and the Internet is the only way we have of finding this stuff out. Needless to say, there is internet 2 coming, which will be setup more like cable tv, where internet access will only get you to a hand full of large corporate websites. Websites like gp2x will cease to exist. Google and youtube are censoring web content and on youtube, users videos. Digg is doing the same thing and myspace is joining the fun. There is too much open communication among people far away from each other, and that is not good for the people in power.

I never ever believed stuff like this before, not until I started seeing it with my own eyes.


I agree with you totally to a point. We still have our basic rights under the consitution which is what makes us different from russia or china. We should be greatful for that. I agree that some things the government has been making laws that are invasive such as the patriot act. I know its annoying and but it serves a purpose. There has been no terror attack since 9/11. But I do agree with you somewhat :D
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And again we will see trendy websites proclaiming that "Almost half of us are sorry".
alterdimension said:
I know its annoying and but it serves a purpose. There has been no terror attack since 9/11.

There have been two. One succeeded (the anthrax mailing), the other was foiled by regular citizens (the shoe bomber).

There have been several ""plots"" (double quotes because I'm air quoting as hard as I can) that the FBI and DHS have taken down. I am reluctant to give them credit however, since every last one of them was set up by the FBI and DHS.

The threat of terrorism is a red herring. There is not an army of jihadist boogeymen hiding in the bushes, waiting to blow up small town Americans. Even if there was a significant threat, that still wouldn't be a valid excuse for the blatant abuses of power that we've been seeing for the last seven years.

If you're really afraid of terrorists, here's a little perspective:

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alterdimension said:
I agree with you totally to a point. We still have our basic rights under the consitution which is what makes us different from russia or china. We should be greatful for that. I agree that some things the government has been making laws that are invasive such as the patriot act. I know its annoying and but it serves a purpose. There has been no terror attack since 9/11. But I do agree with you somewhat :D
Well I hate to tell you but even our constitution has been compromised. Since the patriot act we have lost many rights. They can now render you to a prison without giving you the right to legal representation just for being SUSPECTED of being an enemy to the United States. The problem is that the criteria for "enemy" are vague. You can be put away for any reason the king.. I mean president wants. If you are in public and say "Bush sucks" by this law you could be put away for good, if king George wishes it.

Roberto Gonzales, Karl Rove, Hariet meyers and other Bush operatives have broken the law. When subpoena to testify they basically flipped off congress with a "bite me" attitude and didn't show.

They can now search and seize property and assets at will too.

Remember the Bush crime family has a history of fascism. Look up Prescott Bush and Nazi and see what you get. They tried to install fascism before in the US, with the same family in power again now whose to say they won't try it again.

I even wonder if the selections..I mean elections will be held. The Republicans have already been throwing out voters (Democratic) registrations by the millions. One trick they always use is "voter caging" masterminded by Karl Rove. Their new found trick to disqualify voters (suprisingly only in Democratic leaning areas, imagine that) is to disqualify voters who lost their homes due to the recent wave of forclosures. Now they claim "no permanent address, no vote". So now not only are citizens losing their homes, they can't even vote out the bums that helped cause this mess. This is rampant in swing states such as Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

Now the Republicans have many lines of defences to protect their reign of power. First they will lie in ads. They repeat the lies until people think they are fact. Then they have the caging lists. Next the dislocated homeowners, and the final firewall against a Democrat win are the dodgy electronic Diebold paperless voting machines that are easier to hack than flashing your PSP for emulators.
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DaveC said:
alterdimension said:
I agree with you totally to a point. We still have our basic rights under the consitution which is what makes us different from russia or china. We should be greatful for that. I agree that some things the government has been making laws that are invasive such as the patriot act. I know its annoying and but it serves a purpose. There has been no terror attack since 9/11. But I do agree with you somewhat :D
Well I hate to tell you but even our constitution has been compromised. Since the patriot act we have lost many rights. They can now render you to a prison without giving you the right to legal representation just for being SUSPECTED of being an enemy to the United States. The problem is that the criteria for "enemy" are vague. You can be put away for any reason the king.. I mean president wants. If you are in public and say "Bush sucks" by this law you could be put away for good, if king George wishes it.

Roberto Gonzales, Karl Rove, Hariet meyers and other Bush operatives have broken the law. When subpoena to testify they basically flipped off congress with a "bite me" attitude and didn't show.

They can now search and seize property and assets at will too.

Remember the Bush crime family has a history of fascism. Look up Prescott Bush and Nazi and see what you get. They tried to install fascism before in the US, with the same family in power again now whose to say they won't try it again.

I even wonder if the selections..I mean elections will be held. The Republicans have already been throwing out voters (Democratic) registrations by the millions. One trick they always use is "voter caging" masterminded by Karl Rove. Their new found trick to disqualify voters (suprisingly only in Democratic leaning areas, imagine that) is to disqualify voters who lost their homes due to the recent wave of forclosures. Now they claim "no permanent address, no vote". So now not only are citizens losing their homes, they can't even vote out the bums that helped cause this mess. This is rampant in swing states such as Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

Now the Republicans have many lines of defences to protect their reign of power. First they will lie in ads. They repeat the lies until people think they are fact. Then they have the caging lists. Next the dislocated homeowners, and the final firewall against a Democrat win are the dodgy electronic paperless voting machines that are easier to hack than flashing your PSP for emulators.

I wasn't aware of that. Still, its still better than china or russia who have no rights to begin with, a rulthless ex kgb war mongerer for a leader, or a dictatorship that caused people to mow down homes for the building of the olympic stadium. We complain alot about our country but there are lots of people in third world countries or under opression that wish they could live in the good ole united states. Lets no be shortsided or complain too much. There are worse places in the world than this country.
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alterdimension said:
I wasn't aware of that. Still, its still better than china or russia who have no rights to begin with, a rulthless ex kgb war mongerer for a leader, or a dictatorship that caused people to mow down homes for the building of the olympic stadium. We complain alot about our country but there are lots of people in third world countries or under opression that wish they could live in the good ole united states. Lets no be shortsided or complain too much. There are worse places in the world than this country.
Well there are worse places but we are headed the wrong direction. How soon before we become like China? Remember Rome? It destroyed itself from the inside. We are doing that now.

There are also much better places. Europe and Asia is kicking the US's ass. They are leading in science, healthcare, education, technology, industry, etc.

"We used to be a contendah"

Now all of our money and resources go to a bogus occupation in Iraq, to bail out greedy bastards on Wall street, to the military industrial complex (Haliburton, KBR, Bechtel etc) and for tax breaks for the rich and oil companies. I hate to sound like an ad, but we really do need change, and soon.
jmetal88 said:
I have completely stopped caring about politics. I was mildly interested for a while, but I'm not really any more. I don't think I'll register to vote any time soon. I just wish there were an easier way to immigrate to Canada, legally that is. I only live 4 hours away from Winnipeg, so it wouldn't be that difficult physically.
I know how you feel. I hate politics. I don't want to care. It is a big waste of time following all of this crap. But now considering what is going on we almost HAVE to pay attention and care and VOTE. I really feel this could be the most important election in the history of the US.

Republicans are no longer "conservative" (the old Republican party had some great presidents), the party has been taken over by the neoconservative movement. A good article below by a TRUE conservative:

If the neocons retain control, I think it is over for democracy here as we know it.
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icurafu said:
fade said:
Yup. You know the addendum part is being released in October hooka?

What a silly trailer. No wonder they are giving it away for free. It looks like a video that those crazy 911 conspiratione would make.

Anyway, I made 39% on my investment from yesterday, so there are some good things with the market.

I believe what you said about rome rotting inside out. But what kind of country do we have when good men do nothing? It is our responsibility to shape and make america what we want. That is the sigificant reason to vote. I don't believe in the no win philosophy. Just like going to a neghbor and visiting or walking the dog or driving to a movie or whatever. Helping another human touches others and they touch others. We should nerver give up or expect the worse. Things aways turn out okay in the end, one way or the other. I tend to look more positive than negaive.
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alterdimension said:
I wasn't aware of that. Still, its still better than china or russia who have no rights to begin with, a rulthless ex kgb war mongerer for a leader, or a dictatorship that caused people to mow down homes for the building of the olympic stadium. We complain alot about our country but there are lots of people in third world countries or under opression that wish they could live in the good ole united states. Lets no be shortsided or complain too much. There are worse places in the world than this country.

That is the laziest excuse I've ever heard. If I smack my girlfriend around and give her a black eye, is it all OK because my neighbor hit his wife with a wrench and broke her jaw? Of course not!

Our country has a problem. You say can "Hey, other countries have it worse", but that doesn't make our problem go away. The only thing that will make the problem go away is if people vote out the control freaks who caused it in the first place.
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Chip said:
alterdimension said:
I wasn't aware of that. Still, its still better than china or russia who have no rights to begin with, a rulthless ex kgb war mongerer for a leader, or a dictatorship that caused people to mow down homes for the building of the olympic stadium. We complain alot about our country but there are lots of people in third world countries or under opression that wish they could live in the good ole united states. Lets no be shortsided or complain too much. There are worse places in the world than this country.

That is the laziest excuse I've ever heard. If I smack my girlfriend around and give her a black eye, is it all OK because my neighbor hit his wife with a wrench and broke her jaw? Of course not!

Our country has a problem. You say can "Hey, other countries have it worse", but that doesn't make our problem go away. The only thing that will make the problem go away is if people vote out the control freaks who caused it in the first place.

What I said is not lame. Sure this place has problems but yelling about it wont fix a thing.
classy, real real classy <_<
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alterdimension said:
Chip said:
alterdimension said:
I wasn't aware of that. Still, its still better than china or russia who have no rights to begin with, a rulthless ex kgb war mongerer for a leader, or a dictatorship that caused people to mow down homes for the building of the olympic stadium. We complain alot about our country but there are lots of people in third world countries or under opression that wish they could live in the good ole united states. Lets no be shortsided or complain too much. There are worse places in the world than this country.

That is the laziest excuse I've ever heard. If I smack my girlfriend around and give her a black eye, is it all OK because my neighbor hit his wife with a wrench and broke her jaw? Of course not!

Our country has a problem. You say can "Hey, other countries have it worse", but that doesn't make our problem go away. The only thing that will make the problem go away is if people vote out the control freaks who caused it in the first place.

What I said is not lame. Sure this place has problems but yelling about it wont fix a thing.
classy, real real classy <_<

Ignoring our problems and saying that other countries have it worse isn't going to fix a thing. There's always room for improvement, and this country is in dire need of some.
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DaveC said:
alterdimension said:
I wasn't aware of that. Still, its still better than china or russia who have no rights to begin with, a rulthless ex kgb war mongerer for a leader, or a dictatorship that caused people to mow down homes for the building of the olympic stadium. We complain alot about our country but there are lots of people in third world countries or under opression that wish they could live in the good ole united states. Lets no be shortsided or complain too much. There are worse places in the world than this country.
Well there are worse places but we are headed the wrong direction. How soon before we become like China? Remember Rome? It destroyed itself from the inside. We are doing that now.

There are also much better places. Europe and Asia is kicking the US's ass. They are leading in science, healthcare, education, technology, industry, etc.

"We used to be a contendah"

Now all of our money and resources go to a bogus occupation in Iraq, to bail out greedy bastards on Wall street, to the military industrial complex (Haliburton, KBR, Bechtel etc) and for tax breaks for the rich and oil companies. I hate to sound like an ad, but we really do need change, and soon.
jmetal88 said:
I have completely stopped caring about politics. I was mildly interested for a while, but I'm not really any more. I don't think I'll register to vote any time soon. I just wish there were an easier way to immigrate to Canada, legally that is. I only live 4 hours away from Winnipeg, so it wouldn't be that difficult physically.
I know how you feel. I hate politics. I don't want to care. It is a big waste of time following all of this crap. But now considering what is going on we almost HAVE to pay attention and care and VOTE. I really feel this could be the most important election in the history of the US.

Republicans are no longer "conservative" (the old Republican party had some great presidents), the party has been taken over by the neoconservative movement. A good article below by a TRUE conservative:

If the neocons retain control, I think it is over for democracy here as we know it.

I have been a republican for 20 years, but you can rest assured I won't be voting for McCain-Palin. The Neocons have destroyed the GOP. Bush is by far the worst president in my lifetime and probably of the entire 20th century. The Bush's are rotten people. Prescott Bush was supplying the Germans with additives for their oil for their planes in WW2 and was charged with the trading with the enemy act. Bush sr was a lame duck president, but it took his son to really fuck things up. Well, much of the credit goes to Cheney. I don't think Obama is going to undo any of the damage that Bush has done, particularly in the area of civil rights. The police now have far too much power. They get away with just about everything they do, even with video taped evidence. You would think with youtube being filled with videos of police brutality that police departments would be being super cautious. It's the exact opposite. Anyone watch COPS lately? The police violence they show is outrageous and that's the stuff they let them show. Imagine what gets cut. Besides this, America is heading straight into a brick wall financially. They even have a new money system set up for when the dollar falls. It's called the Amero. There's even a wikipedia page on it. A proposed new money for the US, Mexico and Canada which they are trying to bring together under 1 government. Bush has signed executive orders allowing him or any future president to suspend elections and take dictatorial powers over the US. There is another one allowing you to be put on a work detail and sent anywhere in the US against your will. You can now be held without charge or council indefinitely (for life). There are FEMA detention camps all over the US, I'm not 100% sure on this one, but the evidence seems to point that way.

To take the attitude that "hey there are worse places we could be", or "It is so much worse in [insert country here]" is crazy. We have a constitution which is supposed to restrain government and secure civil liberties for the people and it is being undermined. We can no longer ask for redress from the government as was shown in the petition for redress in reference to the IRS and the We The People foundation, who simply want to be show the law saying you have to pay a tax on your labor. The law doesn't exist and so the supreme court will not hear the people's request for redress. You can read more about that on the We The People's website. If you have freedoms that you can't invoke, then what good are they? Even first amendment rights are being stomped on. Also, there is no longer any "RIGHT" to privacy. If the government can wiretap your phone, residence, vehicle. business, email or any other form of communication without a court order, then do you have any right to privacy? No, you have privacy when they don't feel like listening. Up until the Bush administration, if the gov tapped your phone without a warrant, they couldn't introduce it as evidence in a trial, so you really did have privacy, because your rights could be invoked. Now you can't invoke the right, it's gone. If they can take your gun at any time, do you have the RIGHT to have it? Nope! Excessive bail and fines were gone years ago.

We used to be the most free country in the world. People risked everything they had to come here and get a fresh start in the land of the free and opportunity. Think about it, people were willing to leave their family, friends and everything they had to come to America, so strong was the promise. Now, only someone from a 3rd world country would want to come here. I personally want to leave, but ties to my family are too strong. It may be better than China, but we've fallen a long, long way.


alterdimension said:
Chip said:
alterdimension said:
I wasn't aware of that. Still, its still better than china or russia who have no rights to begin with, a rulthless ex kgb war mongerer for a leader, or a dictatorship that caused people to mow down homes for the building of the olympic stadium. We complain alot about our country but there are lots of people in third world countries or under opression that wish they could live in the good ole united states. Lets no be shortsided or complain too much. There are worse places in the world than this country.

That is the laziest excuse I've ever heard. If I smack my girlfriend around and give her a black eye, is it all OK because my neighbor hit his wife with a wrench and broke her jaw? Of course not!

Our country has a problem. You say can "Hey, other countries have it worse", but that doesn't make our problem go away. The only thing that will make the problem go away is if people vote out the control freaks who caused it in the first place.

What I said is not lame. Sure this place has problems but yelling about it wont fix a thing.
classy, real real classy <_<

I don't want to sound rude, but yes it is. Being content because other people have it worse off is a formula for disaster. So what, you wait until we are China before doing anything about it? By then it's too late.

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christo930 said:
We used to be the most free country in the world. People risked everything they had to come here and get a fresh start in the land of the free and opportunity. Think about it, people were willing to leave their family, friends and everything they had to come to America, so strong was the promise. Now, only someone from a 3rd world country would want to come here. I personally want to leave, but ties to my family are too strong. It may be better than China, but we've fallen a long, long way.
At a local restaurant I go to, there's this nice Iranian guy who knows us. We've spoken many times about world issues. He mentioned that back in 1970-ish, he married an American friend to obtain citizenship here. Now, following a trip back to Iran to visit his siblings, he wants to leave. He said he can't though, because of his children, who are Americanized.

How sad is this? When a man wants to return to the middle east after being a citizen here for over 30 years? You know there's a problem.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
christo930 said:
We used to be the most free country in the world. People risked everything they had to come here and get a fresh start in the land of the free and opportunity. Think about it, people were willing to leave their family, friends and everything they had to come to America, so strong was the promise. Now, only someone from a 3rd world country would want to come here. I personally want to leave, but ties to my family are too strong. It may be better than China, but we've fallen a long, long way.
At a local restaurant I go to, there's this nice Iranian guy who knows us. We've spoken many times about world issues. He mentioned that back in 1970-ish, he married an American friend to obtain citizenship here. Now, following a trip back to Iran to visit his siblings, he wants to leave. He said he can't though, because of his children, who are Americanized.

How sad is this? When a man wants to return to the middle east after being a citizen here for over 30 years? You know there's a problem.

Thats one man's opinion not every american feels that way. You've told me about how bad the country is, how sad it is and depressing, and indeed i admit we have a lot of problems and we desperatly need fixing, like social security, wall street, recession, people's 401k, and thats enough to make anybody depressed but have a little pride in the united states. We've had bad situations before and we've rebounded. :D
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I was watching the news and today was the worst stock day ever. It seems to me that a second depression worst than the first may be eminent. Any thoughts? :o