Nihilistic Mystic
I think that is sorta what happened.You don't redesign the case for a product that's end of life.
Also, mine is not near the end of life. It is around infancy or early childhood. If all goes well (no SIDS) it has decades to go.
You are not alone in your desire for this.I requested this as a feature for Pyra a while back ... ED never commented though... I do hope it is considered and for metal cased Pyra would be even nicer touchA metal stylus with plastic tip and screwdriver on the back = win!You could always secrete a screwdriver of a suitable type into the stylus head?I feel this to be a better solution for most situations. Obviously, it makes pulling the battery if required, or swapping between batteries, a bit more difficult. To me the loss of those for the benefit of not breaking plastic pieces off and needing to tape the battery cover on, and improved strength, is a decent compromise (plus, I usually have a screwdriver nearby, or on me).The battery compartment can't clip, for example, we need to hold it with screws.