Just some news on "AI":
- Don't rub the AI the wrong way when vibe coding.
Cursor AI tells user, "I cannot generate code for you, as that would be completing your work."
When the AI wants to work, it still fails 60% of the queries (when used for looking for news in a search engine)
- AI marketing sells
"PhD level" assistants, for "only" $20000 USD / month
Now, wasn't AI all about machines working for us :
- without going on strike or vacation or off the weekend
- perfect and precise
- for free or very cheap
I guess that's why they use AI for hiring employees, that's the best way to get employees incompetent enough that when you replace them with AI assistants nobody will notice...
Must be that I don't have a PhD, because it just doesn't add up for me...
Not sure if I should drop this in the Communication Cube or something, but I'm not feeling like discussing it seriously at all...
I'm happy with this post being deleted or moved, as long as this is done by a
human moderator. I must be feeling speciecist or just spicy or something.
I don't really have anything against AI as a field of research, and even if neural nets are not my thing, I think they may be useful,
but if you don't despise AI marketing, you're just not imitating humans well enough.
Sleep nicely.