Absurdism corner


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I stumbled on this while watching a colleague using File Explorer on Windows...
he always had issues with files and I never understood the cause until I saw him using constantly CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y during wrong moving / copying operations ...
I was astonished !! I never ever thought that such functions were implemented there, it was impossible to manage those operations in a "secure way" ...
I warned him to NEVER EVER use those commands again in File Explorer... but he wasn't convinced ...

After some try I came up with two pretty funny situations:

Ghost move of a file
  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Create 2 folders
  3. Put a file in folder 1
  4. Cut the file
  5. Paste the file in folder 2
  6. Close File Explorer
  7. Press WIN+D (or minimize all the windows to return to the desktop)
  8. CTRL+Z

The file will return to folder 1 without you seeing it.


Delete a file on File Explorer using UNDO
  • Create a file
  • Create a subfolder
  • Copy the previous file in the subfolder
  • Copy the file in the subfolder and overwrite it to the original one
  • CTRL+Z (The original file will disappear)
  • CTRL+Z (The copy in the subfolder will disappear)
  • Optional: CTRL+Y (will just be unable to recover the files... those are not even in the bin...)
Enjoy !! This works even with files without delete permission (but the write permission is needed).
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This reminds me of a joke by Eugenio.
But I don't know whether the translation (or even the transcription) can be fun, it's much about how he told them...

Have your heard the joke about a man who enters the post office to send a telegram ?
- What text will you send ?
- Please write:
"Badoum badoum.
Badoum badoum badoum."
- Look, for the same price you could add another word.
- But I wouldn't know what to add.
- How about adding another "badoum"?
- No way! It wouldn't look proper at all !
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This PCB got a typo on it. Instead of Warning it states Waring:

I guess they spotted the mistake themselves and sendout PCB's with the warning sticker overlapping the text on the PCB:

btw. if you have this computer, the coin-battery used in these systems are cheap and half-full/empty. You can open the plastic packaging and switch the CR2032 battery in it.
With an empty battery the system appears totally dead and won't even show the power LED.
Yeah, too much waring as if historry hadn't warned us enough.
But the PCB text is also rotated, so if they changed the silkscreen they could as well have corrected the spelling, couldn't they ?
Look at the orientation of the AHWSA_MB label.
By the way putting a sticker over the PCB version number is a bad idea.
The white rectangle surrounding the warning sticker is also missing in the second PCB.