Absurdism corner


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To the left of the shuttlecock. Although in all likelihood this image has been created using pattern recognition in a computer, a la deep dream, and the computer mistook a moorhen for a black lab with a shuttlecock. Because in reality either the lab was hanging about in the water while the moorhens swam up and didn't smell it, or it just jumped in but somehow didn't manage to startle the waterfowl.
It's considerate of some people to put water aside for thirsty animals. In the bible, it says, there was a time when animals could speak. It does NOT say they could READ....

Here is a "talking dog" example:

And here's a more dry (but very interesting) analysis on the language evolution in Prariedogs, where the need arises to describe hunters, for example. Makes you think:
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Hmm, I though I had followed the link from someone else who posted it here, but enjoy this piece of futurology (creepypasta horror fiction; but a good one, I promise): It's set in the future, when they managed to do a braindump and then manipulate the dump. (note the use of 2 months in the article)

But somehow this seems more creepy after reading the first:
